All of Me

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Chapter 6: All of me (Introducing Chris)

'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh

-john legend: All of me -

Author's note

Carmen,indy and David moved to a house outside of Bronx. Indy has been trapping harder than ever before, she tries to get over DeShawn by doing that. Carmen had a big surprise for Indy by bringing over Christoper Duncan. Christopher was 22, light skin, wave game a1 , and did the same thing as Indy, Carmen, and David. Christopher was Carmen friend coming up in the Bronx. When they was 16 Indy mom sent her to New York for the summer to visit Carmen. she met chris and they all became a click that while summer but he moved to California when he was 17 when his parents split up. Chris is back visiting his mother and grandmother .

(Indy P.O.V)

Today was the best day I had since I left to move here with David and Carmen. Carmen set up a surprise for me when we first go to New York. I use to be in love with Chris. I always felt that I was meant to be Chris. I felt I could do everything for him and we ride for each other. he was coming over today to take me out for lunch.

"What are you gonna wear? You know Chris like his girl fly. He a Bronx boy, he want his females dressed like New York girls. " Carmen came in my room trying to get cocky on me about what new York men like. "Girl shut up, don't start your shit today." I said jokingly.

"Boo, let's go to the mall fuck this small talk. I really did remember I gotta buy my baby a watch for our lil anniversa-" Carmen said running to the bathroom, throwing up everywhere. I was so shocked I ran to comfort her after she was finished throwing up. "That's that P.P.S" I said helping her up as she cleaned her self up. "

"Indy tf? What is P.P.S ?" Carmen said getting a bit confused.

"you know, P.P.S, Possibly Pregnant Symptoms. Somebody haven't been using no con-" I got cut off as David came in the room.

"Hey baby I called your phone, I was waiting for you outside In The car. " David said. I sat back thankfully because we cleaned up in the nick of time.

"Ya I'm fine Daddy, I just had my phone in the room while I was doing my make up, I'm sorry." Carmen Said giving David a kiss, and starring at me trying to play it off.

"Well, if y'all still wanna go to the mall, I can take y'all now," he said stepping back making eye contact with me. "But, Carmen baby," He stated walking my closer to her, " you call me if you need anything, and when you ready to come home., alright? "

"Ya, okay baby let me just get my things and we will be right out." Carmen said feeling all loved.

I called Chris to see was he busy at the moment.

--Indy and Chris Convo--

Indy: Hey Chris, you busy right now?

Chris: Nawh Indigo, Wassup with you.

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