Chapter -13

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Next day I went to university along with baby girl to get our books for new semester. While coming we went to park where we use go in childhood to play and also where I first met Aarav.

“Sis you know today I’m very happy.” Baby girl said.

“Okay and why is it?” I asked her.

“Because you were distant with us for last 8 months. You were present with us but still we use to miss you, I wanted my old sister Who use tease me, irritate me but you buried yourself in studies and  Mom and Dad also used to miss you. Now we got back our real Samira.” She let her heart out.

I felt like I’m a bad sister and bad daughter. She was right I was like that in last 8 months. But the bond between us is like this only whatever is in our heart we will share openly. That is the reason Mom and Dad always approached other one when anyone of us use in problem.

“I’m sorry Baby girl. I promise I won’t repeat it. Now don’t cry okay.” I said.

“Okay. Now tell me what happened that you distanced yourself from everyone Sis.” She asked me.

“Actually Aarav, Riya and Arjun was ignored me. You know that we were inseparable from childhood. So i felt bad but now everything is alright.” I explained her briefly.

“You know sis I like your bond with them especially with Alisha sis and Amar bro. I mean you became friends in short span of time with them.” She said and i nodded.

“Okay now leave about me and tell about you. Anyone in college is disturbing you are Sara.” I asked her.

“Actually Mr. Sanjay Jha’s Son’s I mean twins proposed us to be their girlfriends.” She said being scared.

“You mean to say Sanjay and Sanskar proposed you people. And now you are telling me about this?” i asked her anger evident in my tone.

“Sis I know you’re angry with me but Sanskar is good person and still I didn’t accept his proposal.” She said and I felt relieved.

“I know Jiya but still it’s not your age for all this and if you think he is good for you first be friendly with him. You know him in person then accept his proposal okay?” I explained her in soft tone making her understand.

“Okay but why are you so concerned about this entire thing Sis and you told that we should enjoy every phase of this then?” she asked.

“I will still tell you the same but I’m just protective about you and you know that dad started everything from scratch to give us this life for us and Mom. I don’t want to take any decisions regret later and make them sad.” I said.

“You know Sis you’re best daughter, sister and friend anyone can ask.” She said and kissed my cheek.

I laughed at her childishness and in return i kissed her forehead.

“On serious note Jiya be careful with Sanskar. I know he is good for you but still.” I warned her in soft tone.

“I promise Sis first I will befriend him then if you Dad and Mom thinks he is good for me then I will take this relationship to next phase that is Girlfriend and Boyfriend.” She said.

Meanwhile my phone rang and seeing caller id I understood that Sara also informed about proposal to Aarav. I answered the call.

“Hello Aarav.” I said.

“Hi Sam. Did you get to know about proposal from Jha twins for our sisters?” he asked.

“Yeah I heard and I gave my opinion to Jiya and what about you will you approve them?” I questioned.

“No I mean it’s not their age and also i want them first complete their first year.” He said.

“Okay and I said first to befriend him then if Jiya feels good then she can take this relation to next level.” I said.

“Yeah it’s not a bad idea. Where are you Sunshine?” he asked and once again I frozen at my place listening to his nickname.

“We are at park.” I answered him after sometime.

“Okay shall I come there?” he asked me.

“Actually we were leaving. If you want we can come in the evening.” I said.

“Okay then be ready at 5:00 in the evening we will go there.” He said.
“Okay bye Aarav.”

“Bye Sunshine.” He said and hung up.

Now-a-days he is spending much time with me and finding ways to do that. I wanted this from my childhood the day I realized my love for him. I’m happy he is doing that now I don’t need anything. My trance broke by baby girl.

“Sis what happened?” she asked.

“Nothing Aarav wanted to come here but I said no as we are leaving.” I said.

“Okay shall we leave?” she asked. I nodded and we went from there.

When we reached home it was already lunch mom went to kitty party and dad went to meeting in other city so we both had lunch and went to have a nap.

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