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Samira's P.o.v:

Sammy once you reach home call me I need to tell you two things. Bye and enjoy the vacation.


Sammy call me once you're free I need to tell you about university. Have a good vacation.


These were the messages I got when I reached home before an hour. But only one question was running in my mind that why didn't Aarav tried to call or even message me, I kept those thoughts aside and dialed Ishu number.

"Hello Ishu." I greeted her once she lifted the call.

"Hello Sammy, Did you enjoy the trip?" She asked.

"Yes I enjoyed very much. Tell me you wanted to inform me something?" I asked her.

"Yes Sammy Mom gave her acceptance for me to continue studies and also she said yes for me to study in our chosen university." She said.

"Its good thing Ishu Mamma and Dad also said yes and what is other thing?" I asked her.

"Mom got accepted as permanent nurse in that orphanage but you didn't say that it was bhai's?" She said.

"I'm sorry but I didn't want to look like I recommended it, anyhow tell congrats to your Mom." I said.

"Sure I will tell her. Thank you Samira." She said.

"No mention and I will meet you tomorrow at college." I said.

"Okay bye." She said and we hung up the call.

After that I called Amar to know what he wanted to tell.

"Hello Amar. How are you?" I asked as soon as he lifted the call.

"Hi Sammy I'm fine and how are you? And How was the trip?" He asked.

"I'm fine and trip was refreshing for me before exams to keep my mind clear." I replied.

"That's great Sammy and I wanted to tell that Mom and Dad said okay for me to study in foreign university. What about you? as Ishu's Mom said okay too." He asked.

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