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Chapter 9: Shooters!

Bitch I get my gwop and I get my way
If you looking for me I'm in MIA
Bitch I got some zoes up in M.I.A
And we totin' poles up in M.I.A
Bitch I got some bloods that hang in L.A
I got some bloods that hang in the A
I got some shooters in Memphis my trullasThey totin' rugers extenders on oozies
Them my shooters

(Carmen P.O.V)

"I am in the middle of a field lost with my feelings, blind to the world which I stand alone. No one sees what we go through, the hood life in which I live." I wrote this because of my mood today. Today was the day I had to make the drop off, but I knew it was gonna be more to what it is meant to be.

It was Indy, Chris, David, and I all riding to the spot they told us to meet him. Chris made sure he had extra people to have our back low key. David had some of his loyal workers following us. Everyone was strapped with guns.

Chris and David were both angry. "But Ya man we gonna fuck around and have to put a bullet in this Nigga ass Yo. That's on my moms yo, Nobody putting my Wife in danger nor my baby." David said proudly and full of pride.

"Bruh I feel you Yo, no doubt, We a family and nobody hurting us." Chris said looking around on the outside of the car making sure no one strange was following us.

"This is about to be some shit, I can feel it." Indy said shaking her head.

"Baby calm down, We are just going to send Carmen in there to give her what she wants and David going with her strapped loaded. If things get crazy, we go in and our workers come in too, it's simple baby." Chris said rubbing Indy's leg to show her comfort.

"Carmen are you sure you wanna do this, I can go to the door. " Indy said worriedly.

"Indigo calm down, David has me okay. I mean what could go wrong." I said trying to get Indigo to stay focus and calm. I was feeling the same way as her in the back of my mind because I'm pregnant.

"Well we here y'all make sure there is no mess up." David said on the phone with his top worker.

Chris, Indy, David and I got out the car and began to approach a abandoned home while the workers stayed on the lookout.

I had the money in a bag and the key as well.

I held on to David hand firmly, I was nervous and felt sick. We opened the door and saw Chasidy standing in the empty house with a brief case.

"I see you bitches made it here." Chasidy said laughing.

"Hahaha Chasidy here is your money and the key is in there to." I said aggravatly.

"See Carmen baby, When you think something is going to be so simple I come in and turn shit around..." She paused turning around opening her purse. "Get on your knees bitch!" Chasidy demanded.

"Chasidy you got the game fucked up sweetheart see me, I have no rap for you bitch, I'll end your life right where you stand." Indigo yelled while walking towards Chasidy putting her gun to her head.

"haha you really think this somebody Indigo Thomas. You have nobody, your family is gone, Carmen is always with David, and Chris was just there for you so he can get some ass. Face it Indy, only thing you good for is laying on your back so if your going to kill me, do it!" Chasidy said with a smile on her face.

"okay bitch that's what you want, I'm not gonna kill you just like that Imma make you wish you never crossed a bitch like me." Indy said handing Chris her gun, "let's fight you white thot."

Indigo began to whip Chasidy ass. She threw hard punches followed by stomps to the head. "Bitch don't try to get up!" Indy said grabbing her hair twisting it around her hand so it was secure.

Indy punched her in her face about 10 more times and let go. She got her gun from Chris and shot her in her leg. "Let this be a lesson to you dumb bitch." Indy said.

As we was walking away we heard a gun shot being fired, everybody turned to see who got hit. Indy fell to the ground. I turned around to see Chasidy holding her side and with all her might she fired that shot and aimed for another person.

"Imma get you... uhh Imma kill you Carmen," Chasidy said struggling to get up.

"Baby let's go we gotta get indy to the hospital, fuck Chasidy we gotta go, Stay calm baby okay." David said Picking me up and carrying me to the car.

Some workers rushed over to help Chris pick up Indy and placed her in the car.

We rushed to the hospital fast. We got there in time.

"Help! There is an emergency! My Girlfriend has been shot!" Chris said running in with Indy's body.

"What happened to her?" The male doctor said

"Man my girl was shot Idk what happened." Chris yelled.

"Nurse bring the breathing tubes STAT! Sir we think she is going into a coma, please wait in the lobby.

Chris began to cry punching the wall then taking a seat. "Hell Nawh man, If Indy die Imma loose it Carmen. We was gonna get married soon, then have a baby." Chris yelled crying on my leg.

"Chris look at me," he looked up with a face full of tears, "Indy is a strong girl Chris, She isn't going anywhere."

David walks over to us, "look man I got this don't worry, you and Carmen stay here and wait for the doctors to come back out and tell you what's going on and me and the boys going back to that house to go finish off Chasidy."

"Baby, I don't think that's a good idea." I said concerned.

"I got to do this baby just sit here okay." David demanded

David left with his boys and me and Chris waited patiently.

(David P.O.V)

I'm mad as hell right now. My wife a little stressed out because Chasidy shot Indy. I was speeding down the road until I reached the abandoned house. I had my loyal worker DJ on my right side and the rest was waiting outside.

I kicked the door opened but no one was there. We saw a blood spot on the carpet from earlier but Chasidy body was no where in sight.

"WTF!?" DJ said confused.

"Let's just go man!" I said as my phone rang

"Yo, the police her fam." A worker said

"What you boys doing around this house?" The police said to the worker.

"We are moving in sir and we are trying to figure out where the moving truck is?"

I looked outside to see what was going on.

"Is that so, young man?" The policeman said getting closer to him.

"So who is owns the house young man?"

"Sir I don't know my friend moving in and we're just here to help him move in." The worker stated.

The policeman ran inside the house. He looked at the floor and saw blood. "Are you David Williams?"

"Yes sir." I said

"Your under arrest for the murder of Chasidy Baker." The policeman said

He told me my Miranda rights and walked me to the back seat of the car.

"Call my wife DJ." I yelled .


New chapter and I hoped you guys liked it. sorry for it being a little short.

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