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Samira's p.o.v:

It has been one week that Aarav and I went to Amusement park where I enjoyed every minute I spent with him.  I will cherish those memories throughout my life. From next day everyone started teasing us. It has been 4 months but still they doesn't talk about the issue that happened with Anuhya and I'm starting to worry more about Aarav because he is behaving differently. My trance got broke by car horn.

"Maira come fast we are getting late, also we should pick up everyone from their stops." Aarav shouted from car.
Yes he is picking me from my home along with my sister once again from   semester starting.

"Coming Aarav, two mins." I shouted running around hall taking my things at last minute.

"Good morning Aarav, Sara." I said entering front seat.

"Good morning Sara, Aarav." Jiya said.

"Good morning ladies." Aarav greeted us along with Sara.

After that we went to Arjun's house to pick him up along with Riya then we went to Starlight Cafe to pickup Alisha and Amar from there. We all trashed school after 20 mins. We entered inside and went towards our class while Sara and Jiya parted ways at entrance to attend their classes.

"Well what do you think today first class will be Sammy?" Ishu asked as we were taking our seats at front two rows.

"Well yesterday we had biological science, so today I think we will have Literature." I replied.

"Well Amar tell me how is your search going for institutes which provides best education for CA, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND LAW?" I asked.

"Well Sammy at present I didn't find any appropriate institute for them but I think by the time we will complete high school we will have a list." He said and I nodded.

"Aarav do you three still want to take a break of one year before you start your education?" I asked.

"Sam I and Arjun want to take a break but maybe we will change it by end of high school." Riya answered.

"Aarav what about you then?" Ishu asked while he was in deep thought.

"I don't know at present I'm conflicted about taking decision but by the end of of exams I will take a decision." He said and we all nodded.

Meanwhile our literature teacher Miss. Jessica entered class and we all became silent. Later that day we all had only 4 classes along with Jiya and Sara. So at present we are in canteen thinking what we should do till 6:00 in evening.

"Why don't we all watch movie at cinema theater?" Sara asked.

"Yeah its a nice idea but I think we should invite bhai, Sanskar and Sanjay too." I replied.

"Okay along with Jiya, we will go and invite them both." Sara said and they both went to find both the boys.

"Okay I will contact bhai." I said taking out my Mobile.

"Hello bhai." I said.

"Hello princess, how are you? And what's up?" He asked.

"I'm fine bhai actually I called you to ask are you free for remaining day?" I asked.

"Yes princess I'm fine but for what?" He asked.

"Bhai we all decided to watch movie I called you to ask will accompany us?" I said.

"Oh fine I will be at theater by 45 mins and meet you there okay?" He asked.

"Okay bhai. Bye." I replied and hung up.

"Bhai said he will meet us there a in 45mins." I said meanwhile Sanjay and Sanskar also said yes.

So we all reached theater in 40 mins and we watched movie by the time it came end we were starving so we decided to have snacks at MacDonald's. Everyone placed their order.

"So guys this all you want right because I'm going to go and place the order." He said and we all nodded.

Meanwhile my phone started ringing so I stood to move out so I didn't see Aarav coming my way and we both crashed down.

He was on top of me my heartbeat started to rise rapidly he was coming too close to my lips, it was like we are in a trance he was near his lips were mere inches away from mine. We came out our trance by bhai's voice. Heat crawled at back of my neck turning me into tomato red.

"Are you both fine?" He asked.

"We are fine bhai." Aarav replied and I just nodded my head not trusting my voice to betray me.

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