True Lies

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Chapter 17:True Lies

(Indigo P.O.V)

Chris and I are planning on having a very nice dinner. With the wedding being this weekend, I've been stressing trying to make sure all the girls can fit their bridesmaids dresses. Carmen dress was completely different, Her dress was a very light pink with a sweetheart neck line, and a lot of jewels and beading.

Today I've been making calls to all the girls About their dresses. I'm down to my last call and it just so happen to be Carmen. My best friend haven't called me like she use to and I've been needing to talk to her.

Me: Hey Carmen, why haven't you been calling me Bitch!

Carmen: Cali has been acting up lately, that girl never wants to sleep.

Me: Well I was calling to make sure your dress fits?

Carmen: Yes girl, it fits perfectly. Are you ready to say I do?

Me: Girl, Hell Ya, Chris has been doing and saying stuff lately that just make me want to keep him forever.

Carmen: And that's what your going to do in the next 3 days.

Me: I know but how has you and David been doing?

Carmen:We've been doing fine. I have to go Indy, Cali needs to be put to bed then I have a meeting tomorrow.

Me: okay.

"Baby you ready to leave?" Chris asked. "I'm almost ready, baby can you grab my purse?"

"Who was you on the phone with?" Chris asked bringing me my purse. "Carmen, she seemed a little stressed out bae. I hope her and David are good." I said, because I was very concerned. Chris came up to me to hold my waist. "listen baby, I'm sure they are fine, you need to be worried about tonight and us celebrating. We are going to eat and then when we come back, we can go straight to happy hour." Chris said ending it with a kiss on my neck so softly.

"But for right now we have to get our ass to the place cause I have reservations." he said laughing.

(Carmen P.O.V)

"Ya sweetie so Cali diapers and extra milk is in this dresser right next to the bathroom. If she's hungry I have some Gerber puffs in the top of the closet. I should be back in an hour or so." I said to China.

China was a sweet young Jamaican girl. She was 15 and babysit to make extra money. She worked at a local grocery store K's. China lived with her mom but she always told me her mother was a busy working woman and she helps out with the bills.

"Mrs. Williams I have everything under control, you honestly have nothing to worry about."

China said calming me down. "Okay well if your hungry or anything here is $50." I said handing her the money and grabbing my keys.

I rushed into my all black BMW and headed it out the drive way. David was gone for over 5 hours without calling or anything so I began to get worried. The last time I tried to call his phone rang three times then went to voice mail.

I was going to the grocery store before they closed which was around 10:00. I grabbed something to make dinner for tomorrow and walked outside. When I looked towards my car I saw David's truck parked in the corner of the parking lot towards the shade and bushes.

I put the groceries in my car and walked over to the truck. The Windows were very foggy and I couldn't see much. I ducked low then checked to see if the door was unlocked. I opened the door to find David and His friend Ski smoking. "What the hell David I've been calling you and you sitting here smoking with Ski. I know he just got back and all but damn.

"Hey Ski!" I said full of anger. He had me worried sick and I got no call for hours. I got back in my car and bust in tears. "Carmen, wait!" David yelled running from his car. I drove off.

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