Me and You

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I know them other guys, they been talking bout the way I do what I do

They heard I was good, they wanna see if it's true

They know you're the one I wanna give it to

I can see you want me too

And now, it's me and you

Chapter 16: Me and You

(Carmen P.O.V)

David made friends quick in Jamaica. He has had many people asking him and his new product of marijuana called Green Goddess Smack. So many people consider him as the plug and always stopped by at our place for some weed or dropping off money.

I have noticed that David's phone hasn't been blowing up with calls lately by his side line anymore. I'm so glad that now we can focus on our family and move forward in life.

"David, Indigo and Chris are suppose to bring Cali back around 2 p.m. Please make sure you keep an eye out on Cali while I go grocery shopping." I said grabbing my purse.

"I got you Carmen, but why did they have Cali today I thought they had to send out their save the dates today?" David asked turning arond looking at my outfit from the couch. "I guess they wanted to watch Cali today, I have no clue, but I'll be back shortly."

David close the door behind me as I got into his 2015BMW which was all black, four doors, and some nice rims. Even though we was still staying in a Condo, we was balling lowkey. I got to the grocery store and grabbed a few ingredients to make some spaghetti for tonight. My phone rings I was walking to the register.

Me: Hello?

...: Hello can I speak to Carmen?

Me: Who's calling?

...: Bitch who the fuck you think it is, its Tangela okay, and David hasn't texted me or called me in days.

Me: I don't give a damn if he hasn't texted you Bitch he my man, my husband, my baby's father. He isn't with you and I suggest you get that through your head now.

Tangela: Don't get loud with me Carmen... just tell my man that I said....

I hung up the phone because not only was I in Public but I dont have time to entertain Tangela.

(Indigo P.O.V)

Chris and I are watching Cali for the first time and to be honest it opended my eyes to see how it feels to be a mother. I know I would have been a great mother.

"Chris look at her, she is so beautiful."I said to Chris watching Cali sleep in her crib. "You know Indy, we dont have to keep saying how beautiful another person child is when we could be saying the same thing." Chris said walking up behind me. "What are you talking about Chris?"I laughed trying to get off the subject.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really want you to have my kids baby. I want a little girl coming up to me saying she wants a puppy and some dolls or a little man telling me he wants some new kicks." Chris said with a smile on his face using a lot of hand motions.

"I am glad we are thinking and feeling the same way." I said trying so hard not to smile hard.

"Well its time to take Cali home now so grab her and I'll load her stuff in the car baby." Chris said giving me an unexpected kiss.

(David P.O.V)

"So you want me to meet you at the Jamaican Jerk Style in 5 minutes?" I asked Tangela over the phone. "Yes, we have some things we need to discuss." She said then hanging up.

Indigo and Chris should be here soon so after that then Carmen should be on her way home. If Carmen finds out I'm going to meet up with Tangela I know for sure it's going to be some shit. I looked outside after getting dressed, and Carmen pulls up with 2 large brown paper bags.

"Hey baby I'm glad you here I have to go to the bank to talk with my personal advisor about this money." I said grabbing the bags out her hands.

"Thanks baby, and okay you better hurry cause the bank close early today and a lot of people were up there today." She said giving me a Goodbye kiss.

I rushed to the Jamaican Jerk Style place and arrived in about 5 minutes. When I sat at a table outside the building, Tangela walks up with a very tight all black dress , long brown hair and some red bottom heels.

"I called you! I've been calling you for days! What the fuck David?" Tangela yells. "Girl dont try to pull this shit on me. You knew what the fuck this was from the start. I have a wife and a daughter who isn't even a year old yet. Don't start your shit." I yelled back.

"Baby it's suppose to be us. We could get an even bigger house than y'all little ass shack. Shit you know I am making more money than that Bitch makes in a hour. You said we can do it big together so why dont you feel the same way anymore. After we had sex I didn't hear from you again. I thought it was gonna be me and you? Just me and you together."

Tangela says trying to make me have sympathy for her.

"Look nawh man not doing this, I'm leaving." I said getting up and turning my back from her.

"David wait!" Tangela yelled as I stood there. "David please wait, I'm pregnant David, so we gonna have a family of our own. Tangela says very serious.

"Tangela are you serious?" I asked. "Yes I'm very serious. I haven't been with any one else besides you." She responds.

"Just text me tonight ight, I have to go."I said.

I walk to my car dumb founded. I couldn't help but get in my car and Yell "What the fuck did I just do?"



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