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People will hold your hand through the darkness but then let go when they find the light.


Samira's p.o.v:

We were given semester holidays for two months as we've completed our first semester. Two more semesters to complete final year.

I was planning to go on a trip with everyone after my birthday which is tomorrow. I planned this trip 6 months ago to go with Aarav and everyone but not now.
Suddenly Alisha came into my room.

"Alisha what are you doing here?" I asked her surprised.

"I came here to talk with you about something important." She said.

"Yeah sure. Come have a seat." I said.

"What do you think about Amar?" She asked me.

"He is good. He is passionate to fulfill his dream. He treats me like a sister. Wait but why are you asking my opinion?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Hmm he asked me whether I want to be his girlfriend or not?" She said.

"What???" I shouted.

"Yeah, yesterday he took me out on a date and proposed to me." She said.

"What did you say?" I asked her.

"I said yes." She said smilingly.

"Its good. I trust him." I said and she nodded.

"What about you?" She asked me.

"I'm planning to go on a trip. If you don't have any problem you and Amar can join me." I said.

"I don't have a problem. I will come but I should ask Amar." She said.

"Sure you ask him and inform me." I said.

"Okay I should leave now. I will inform you by tonight." She said.

"Sure bye." I greeted her.

"Bye." She said.

I dropped her till door. When I was about to close it, I saw Aarav coming along with Anuhya, Arjun and Riya. So I opened the door.

"Hi. Please come in." I greeted them.

"Who is that princess?" Mom asked me from kitchen.

"Friends." I replied her.

"Princess shall I send you snacks and drinks?" She asked.

"Sure Mom." I replied.

Everyone got settled in on the couch in living room. Kamala tai, our maid, came with snacks and kept them on table. I thanked her.

"Thank you kamala tai." I said.

"It's okay beta." She said and went from there.

I turned towards them and they were looking at me as if I came from another planet. I ignored that because I was still pissed off with what happened a few days ago.

"How are you?" I  asked them.

"We are good." Came reply from Arjun.

"How come you all are here suddenly?" I asked them.

"Hmm... We are sorry for that day." They replied in whisper.

I was happy that atleast they realized their mistake.

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