Chapter - 14(B)

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Aarav’s p.o.v:

I met Samira when I was in 3rd grade. That was best day in my life because I got someone apart from my family to confide my problems. In these 9 years of friendship she was always there with me. I still remember the day I met her.

I was sitting at park in a bench crying because no one was playing with me. Then I heard an angelic voice greeting me.
“Hi” she said but i said nothing to her but still she remained in her place. She was my age.
“Don’t you want to talk?” she asked me.
“No one wants to play with me.” I said in small voice.
“I can play with you.” She replied, immediately I looked at her.
“But on one condition.” She said and I paled.
“You should accept me as your friend.” She said with a cute smile.
“Okay friends.” I said forwarding my hand.
“Friends. I’m Samira.” She introduced herself.
“I’m Aarav.” I replied shaking hands with her.


We both were inseparable later we met Arjun and Riya in 6th grade. Then we four became a gang. We used to never allow Sam spend time with others other than family and us. Mostly myself, I was quite possessive about her still I am. I still remember the day when we three I mean Arjun, Riya and myself warned Ajay our 10th classmate to stay away from Sam.

“Samira can I have your number?” Ajay asked her.

“Ajay I can’t give you my number. I’m sorry.” She replied apologetically. I was quite pissed off with that Ajay.

“How dare you Ajay?”Arjun roared.

“Arjun I’m just asking her number.” Ajay replied and next minute he was on floor because I landed a punch on his face. Sam was shell shocked.

“I thought you’re taking much time but here you’re.....” i was saying.

“But here Ajay is asking your number.” Riya said coming into picture.

“God you three are really obsessed with her.” Ajay said and left from there.

“What was that?” Sam asked us.

“Your time should always divided between family and us, not anyone else.” I said left from there.


From that day true to my words she never made new friends she always used to find time for us. She used to help us in every problem standing by us. It was same till last 8 months everything changed the day Anuhya Mehra entered our lives. The day I saw her I know that I got a huge crush on her. And for first time I neglected Sam in my life for Anuhya. I asked her to sit in other place where the place beside me always belonged to her and she didn’t deny.

“Sam, please will you sit in the other seat? Today Anu is sitting here?” I asked her and disappointment was seen in her eyes but she covered very quickly.

“Sure Aarav, no problem. I will adjust somewhere else.” She replied smilingly and went away.


On the same day she made two new friends Alisha and Amar. I was jealous because I feared they will take my place. In lunch same happened I requested her and she went sat with her new friends.
4 months passed in jiffy but one thing I came to know is Sam can drive a car in fact she is the one who got license first in our gang. Because 4 months before I called her informed to come some other means to school because I was going to pick up Anuhya and I also said we will wait for her in canteen. I remember the way Arjun and Riya along with Anuhya were making fun of her for not knowing how to drive a car so to avoid further discussion I cut them in middle and went to classes.

I was angry with Arjun and Riya for making fun of Sam because they know her from childhood but still they made fun of her. But I never intended to ignore her but it is the only thing happened. I waited for 4 months thinking that she will come and talk with me because i was not talking with her because that is what happened from childhood whenever we fought. But this time it never happened. So after 4months I confronted her in parking space.


I closed her car door with such a force that it scared hell out of her and she shouted.
“What the hell?”
“That we should ask Sam?” I replied angrily. I was frustrated because she was not talking with me so it was coming out in this way.
“I’m sorry Aarav. I was frustrated.” She replied. I ignored her answer.
“Why are you avoiding us from last 3 months?” i asked her.
“No I’m not.” She replied and went away.

I was hell angry on her I know actually we ignored her but still she can talk with me right because she knows me very well but still she went away meanwhile Anuhya and I were busy dating and Arjun and Riya also became a couple. After this incident she became closer Amar and Alisha and I was jealous of this. Later we got our first semester results of our last year. I scored 93% and Sam got 96% I was happy for her because as always she is topper of our gang.
We went to her house to have serious talk. We took uncle’s permission and she came down after dressing up and my breath hitched because she was in her shorts and tank top. We drove to cafe.

“Aarav what happened?” she asked me ignoring remaining three.

“Why are you avoiding us from last 5 months.” I asked her directly coming to the point.

“Aarav it was you guys who avoided me when Anuhya came along.” she said and I can see anger in her eyes.

When we accused her that she was jealous of our friendship and relationship.

“Enough is enough. You guys very well know what importance you have in my life.”  She said at verge of crying

“That is the reason you’re jealous.” I said and immediately seeing her moist eyes I realized I accused her blamed her even though I was at fault.

“Jealous my foot.” She shouted and went away.


Later we went to her house in holidays apologised to her but I didn’t wish her on her birthday like every year because I was feeling guilty that I hurt her and later we went on a trip to Italy I must she is a good planner because the way she planned our stay at beach and on cruise I was impressed with her skills. We enjoyed a lot on the trip but before our parents can arrive I had a fight with Anuhya and we broke up. Later Samira brought her topic but I ended the before we can talk. Then I started to notice her, her doings, talking eating everything precisely and I started liking her in other way.

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