Chapter - 11

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We returned back day before yesterday. I went to shopping along with baby girl and came back in the evening. The Anuhya left after that I tried talking to them many times but they avoided that topic so I left talking about her. After few days Aarav started behaving weirdly because he use to spend most of the time with me, use to accompany me everywhere I go. Now he is not even leaving me single second he sees me with different emotions which I can't put my finger on it. He is going possessive about me. I still remember the day when we were staying in hotel with our parents.


I was standing in garden enjoying evening weather when a boy in his twenties approached me and tried to flirt with me.

"Hi beautiful. My name is Mark. What's your name?" He asked me.

"Its none of your business Mr. Mark." I replied avoiding him.

"So angry. Then I should call you angry bird." He replied.

"See Mark I'm not interested in you. So you better leave from here." I warned him and turned backwards to leave.

"Oh I don't mind but you can enjoy with me you know." He said  while grabbing my arm.

Next minute he was on the ground shouting in pain because someone kicked him in his groin from backside I was shocked. When I saw the person I immediately hugged him.

"Stay away from my girl." He warned him and he was still doing that but my mind was struck at one word that is "my girl"

"Sam are you okay?"  He asked checking me from top to bottom to see any wound that was caused by that Mark.

"No Aarav I'm fine." I assured with smile on my lips.

"Why did you come alone here? You could ask any one of us to accompany you? Why are you careless?" He yelled at me.

"I'm sorry. But why are you being possessive about me ?" I asked him out of curiosity seeing him like that.

"I'm possessive about you from childhood if you remember?" He answered  and I smiled.

My trance got broke by phone call and seeing caller I'd my lips broke in smile.

"Hello Aarav." I greeted him.

"Hello Sam. Are you free in the evening?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm free but do you have any work?" I asked him.

"Can you accompany me in shopping?"  He asked.

"Sure. Arjun and Riya also are accompanying us?" I asked.

"No they are going on a date. So only we two are going. " he replied.

Suddenly I became nervous because now a days the way our bond is growing and turning I'm getting flustered easily around him. My trance got broke by his voice.

"Sam Sam are you there?" He questioned.

"Yeah yeah sure I will come." I replied.

"Okay I will pick you around 5:00 and then we will do shopping later we can have dinner then I will drop you at home. Are you okay with it?" He asked.

"Sure Aarav. I will be ready by 5:00. Bye see you in the evening." I said.

"Bye Sam." He said and hung up.


I was ready in short knee length frock with loose hair. I was applying eye line when door bell rang and before I can attend it kamala kaki(servant) opened it and in came Aarav in his kaki shorts with plain blue T-shirt.

"Hi Aarav." I greeted him when he entered my room.
"Hi Sam. You're looking beautiful." He said pulling me through my waist.

"What what ar.... are you doing?" I asked stuttered.

"Nothing much I'm just complementing you." He said.

And moved back while my cheeks turned red due to his close proximity.

"Shall we go?" He asked chuckling.

I nodded because I was not finding my voice to answer him.

"By the way nice room Sam you have made good changes in last 8 months." He said.

"Thanks Aarav." I replied finding my voice back.

He nodded and moved towards entrance. I made changes in my room he last visited it before our high school final year starting in vacation holidays.

"Bye Mumma and baby girl. See you at night." I said kissing my mom and Jiya''s  cheek who were sitting at hall watching movie.

"Bye princess and Aarav,  be careful while driving have a good evening." Mom said.

"Sure aunty bye." Aarav replied before going back to get car to front gate from parking.

"Bye sissy." Jiya replied still her eyes glued to TV screen.

I left house and went towards car. I hope this shopping doesn't bring many changes in our bonding because there are many changes till now for which still I can't cope up with.

"Shall we go Sam?" Aarav asked igniting the car.

"Yeah Aarav." I replied and car roared to life.

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