I Fuck With You Girl

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Chapter 10: I Fuck With You Girl

Can't judge me girl I want Judge you neither

(uh uh)

I love yo smell (yo style)

Hotter then a feaver(burning up baby)

You diffrent from others(you are)

I love yo demeanor

You took me back time after time

Even tho I cheated

Thats why fuck with you girl, I fuck with you girlI fuck with you, I fuck with you

I fuck with you girl

I fuck with you,like you fuck with me

I show love to you ,like you show love to me

and And she always come back home

Cause im her backbone I fuck with you girl

(Carmen P.O.V)

I got a phone call from David. I hope nothing crazy happened.


DJ: "Aye you Carmen, David got arrested...Man damn.... ."

Me: "Dj? what's going on now?"

My heart dropped to my stomach.

DJ: Man so Check this.. We go back to the house and the Chasidy body isn't there anymore, it was just blood where she was laying at. The police came in and saw David there with blood on the carpet and he assumed it was David. Someone called and said David killed her but Idk who and we all didn't say nothing. Boss lady just tell me what you need me to... Hold on somebody calling his phone..

It was a call from DeShawn

DeShawn: Nigga I know you bout to get locked up what tf happened?

DJ: David is in jail dude this is his homeboy.

DeShawn: Lol what happened

DJ: Man idk,  I gotta go.

Dj clicked back over to me. 

DJ: But Ya Boss lady,  what do you need me to do?

Me: DJ who just called David's phone?

DJ: Um that Nigga DeShawn.

Me: Seriously?

DJ: Ya,  What's the problem Boss Lady?

Me: DJ I think Chasidy didn't die,  because DeShawn fucked up with Indy and ever since them David stop fucking with him.  He must have called the police or that white tramp did. Man they coming for me now I know it.  Look hurry to the hospital fast as you can !

I hung up the phone. Things just got real crazy. My baby locked up for a crime he didn't commit but him being a loyal person he wasn't gonna rat on Indy. 

"Aye Chris,  David just got arrested DeShawn set him up so I'm about to go get my baby out and we going to him. I need you to stay here with Indigo Ight?" I said informing Chris what was our situation.

"Man he a fuck Nigga,  let me put a bullet in his head man." Chris said getting mad outside of the hospital.

"Lower Ya tone, we don't want nobody catching on to us." I said quietly. "Now I'll be right back man.  This Shit crazy they got dirt on me and Indy."

"WAIT, WHAT YOU MEAN DIRT ON YOU AND INDY WHAT DID Y'ALL DO?" Chris said showing a lot of anger.

"Nothing yo." I said trying to get him off the conversation.

"Nawh fuck that Carmen don't start lien to me now sistah. " Chris said

"Fine yo,  we robbed a fucking bank back in Chicago man.  They looking for us but they had no leads."

"So how would they know that y'all did it?"Chris said curiously.

"See Chris,  when we did that DeShawn and Indy was together and she told him before." I said walking to my car.  "But look watch my sisters in there okay Chris?  Ight love Ya bro." I said getting into the car and pulling off.

(Chris P.O.V)

There is so much Shit going on with us.  My baby in a coma and that's bad because I was planning on purposing to her today. My man David in a lot of Shit.  It's crazy how one bitch can fuck up four lives.

I walked into the room Indigo was in. I want my baby to be well but I couldn't hold off any longer. I looked in the room to find Indy still laying there. I pulled out the ring I had made for her with pink and chocolate diamonds. That cost me a grip but for Indy it was worth every Ben.

"Indigo I know you may not hear what I'm saying so I'll right it down for you later. Indigo I've been in love with you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. I never wanted us to be together seeing how you lived in Chicago at these time. Now that we are together I want you to be here for me like you are now but I wanna make it official that you will be here each day. Baby I want you to marry me." I said sliding the ring on her finger.

(Carmen P.O.V)

I got my baby out of jail. I did what any women would do and that's pay them Niggas a brick so that I can get my baby out. 

"Ya so that's how they set you up baby." I said finishing up the story. 

"Ya its Ight baby. Fuck them Frfr We gonna get them Niggas !" David said.

"Slide by DJ crib tho, so I can get my phone and Shit." David said.

I could tell he was aggravated and tired of all this bullshit that was going on in our life.

"But how are you doing baby you fine?" David said trying to lightening up the mood.

"I'm good daddy just getting worried." I said with a tear rushing down my cheek.

"Carmen what's wrong baby, you can't be stressed out. We don't want nothing to happen to our baby." David said rubbing my stomach.

"David it's not that, it's just that I think they coming for me next." I said letting tears flow down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"Baby they the least of our problems trust me I got some plans for us,  just wait and see." David said leaning over to wipe my tears away and kissing my lips.

"Just wait and see baby, I got you no matter what." David said.

We made it to DJ house and there is about 7 cars in his yard. David ran inside to get his phone and then came back outside.

"Let's go and check on Indy baby." He said getting back until the car.


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