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Samira’s p.o.v:

Today is our first day to our new semester of our last year. I’m excited to go. Meanwhile Mom came to my room.

“Good morning princess. Are you ready to complete your high school?” mom asked me.

“Yes Mom. I’m excited.” I said.

“Are you going with Amar and Alisha? Or With Aarav, Arjun and Riya?” Mom asked me.

“We all are going in one car. Actually Aarav brought new car so that we all can go.” I replied.

“That’s good then are you taking Jiya and Sara along with you?” Mom asked.

“I don’t know about Sara but I’m taking baby girl (Jiya) with me. I will drop and pick her up this semester like old times.” I answered her.

“Okay then come down in five breakfasts will be ready.” Mom said and went away.

I went to Jiya’s room to take her down for breakfast. But when I opened her room I busted out laughing because due to nervousness she was pacing her room up and down and it is unusual of her.

“What happened baby girl?” I asked her.

“Di I’m nervous to go because I should meet Sanskar and I don’t know how to face him.” She replied.

“Baby girl don’t worry I’m there with you alright? Now come on we are getting late. Aarav and everyone must be here any moment.” I said trying to ease her nervousness.

“Okay.” She replied and we went down.

We were having our breakfast when bell rang, kamala kaki (servant) went and opened door and Aarav along with others came into view.

“Good morning everyone.” They greeted in union.

“Good morning everyone.” We greeted them.

“Everyone come and have your breakfast.” Mom offered them.

“No aunty we already had.” Arjun along with Amar, Alisha and Riya replied.

“Okay. What about you Aarav?” Mom asked him.

“I too had but you made chocolate cupcakes, so I’ll have it once again.” He replied and started munching them.

“Mom how can you think he will say no to food?” I teased him as he was big foodie.

“Sam doesn’t go on my food if not you’ll regret it.” He warned me still eating.

“What will you do?” I asked him raising my eyebrows.

“You’ll see.” He replied shortly.

“Okay you both stop. You’re getting late for school.” Mom remained us.

“Bye Mom.” I and Jiya greeted her before leaving kissing her either cheek as dad is on some business trip. We talked him yesterday and he greeted us over phone.


We reached the school in our car and parked it. We then entered the cafeteria. Took our seats Jiya and Sara were also with us they had 20 mins before their class starts. I started searching for Anuhya but I couldn’t find her.

“Whom are you searching Sammy?” Alisha asked me.

“ one.” I replied stuttering to her because once we had an argument on this topic before school starting it pretty badly.

“Then why are you stuttering?” She asked me again.

“Nothing.” I replied.

“I know Sammy you’re searching for her but better you don’t because you always wanted Aarav and he is here so you better leave her for herself.” Alisha suggested.

“Yeah you’re right.” I replied smiling.

Then I caught sight of Sanskar. He was looking Jiya continuously and she was squirming in her chair beside me.
“Sanskar?” I called him authority.

“Yes Di.” He said nervousness evident in his voice.

“Do you like my sister?” I asked him directly and his ears turned light pink.

“Yes I like her a lot.” He replied.

“Okay but I want you two to be just friends not anymore than that. Do you understand because you’re not age of boyfriend and girlfriend.” I warned him strictly.

“No problem di first we will be friends then if possible we will go to next level.” He replied relief evident in his tone.

“Do not try to harm my sister you will see worst side of me. Do you understand?” I asked him.

“I will not harm her.” He said and i can find honesty in his voice.

“Now you can take her.” I said and Jiya looked at me with happiness for making it easy to her.

“Thank you Di.” They said and while going Jiya gave me a grateful hug and went with him.

“You know Sam I feel proud of you by the way you handle every situation.” Aarav said and kissed my cheek in front of whole cafeteria. I was transfixed at my place.

“Aarav not bad day by day you’re turning Sammy into red more than the tomato red.” Alisha said and everyone laughed.

“Shut up guys.” I said and they laughed even more where Aarav was giving me his famous smirk for his effect on me.

“Hello baby doll.” Someone said hugging from me back and I was beaming with happiness.

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