Chapter - 12

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We reached In orbit Mall. First we went gents section to buy his dresses. He started selecting everything from casuals to party wear, 3peice tux to blazers but what annoyed me is he selected everything only in black and maroon.

“Aarav what are you doing?” I asked him.

“What happened Sam?” He asked me puzzled.

“Why are you selecting everything in black and maroon?” I questioned him annoyingly.

“So What? I like those colours.” He replied shrugging his shoulders.

“Are you mad Aarav? You don’t even know how to shop? What you did last time When you went for shopping while we went for trip?” I questioned him.

“Mom brought me clothes that time. And if you know how to shop Why don’t you select for me?” he questioned getting pissed off.

“Okay go and wait outside i will complete your shopping within 15 mins and come.” I said.

“ You will do boys shopping and that to within 15 mins. You must be joking?” he replied laughing.

“Are you challenging me Mr. Aarav Agarwal?” I asked him challengingly.

“Yes I’m challenging and if you win whatever you will ask, I will give you.” He said.

“Challenge accepted Aarav.” I replied smiling at him sweetly.

He just shook his head and left from there and I started selecting his dresses with different colour combinations which suits him mostly with white and blue because it suits his skin colours. Within 15 mins I completed went ahead and saw him standing with shocked expression.

“What happened Aarav?” I asked him controlling my laugh.

“You really completed shopping within 15 mins!!!!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah. So I win the challenge.” I replied with victorious smirk.

“Okay ask whatever you want?” he said.

“Not now but when I want I will ask you. Promise me you will fulfil it.” I asked him.

“Okay promise. Now come its now your turn for shopping.” He said dragging me.

“No Aarav my shopping is already completed.” I said.

“ But I want to buy something for you because it has been many days that I gave you something.” He said.

“Okay get whatever you want. I will accept it.” I said.

“Okay you just stay here.” He said.

It has been 15 mins he went still I can’t see him anywhere. I’m getting annoyed sitting at one place and if he will not come within few mins I’m leaving him here going I thought. My trance got broke by a hand on my shoulder. I turned back and saw him  giving me apologetic looks.

“Sorry Sam I was struck with a phone call.” He apologised.

"Where is my gift?" I asked him.

"Here it is but you should open this when I will tell. Promise." He said.

"Okay promise." I said.

"I'm sorry Sam, I know you're eager to open your gift but I want you to open it special day." He said.

“It’s okay shall we leave. I’m starving.” I said.

“Okay let’s have dinner at your favourite restaurant. What say?” he asked me.

“Okay.” I squealed.

We reached restaurant and placed our orders. After 10 mins our order has come and we started having it.

“Sam something has struck to your lips.” Aarav said while eating his food.

“Here!!” I said wiping my upper lip with napkin while he shook his head.

He took tissue from my head and he wiped with his fingers. The moment his fingers touched my lower lip jolts of shock passed through my spine. We both were so engrossed at looking in each others’ eyes that we forgot the world around us. Our moment was disturbed by a phone call. We were embarrassed to look at each other. To avoid further awkwardness I attended the call while Aarav paid the bill.

“Hello Mom.” I said.

“Where are you Princess?” mom asked me.

“Mom we will reach within 10mins.” I said and hung up.

“Shall we leave Sam?” Aarav asked and I nodded.

We reached home and I got down from passenger seat and turned around meanwhile Aarav came to my side.

"Good Night Sunshine." He said, kissing my cheek.

I stood there in daze by his gesture because it was first time after school he kissed me. In childhood he use to do that often while he left from there in his car.

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