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The most beautiful dream I ever had in my life is when I loved you.


Anuhya was back but that didn't shock me the fact was she was hugging Aarav but he was not reacting the way I thought he will. I don't at present how I'm looking but I can say I might look might a alien. My trance got broke Alisha.

"Sammy stop glaring her. If looks could kill she will be already dead."She said.

"I'm not glaring her."I defended myself.

"Yeah pigs could fly." She said.

"Alisha stop fussing with me." I said.

"Sammy stop he is over with her. So stop worrying." Amar said.

Our conversation came to halt by Anuhya's voice.

"I'm sorry Aarav. Please forgive me." She pleaded.

"Sorry. I don't want to give. So Anuhya leave now." He said coldly. And I was surprised at his answer.

"Aarav I know I did wrong that doesn't mean you will" She said

"You broke up with me Anuhya so don't expect me to forgive you just leave." He said went from there and I was stunned by his response towards her. I ran back of him saying today we both will not attend classes.

"Aarav wait where are you going?" I asked him, running back of him.

"Sam just leave me alone>" He said in harsh tone and I flinched, he noticed it and apologised.

"I'm sorry Sam." He said hugging me.

"Let's go to our place Aarav." I said and he nodded.

We reached park where we first met. That is where we share everything in our life.

"Aarav I think you should share everything so that you could feel free from pain." I said trying to sooth him.

"You remember that day when we were on yacht and we fought then she broke up?" He asked me and I nodded.

Flashback: (Aarav's p.o.v)

We were in room playing truth or dare. We in the sense me, Arjun, Riya and Anuhya. We spanned the bottle it stopped on me.

"Aarav what will you take truth or dare?" Anuhya asked me.

"Dare." I replied.

"Okay so your dare is that you should play a game with Samira?" She said and I looked at her seriously.

"And what is that?" I asked her.

"You should make her fall in love with you and then dump her." The moment the words left her I slapped her. Arjun, Riya and Anuhya were stunned and shocked.

"Just shut up Anu. What do you think of yourself?" I shouted at her.

"But Aarav it is just a game. You don't worry."Riya supported her.

"Aarav you say you love me then why can't you do this for me." She shouted at me.

"She is my friend. How can I do that with her?" I asked her helplessly.

"I know now you started loving her that is the reason you are denying me." She shouted at me. Now I was frustrated.

Meanwhile she was moving out of room. I followed her out meanwhile Amar, Alisha, Samira, Sara and Jia came out listening to commotion.

"No Anuhya....." I started.

"What is it? Aarav?" She shouted.

"It isn't what you think?" I said in sorrowful tone.

"What isn't?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"That you're innocent" That you didn't try to destroy my reputation? What isn't true Aarav?"

"Everything. Nothing is true. Believe me." I pleaded and i was shocked because till today I didn't even do that in front of Samira.

"Let's Break up Aarav." She said and I was shocked.

"Break up? You want to break up? Really?" I asked her.

"Yes I break up with you." She said now I was really pissed off.

"Alright if you want to do it. I too can't keep trying to prove myself innocent every time. Good bye forever.


My trance got broke by Sam's voice.

"Aarav if you don't want to tell me it's okay." She said disappointment clear in her voice.

"Nothing like that Sunshine I just want sometime to share." I said hiding the truth.

I know hiding truth for long time may harm our relation but at present that is what good for us I feel like that.

BROKEN BY HIM ✔Where stories live. Discover now