Bells Still Ringing?

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Chapter 15: Bells Still Ringing?

2 Months later

(Carmen P.O.V)

"You always have your damn phone in your hand! Who the fuck keep calling my husband all times of the night waking up my daughter."I spazzed on David. I was so aggravated with this mess. This has being going on far to long now. "What are you talking about Carmen?" David asked. He been going out all times of the night coming in very late then usual.

"Ever since we got married you mad at everything Carmen, Shut the hell up sometimes. "David yelled. "That's how you feel now? Go back to Where ever you was before you came home David, I don't want to see you right now." I cried.

"Fuck this Shit!"David said storming off. I heard the door slam. He once again woke my baby up.

"Cali I'm coming baby." I said locking the door and running back upstairs.

(David P.O.V)

"I'm going back to the strip club meet me there in 20." I said hanging up my phone and started backing out of the yard. Carmen been bitching lately all the time about my phone.


Me: Hello?

Lady: Hey whatcha doing?

Me: Shit on my way to the club

Lady: Strip club?

Me: Hell Ya

Lady: I'm performing tonight

Me: I'll be watching

I drive into Juicy Girls strip joint. The ladies in Jamaica didn't mind being naked for just about anything. They were really easy to get naked and loved to smoke that loud with you. JAMAICA LIFE TOO FUN!!

Every dude in the three corners was throwing money. I had a personal corner for me cause I plan on throwing money all night. I also can't wait to see my lady Tangela. Her strip name was Tan-a-rita because her body would remind you of a curvy goddess.

Things are just crazy here and I love it. I might be moving down here to make big drug moves. Jamaica is where everything will go perfect.

I walked to the corner where I ordered 5 bottles. Tangela was about to come up next. I had some of my homies in the corner with a couple of females and bottles. I was alone waiting on Tangela. She is a Jamaican Goddess.

"I hope y'all players enjoying Ya self Mon, but we wanna take it back Mon, re-el truee Shit coming to the stage... Tan-a-rita."

*Dance for you by Beyonce'*

She walks to the stage with nice long wavy hair covering one eye. Her black eye liner was a perfect cat effect. Light brown skin with a huge butt. Tangela know exactly what to do to make me want her more.

She squats down and grind slowly. Bends over and shake her ass then drop into a split. I looked down at my phone and Carmen was calling and I had already had 7 missed calls from before this one. Tangela looking over at me and was climbing on the pole sliding down into a sitting position.

I looked down at my phone Carmen was calling again. Tangela began to crawl down the walkway and come my way. I didn't know what I should do. I notice Tangela was climbing down from the stage and was walking fast to my seat. I pressed answer.....

Carmen: Where are you David, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry ... please come home.

Tangela starts to immediately kiss up on me and unzip my zipper. In my mind I'm thinking Oh fuck, what is going on right now?

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