Married to this money

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(Chapter 3: Married to the Money)

(R.I.P Speaker Knockerz : Married to the Money)

Everyday I Think about the money (Lets Go)
What Am I gone do with all this money
I Cant go a day without my money
You know that im married to the money
Everyday I Think about the money
What Am I gone do with all this money
I Cant go a day without my money
You know that im married to the money"

*4 days later *

(Indigo P. O. V)

   “DeShawn is everything in the truck ?" I yelled from the house. “Baby that's everything!" DeShawn said with excitement. I had been 3 days since Carmen's mishap and I was worried that she wasn't gonna be able to come with us. Carmen been at home since she left the hospital. I'm glad she back to her old self.  Poor David thought he had a goner but Carmen a strong girl, take a lot to bring her down. 

       I called up Carmen because we wasn't low on money but we could use a lot more before we leave.  We need furniture and to have money for decor. 

*Ring.... Ring*

CarmenD: Hey Indy everything good?

#getitIndy: Ya,  but we gotta rack up some more! 

CarmenD: Ight so what's the plans?

#getitIndy: I'm outside now open up

-------*End of The Conversation*-------

(Carmen P.O.V)

     “Ight so the plan is Imma go to that bank close to the East side parts?" I said making sure I knew how this was going to work. Indy thinks of a plan quick. “Ya then when you get near act regular and blend in with the people walking. Make sure at exactly 3:05 you are dressed up at the janitor that works the 2nd shift. The cops that goes that route will be on break for the next 10 minutes so we have to move quick!"

  I thought the plan was perfect I checked the clock(12:45p.m) it was a great time to go meet up with David. I looked over a Indy and gave her a hug “Meet me at the spot at 2:50 and we can get this done." We both turned different ways. 


      I pulled up to David's house, and knocked on his door.  David opens the door as normal giving me hugs saying how much he gonna miss me when I move.  I walked in his house and walks me to his room.  He sat me on his bed,  and told me to close my eyes.  He pulled out my hand and gave me a big diamond necklace. I was so amaze and lost for words.

   “Baby let's go out to dinner tonight, My last night with my wife and it better be great. What time good for you baby?” I walked to his bathroom to see how the necklace look on me.  “Baby you know it's whatever you want." He came up behind

   “Well baby I want you to surprise me,  but make the plans for around 6 because me and Indy... Well we gotta take care of some business. ”

   Davis turns towards with me a huge smile on his face, “I'm not even going to ask baby, but I'll be at your house around 6:30 cause I know going and Indy y'all can get lost of time and you have to get beautiful for me."


   Me and David was clowning on each other for the longest walking around making each other laugh and all types of goofy Shit cause that was us.

   I started to laugh at him then I just got serious on him, “If we are gonna be a married couple I feel like I should tell you what's been on My mind since day 1."


   David sits on his bed, starting me in my eyes waiting to hear what I have to say. I tried to keep it short as I looked at the time, it was 1:50 . “Well David I've been crushing on you since I first met you. I'm just so happy that all this time you was studying me now I know we are perfect for each other."

  David was cheesing the hole time I was talking, “That's perfect baby but let chill,  cause you gotta leave soon right.  I responded quickly,“Ya baby at 2:30."  David turns to me with his eyes focused on my breasts licking his lips,  “Well let's not waist any time."

(S/N: This whole time Indy is adding stuff to the plan scoping out everything,  but she been trying to hit up Carmen this wild time but she wasn't picking up.)

    David began to kiss me,  and from that everything was so intense. He started to grab to take my shirt off.  “David...?” David focus his eyes on my lips,“Ya baby?”

     “David what are you about to do?” David start laughing shaking his head, “just watch and see. ” He laid me back down and was rubbing me all over. He get down to my spot and start to play with me. 

       David started licking my spot making me move around a little. He starts to stick his tongue in me. His heads the Best!  I felt my self getting wet. David stares up at me with his eyes so big.

     *Ring... Ring*
       It's Indy,  damn what should I do,  David just going on like I better not answer,  but I got to. 

      I reached for my phone but David grabbed my hand. “David it's Indy, I have to get it.” He let go and went back to eating me out.

- Me: Hello?
- Indy: Yo,  you ready?
- Me: Ya just...., ( David was distracting me by placing his fingers in me.  making me moan )
- Indy: Carmen!?  just what
- Me: Mmmm....  I'll meet you there Indy
- Indy : Ight girl your nasty ass!  lol
------------ End of Convo ---------------

Sorry you guys I have been slacking but continue to read vote and please comment.
love Ya  :) ❤❤✌


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