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Samira's p.o.v:


"Come on Princess, wake up." My Mom's sweet voice woke me up from sleep.

"Mom, I'm up. I'll get ready in 15 mins, make breakfast. Today I have important class." I said.

As I was moving towards washroom. Mom stopped me.

"Princess, is everything alright? Since last 3 months you became silent, started going to clg alone and even you started driving car by yourself." Mom questioned me.

"Mom I know you're worrying about me. It's nothing. actually Arjun and Riya are in a relationship. Aarav is busy in his own life." I said.

"Okay. But from childhood you four were inseparable. It's so hard to digest that you are not going together." Mom said.

"Mom I'm fine all alone and now I found my passion as well as my dream to achieve." I said.

"Okay princess. Now go get ready and come down. You'll be late." Mom said. I nodded and she went downstairs.

Mom you're right everything has changed in these three months. I came to know Arjun, Riya were never my friends and Aarav, he is busy in dating Anuhya. He is too much involved, too much obsessed that he totally forgot me. And about me going alone in my I have a reason for that as well.

After a month of college first day and 3 months ago from present :

While I was getting ready for school I got call from Aarav.

"Hello Sam today after picking up Riya and Arjun we should go to Anu's house to pick her. So if you don't have problem..........." he trailed off.

"It's OK Aarav I'll come in dad's car. No problem you people carry-on." I said.

"Thanks Sam." He said.

"No mention." I said.

"We'll wait for you in canteen. Come fast." He said.

"Okay I will reach within 30 mins." I said and hung up.

When he said that he can't pick me up today, I felt disappointed but when he said he will wait for me, I felt happy that he still cares for me. But I was wrong because when I reached school the scene in front of me made me to think otherwise.

They were sitting in canteen and gossiping about me.

"Yaar Aarav will Sam come or not?" Arjun asked him.

"I don't know Arjun I said we will be waiting for her here. Maybe she will not come today." He said.

"Yeah Arjun because she doesn't know driving and her father is out of country for one week." Riya replied.

"What? She doesn't know driving? I learned last year and I got my license too." Anuhya said fanning herself.

"Yeah we too got license last year itself." Riya said.

"Okay guys we are getting late. Come on let's go to class." Aarav said avoiding further conversation.


Three months passed quickly. In these three months Alisha and Amar became more close to me. So while going to school I'm taking them along with me. My thoughts were interrupted by Alisha.

"Sammy where are you lost from morning we see you're frequently zoning out." She asked me.

"Nothing. It's just that I'm thinking how fastly everything changes in one's life." I replied looking towards Aarav who was sitting facing his back towards me.

"Don't worry Sammy everything will be alright." She assured me.

"I hope so." I replied and we went towards car to go home as today there were no afternoon classes.

When I opened my car door someone closed it with such a force that I jumped from my place being scared.

"What the hell?" I shouted at that person without seeing who is that.

"That we should ask Sam." He replied and I recognized that voice immediately.

"I'm sorry Aarav its just that I was frustrated." I said.

"Why are you avoiding us from last three months?" He asked directly.

"No I'm not." I replied as I was ANNOYED. And went away.

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