Trust and Believe

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You pushed me brought me to this

You had my heart...but then you blew it

And I'm so over you, go get lost

Boy who do you think that you are Trust and believe me, you're gonna need me

Trust and believe me, she'll never be me

And I'm so over you

Go get lost

Boy I don't know

Who do you think that you are?

Chapter 8: Trust and believe

(Indy P.O.V)

I woke up in Chris bed but he was no where in sight. I only had his white T-shirt on so I hoped none of is maids where walking around the house. I had barely knew my way around his I mean "our" house. "Chris!! Chris where are you." I heard him in the distance of the house "baby I'm in here, in the pool room." Chris yelled from 2 rooms down.

I walked into the room and to my surprise I see him with the room full of bags, and it was a huge room. The bags was from Gucci and three other types of stores I never heard of.

"Chris why did you do this, I mean we are just getting together." I said trying not to cry.

" Indy I told you baby if I got it you got it, now get dress and we gonna get some movers to move your things into the house, Carmen called and said she is throwing a celebration party tonight so we in there." Chris said being all goofy.

It didn't matter to me to party tonight. I love parties. Everybody gonna have: Blunts, Weed, Money, and Bottles. We all about to be TURNT at the spot in Bronx. The gotta spot on the end of our block where only people who was invited can come.

1 hour later

I picked out some clothes that were in the bag Chris picked out for me. I had a Raiders snap back on, turned to the back, a small gray crop top tank, leather leggins and some Grey platforms. When I was finished putting my on my black lipstick and doing my makeup, I made my way to Chris in the living room.

"GODDAMN!!. Indy you bad as hell! " Chris said checking me out. "You think so baby, well basically you picked this all out, Thanks baby I love all of this."

We made our way to his car and began our jorurney. We went to a local moving place called The Moving Crew(made up). Chris went inside while I was outside jamming.

I said that I'm a ride for my motherfucking niggas, Most likely I'm a die with my finger on the trigger
I've been grinding outside, all day with my niggas
And I ain't going in, unless I'm with my nigga
My nigga, my nigga
My nigga, my nigga (My motherfucking niggas!)

I was interrupted from jamming from, a Face Time Call, It was Carmen my love.

CarmenD: Boo where y'all at?
#getitIndy: We at this moving place,
CarmenD: For what? I'm just messing lol, I'm excited for you two.
#getitIndy: I am as well, things are going great.
CarmenD: Well what happened, I wanna hear it all.
#getitIndy: Girl I went to his house, he had a butler and a nice dinner, then some very nice sex. It felt like we been wanting to do this to each for 4 years now.

CarmenD: You better get it sis, but the party start around 9P.M. Cool with y'all?

#getitIndy: Hell Ya , but I gtg sis.

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