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Samira's p.o.v:

Today we didn't have any classes as it was our first day. From morning Aarav was talking about that new girl continuously. I'm feeling annoyed.

"Aarav if you want you can talk to her." I snapped at him.

"Sam what if she doesn't like to talk with me?" He said.

I saw him as if he has three heads. Because no one can resist his charm. Every girl drools over him. My thoughts were interrupted by that new girl.

"Hi I'm Anuhya Mehra. Can I be your friend? I'm new here." She asked.

"Sure. I'm Aarav Agarwal, she is my childhood friend Samira Ahuliwalia and these two are Riya and Arjun." He introduced.

"Hello." We three said in union.

She smiled. As school was finished we left towards car parking. She is new and her driver didn't come till now.

"Anuhya if you don't mind we can drop you." Aarav said. From when did you became a gentleman Aarav? I thought mockingly.

"No problem. I can go by myself." She replied.

"Okay if you want from tomorrow we all can come and go together to school." He said and I was shocked.

Because from childhood he never allowed us to make new friends or he himself never made one and never ever allowed one to enter in group.

"Sam, if you don't mind can she join us?" He asked. I nodded and gave a fake smile.

We went away as soon as her car arrived. I know I shouldn't react this way, but still without asking me he invited her to join our gang. No, until the day he is my friend, I don't have any problem.

Next day:

As usual we went to our class and when I saw that my place was taken by Anuhya I couldn't do anything.

"Sam, please will you sit in the other seat? Today Anu is sitting here." He asked.

"Sure Aarav, no problem. I will adjust somewhere else." I said and went from there disappointed.

I sat alone on fourth bench when two new students entered our class and all the places were filled therefore they sat beside me.

"Hi I'm Alisha Garg. He is Amar Jha." She said.

"Hi, myself Samira Ahuliwalia. Nice to meet you." I greeted them.

"Me too." They said in unison.

"So you both know each other from long time?" I asked.

"No we just met in parking lot." Alisha replied.

"And we became friends." Amar replied.

"Oh so friends?" I asked and they nodded smilingly.

"But I have condition No Thanks and No sorry in friendship." I said.

"Sure we agree for your condition." They said and I smiled genuinely.

After we had classes until afternoon we went to the cafe for lunch. Anuhya once again took my place. I sat with my new friends and had my lunch.

After lunch we had two classes. Later we went to home.

"Mom you know today I made two new friends." I said excitedly.

"Good princess. I'm happy." Mom replied.

"Sis now a days you're changing into better." Jiya replied.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"I mean you're becoming intelligent day by day." She said.

"Jiya how dare you?" I shouted running back of her.

"Sis you can't catch me." She said.

We chased each other for 20 mins and later collapsed into the couch. We both burst out laughing. I love ti spend time with my baby sister.

"Princess, honey, freshen up and come for snacks." Mom said from kitchen.

"Yes Mom." We replied and headed towards our respective rooms.

During dinner dad said that he is going to start a new business. along with Aarav's father and some one else.

"Dad do you now think we are poor?" I asked sarcastically.

"Princess I know you don't want me to start a new business because we already have so many industries. But.." Dad was saying but I interrupted.

"Dad that's what I'm saying please don't start any new business." I pleaded.

"Okay as you wish princess." Dad said.

As dad knows that I have interest in business, he sometimes allows me to tell my opinion regarding it. No knows about this interest if mine other than my family.

"Thanks dad and good night everyone." I said and went to my room.

My last thought before drifting to sleep was that Aarav was changing since the time Anuhya arrived. He is not at behaving like my friend whom I knew since my childhood. And to say that I don't like the new Aarav or the B**** Anuhya who's interrupting my life and my friendship would be an understatement. I already hate her.

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