Heaven or Hell ?

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Chapter 5: Heaven or Hell

Some niggas go to college, some niggas go to jail

Some make it into heaven, some make it into hell

Nobody want to lose, nobody want to fail

Nobody want to die, nobody want to kill

The things we do just to make it through

But nobody want to lose, nobody want to fail

Nobody want to die, we're just tryna live our life

(Indigo P.O.V)

I walked in the house, it was so dark and candles everywhere. oh hell no I know DeShawn aint doing anything! I walked through the kitchen and I saw two wine glasses and two plates. I really know now that he fucking around. I walked in his bedroom to see him with this girl Chasidy having sex.

"DeShawn fuck you Nigga, Chasidy really, fuck you Nigga don't come back around me? " I ran over to his bed and punched him in his face and walked out. I can't believe DeShawn he really cheated on me with Chasidy.

(s/n: Chasidy is a white girl from California, she was around at a couple of parties the hood threw in California about2 years ago. Chasidy and DeShawn use to mess around but he told me he was leaving her alone for me and him to get serious. the last time we saw her she was drunk in the back seat of his home boy car.)

I ran outside and called Carmen. she wasn't picking up, so after 4 tries I just gave up. I ran to my car and I heard a voice in the distance, "Indy... baby please wait!" I ran faster band got In my car and drive off mad As ever. Chasidy and DeShawn always snuck around a couple of years back.

* 1 hour later*

-Indy and Carmen Convo-

indy: Fuck that Nigga DeShawn we leaving tonight Carmen, I'm packing up my clothes now!

carmen: Indy what happened? who made you so mad boo? was it that DeShawn ole cheating ass?

Indy: yes! I caught him with Chasidy Carmen, I'm so disappointed in him.

Carmen: Girl what...? you said Chasidy!? when she came back to the hood.

Indy: I have no clue but I wanna fight her ass.

Carmen: Hell no don't waist your strength on that weak bitch. Indy I believe that's why he lied and said he was having a meeting or whatever with David.

Indy: Girl somebody at my door, come to my house right now and bring David.

Carmen: why bring David?

-The phone hangs up-

I walked to my door and I was wondering who else could it possibly be at my door. I figured it was DeShawn so I looked the peek whole and it was definitely him. "What do you want DeShawn?" I said through the door. "baby I'm sorry just open up, please baby, man damn I'm so sorry."

I just stood back, "No DeShawn, go to Ya bitch." I walked to my side window and saw Carmen pulling up in David car. As they was getting out the car I opened my front door and punched DeShawn in his face. He grabbed my arm has a walked away but still holding his face. I turned around and hit him 4more times in his head. Shortly after I hit him he released my arm.

Carmen yelled from the car, "Think again when it come to my Indy baby, you a low mothafucka DeShawn with that white girl. she done with you Nigga." I ran to the car and told David to help me with the bags. DeShawn walked up on David. "bright why you ain't help me lie." DeShawn said salty. David kept walking in a rush saying "bruh you my Nigga and all but that shit crazy how you tried to put me in it."

(Carmen P.O.V)

I can't believe DeShawn tried to put my husband in this mess, all over Chasidy. I pray Indy never turn back to him when we move. We only moving for business we have to take care of in Philly but fuck that we might just move to the Bronx, or somewhere else to do this business.

DeShawn is very sneaky for that. Chasidy is the type of girl that is known because everyone hit it. she is the definition of a home wrecker. DeShawn was just stupid enough to fall for that shot once again.

David and DeShawn was walking and talking and then I saw Indy run up to him and say, "DeShawn for here on out, it's strictly business with us, don't call me your baby, your wife, none if that because that shit you just tried to do some stupid shit." I was so amazed , Indy face was focused on his eyes and you can tell how mad she was.

"David, baby we need to talk while they are talking." I called from the car. david ran towards me and gave me a kiss, and asked what was wrong. "baby we can't go to Philly now, cause she gonna get into with DeShawn and he gonna try to come back to her and all this other stuff..." David interrupted me, "baby let me handle this, I had a feeling something was gonna happen cause DeShawn was acting funny all yesterday, so I got us tickets to the Bronx, that way I can meet your family and we can handle my business in New York. Now Imma go and finish putting Indy bags in here. " he kissed my forehead and walked away, but to my surprise I seen Indy on the floor laid out.

I took off running to her, and DeShawn was on his knees crying. "Indy? Indy get up." Indy started to cough. I helped her get back on her feet and she said in a tired voice "Get Chasidy, she ran in my house. " DeShawn grabbed Indy out of my arms comforting her.

I ran into Indy house, it was very empty and dark. "where you at Chasidy? " Chasidy came from Indy bedroom with her jewelry. "damn is that you Carmen, last time I saw you I was drunk in the back of your man's car, how my baby David doing anyways? I know he been thinking about me. "

I can't believe she think this is a game. "while you talking Imma just punch you in your shit. I don't got time for this shit. " I ran up to her and grabbed her face and began to give her a fight she will always remember. I could remember how I focused I was thinking about how she hit Indy with a bat on her ribs, then she really thought she fucked David. when I was in the car with them taking her home.

David ran to the rescue cause the way I was hitting her in her head, she would have been in critical condition. so David broke up the fight and all you here is Chasidy laughing, "see I knew my baby was gonna come and save me." David held me back "no Camren fuck that bitch let's just go baby." David carried me to the car and Indy was in the back seat crying. David was standing outside talking to DeShawn for like 5 minutes and we began to leave.


I hope you guys enjoyed it.

new chapter coming soon.

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