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So don't let me down

You made those promises

Don't take em back now

Don't let me down

Do all the things you said that had me going

Let's get caught in the moment

Let's get caught in the moment

Promises by Wiz Khalifa

Chapter 18

(Indigo P.O.V)

"Baby I'm about to call the girls and make sure they are at the club." I said grabbing my car keys. "Your looking good baby, where y'all going?" Chris asked turning on ESPN. "Some club downtown called Tasty's." I said confusingly. "Well have fun baby and don't be out all night." Chris said still focusing on the tv. I walked over and gave him a kiss. "Don't be drinking just in case you pregnant this time." Chris added. "Okay baby I love you and I will be home shortly." I said walking out the door.

Carmen texted me back: "We are all here girl where are you?" "I'm on my way now." I responded.

(Carmen P.O.V)

"Ciara Indy said she's on the way so you guys hurry and call the stripper over." I said bringing out the cake. "This is about to be a fun night. If she thinks we are just going out to a tasty but she have another thing coming. I'm going to text her theyour address Ciara she's probably in the car trying to find Tasty's." I pulled out my phone and texted Indy the address since she never heard of Tasty's before. I pulled out some 1800 and poured everyone a shot. "Girls, tonight we will have fun like the good ole days."

(Indigo P.O.V)

Carmen: The address to the club is 420 Wayne st.

I was driving thinking back to the days when we was in Chicago. I received another text from an unsaved number.

Unknown: We have unfinished business baby meet me at Kroger tomorrow at 5p.m in the parking lot. I will be in a all black SUV.

Who could this be texting me now? I responded "who is this?" The person wrote back: DeShawn, please Indy I have to tell you something very important it's about you, Carmen and David.

I drove up to the house which I thought I was going to a club. These girls are full of surprises I promise you. When I knocked on the door and got let in by Ciara I was so surprised to see her back in town. "Why did you guys lie to me oh my gosh I am so happy that you did all of this for me the bottles, the cake and the strippers hell yeah we bout to turn up!"I said so happy.

The night was fun a couple of lap dances, a lot of drinking (which I didn't take part in) and a whole lot of fun with my girls. "I have to call my baby see what he's up too." I said stepping out the room." That reminds me, let me call my baby sitter and check on Cali." Carmen said. "Well I guess it's time for us to leave." The other girls said.

"Hey baby, What are you doing?" I asked Chris.

"Setting up the room baby, bring us fine ass home ASAP." Chris said so I got in my car and listened to my fiance.

(Carmen P.O.V)

"Hey China Clark how is Cali doing?" I asked. "She is sleeping in her car seat ready for you to pick her up." China said. "I'll be there in about 30 minutes." I was so tired and bummed.

(David P.O.V)

"Girl we have to go some place else, not in this parking lot." I said lifting Tangela's head off me. "Drive to my house then it's only about 5 minutes away from here." I zipped my pants back up and drove over to her house.

"Its a lamp on Tangela, you wanna just sit in the car?" I asked. "No that's lamp is always on come on baby, I'm ready for you." she said unlocking the door and grabbing my dick.

We started to kiss and she began to tug on my belt and unzipping my pants. She reached her hand down my pants. "You're going to enjoy this baby."she said then she started giving me head.

"Mom?!" girl said coming into the room.

"China? Sweety...umm I thought you were over someone's house baby sitting." Tangela said. Tangela was standing in front of me trying to hide my dick. "I told you I was brining the baby over so that I could study, but what were you too doing?" she asked. "We was just going into my room Sweety,Goodnight." Tangela said pulling me into the room quickly.

We got in the room and Tangela closed the door and hopped on top of me.

(Carmen P.O.V)

I arrived at China's house. I saw A truck that looked like David's black truck. "Hey, how was she today?" I asked handing her $70. "She was very good today Mrs.Williams." "That's good, may I use your bathroom?" I asked. "Sure it's down the hall to the left." I was walking down the hallway and I admit I had a little buzz. I walked in and saw David and Tangela having sex. I ran over and to that bitch and hit her dead in the face. "Bitch what the Fuck is this Shit?" I yelled.

"David you cheating ass hoe, get the Fuck up!" I punched him in his face, "Tangela Fuck you! You fucked everybody at the club and as for you david," I pulled the ring off my finger "Take this piece of Shit back! your wife is right here." I yelled. "Baby wait a second, let's talk." David said grabbing my arm.

I pulled out my pepper spray and sprayed him in the eyes. "Don't touch me you fucking snake." I walked over to Tangela, and head butted her ass. She fell to the ground crying and David was on the floor yelling, "My fucking eyes!"

I walked out the room holding back my tears remaining strong. I texted Chris to ask for his brother Thomas number. I grabbed Cali, strapped her car seat in and headed home.

When I got home I put Cali in her crib and called Thomas.
(S/N: Thomas was also in me Indy and Chris circle... Secretly I've been talking to him more and getting weed from him and also doing jobs with him...I don't feel like I'm rushing things but I'll let everything fall into place.)

Thomas: Hello, Carmen is everything okay man?

Me: No, I caught David cheating.

Thomas:Omg, listen I will come over tomorrow beautiful, stay strong, hold them tears until I get there. He's the Fuck Nigga who didn't want you and rather sleep with these hoes instead of keeping you straight and taking care or his baby. Smoke some loud tonight I'll have on of my guys drop it off in about 5 minutes, Goodnight baby girl.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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