Chapter - 14(A)

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I woke up at 3:00 in noon. I got ready by 4:58 in yellow summer dress with open hair and wore diamond studs with bracelet on left hand with matching yellow sandals. Meanwhile bell rang and kamala kaki attended to it. Aarav came in my room later. I gave him a smile looking through mirror and he returned looking intensely at me.

“Hi Aarav.” I greeted him.

But I didn’t get reply. I snapped my fingers in front of his face. He came out of his trance.

“You’re looking beautiful.” He complimented me and I blushed listening to it.

“Than—thank you.” I replied composing myself.

“Okay shall we leave?” he asked.

“Okay.” I said and we went downstairs to see baby girl also woke up.

“Baby girl be safe. Mom and Dad will return in an hour. I will return by dinner time.” I said kissing her fore head.

“Okay be safe you too and bye.” She said and turned to Aarav

“Bye Aarav bhai and bring my sister safely.” She warned him smilingly.

“Sure your highness.” He replied.

And we busted out laughingly. We went her bidding bye once again. We reached park and sat there in silence it was a comfortable one.

“Aarav tell me one thing did we come here just to sit in silence or what?” I asked him.

“You remember this where we first met when we were in 3rd grade, I was sitting here and crying because no one was playing with me then you came made me your friend?” he asked me.

“I do remember Aarav it was one of the best day of my life.” I replied him smiling at the memory.

“You know Sunshine I feel the same too.” He replied.

“Aarav why did you start calling me Sunshine so suddenly?” I asked him the question which was bugging me from a long time.

“Because you are Sunshine the light of my life.” He replied looking intensely in my eyes.

“I’m sorry Samira. I shouldn’t have ignored you in last 8 months. It was my mistake but still I blamed you for scoring high marks, for ignoring us but in reality we should be blamed.” He apologised while his eyed turned moist.

“It’s okay Aarav you realized your mistake that’s enough for me. Now promise me you’ll not do it again.” I asked.

“Promise.” He said.

“Do you feel comfortable with Amar and Alisha?” he asked suddenly out of blue.

“Yeah I feel comfortable with them the way I feel with you people but still it amazes me that I became comfortable with them in short span of time.” I replied.

“Okay from tomorrow we all can go in one car then. Invite them too. If they are your friends then mine also.” He said.

“Okay but why are you talking about them because you don’t like people who come on scholarship right?” i asked him.

“Yeah I still do but i can see genuine love and friendship in their eyes for you so I don’t have problem.” He replied and i looked surprisingly at him. 

We sat there reminisced our childhood memories. Then I started playing with children. Later he dropped me at my around 8:00 and left. I had my dinner with family and went to my room. The way he is behaving like my boyfriend and like he is in love with me my heart flutters about that but still some where i feel something is wrong but I’m going to ignore it I can’t think anything about it because still our relationship doesn’t have any name before it was friends but now  he didn’t propose me to be his girlfriend so I can’t keep my hopes up. Tomorrow our new semester of our last year high school is starting. I’m excited to complete this semester because I’m going to enter in university. This was last thought in my mind before drifting to sleep.

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