Cater to you

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Let Me Cater To You

Cause Baby This Is Your Day

Do Anything For My Man

Baby You Blow Me Away

I Got Your Slippers, Your Dinner, Your Dessert, And So Much More

Anything You Want Just Let Me Cater To You

Inspire Me From The Heart,Can't Nothing Tear Us Apart

You're All I Want In A Man;

I Put My Life In Your Hands

I Got Your Slippers, Your Dinner, Your Dessert, And So Much More

Anything You Want, I Want To Cater To You

- Cater to you by Destiny Child

Chapter 11: Cater to you

Authors Note:

  It's 6 months later, Indy came out of her coma a week after she got shot. She woke up and the first thing she saw was Chris and her beautiful ring. Chris was informed that Indigo was pregnant but she lost the baby three months ago...Of course she burst into tears but they agreed to try again and now She accepted his proposal and planning for her wedding soon. David and Carmen have been waiting for their baby girl to be born.  It was almost time for Carmen to go into labor and everyone was ready.

  After Carmen bailed David out of jail, they never heard from DeShawn again. The story is now starting off with Carmen on the phone with Indy.

(Carmen P.O.V)

Me: Ya boo hurry to the hospital my water just broke!


I hung up trying to keep calm but it was so many distractions, doctors all around,  rushing things in, putting in needles. Everything was happening to fast. I'm glad my baby is here that's better for me.

"Baby how you doing?" David said.  "Ugh baby I'm doing okay." I said. "You called Indy right? She better get here quick." David said trying to distract me from all the commotion. "Ugggghhhh!!" I screamed.  "Breathe Miss Williams, Breathe slowly." The nurse then starts to inhale and exhale to try and keep me calm.

(Indy P.O.V)

"Chris hurry!" I yelled for him downstairs.

"Don't rush perfection my love,  even though we going to the hospital I gotta be looking good." He said smiling.  "For who Chris?" I said giving him a look. "Don't you play with me Chris cause I will beat your ass, ahaa." Chris stared at me laughing.

"Damn I can't look good for my wife. Damn Indy ahaa, Now get your fine ass in that car." He said smacking my ass. I love when he does that.

We finally made it to the hospital shortly after leaving the house. I couldn't wait for my God daughter to be born. We went to room 125 to see Carmen laid up on her bed. "Well if it isn't Miss Williams over here looking all rough ahaa." I said teasing her. "Oh kiss my ass Indy boo." Carmen said smiling reaching for a hug. I gave her a tight hug and rubbed her stomach, "Ya that little girl ready to come out! How are you feeling sis?"

"Ugh like.... OMG I think it's time.  NURSE!!!" Carmen yelled. The nurse ran inside with the doctor, they brought all this equipment for the baby after she is born.  "I'm sorry but we only need one person in the room." The doctor ordered.

"Me and Chris will leave sis, stay strong and when little Cali come out I'll be right back." I said giving her a hug.

Me and Chris went down the hall and made two lefts to the waiting area. 

"Baby you want some coffee?" Chris said. "No, I'm fine but could we talk baby?" I said curiously.

"Sure girl, what's wrong?" Chris said holding both of my hands from across the table.

"Well, Chris I just want to thank you so much for being there for me while I was In a coma. I just want..." Chris cut me off "Stop baby it's okay. Your my gonna be my wife soon, I'll always be here for you no matter what." Chris finished. 

*30 minutes later*

Cali Peayton Williams was born. It was 3:30a.m September 25, 2014. She was approximately  6lb. 11oz. She had some beautiful eyes, they was Gray/Blue. She had tight curly hair, and some small feet.

"OMG! She's just so beautiful, I can't help but cry Carmen?" I said sheading a few tears.

"Yea she look just like her daddy, but Indy you know I consider you as my sister, right. I was wondering if you and Chris would like to be here god-parents? Carmen said looking up at me.

"Oh course we will, I'm going to spoil her beautiful self." I said looking over at Chris. "What my wife said, Congratulations sis." Carmen just smiled with so much joy. "So I heard you two going on a little trip." David said getting closer to Carmen as he was talking to the doctor on the side.

"Ya where y'all going Maybe we can join you." David said entering the conversation. Chris faced David, "We suppose to be going in the morning on my jet so if y'all wanna come I'll be more than happy to have you ride along with us." He said. "Well Maybe we can't go then 'cause Carmen just had the baby so I think we should get settled first." David responded.

"Well we are staying down there for the next 3 months to make plans for the wedding .  Surprise!"

I said with a big smile on my face. "Maybe y'all can come down after this month." Chris added. 

Carmen stopped with a stare on her faced, puzzled in what to do. "Would that be enough time. I don't wanna take my baby over seas just yet. I think we have to stay sis maybe another time will be great." Carmen said rubbing her face.

"Well I understand, me and Indigo have to go get some rest I had our flight scheduled for 9 am and my beautiful girl back here didn't finish packing." Chris stated walking towards the door.

"Well, you guys be safe,  we love you." Carmen said.


Sorry for the wait I thought my book wasn't going good for a second. 

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