Hold you down

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(Indigo P.O.V)

     "I know pronounce you Man and wife, you may kiss your bride." I kiss my king Chris so romantically because today was our day at last. The day to start a brand new life with my husband. I know your probably wondering what happen with Carmen and David that day we went to David's house. Well listen close to the author so you can know it all while I party at my reception.


   Carmen Chris and Indigo tried calling David but got no answer. "You guys I can't do this I have to go inside!" Carmen says to Chris and Indigo. "Aye you not going in there alone that's for sure, hell no! I'm coming with you! Indy baby you stay put with Cali" Chris yells.

    Carmen and Chris goes into David house and it's blood everywhere. "Omg Chris look." Carmen whispers. "Shh..." Chris says. "Tangela I see da boy here right here mon." Says the Rastafarian man. Tangela comes from David bedroom. "Ya, this tha girl me was talking to you bout, David's pussyclaud!" She laughs with the other Rastafarians who entered the living room behind her.

   "Excuse me?" Carmen asks. "Your excused! Raj go get David mon!" She yells to a Rastafarian next to her. Tangela had on a sports bra with panties on and some black stilettos. She also carried a pistol. "Here go ya boy Tang." Says Raj. David face has blood all over it, blood on his clothes and bruises all over his arms.

   I fell to my knees in sorrow, I couldn't believe my eyes. My husband is beat all up and it was her fault. "Bitch what did you do to him." I said crying over him. "You can have him now, he wasn't such a man after all, plus he is married to you pussyclaud." Tang said laughing.

   Chris walked over to help pick David up. Raj come up to Chris with a gun to his neck, "What you bout to do mon, approaching me all wrong son, no." "Raj let him be mon, he wasn't disrespecting us." Tang says. "Let them get him and the rest of his shit out my house!"


     I got up real quick, "Your house?" I asked. "Ya you see Carmen I'm taking the house now, me daughter gonna have my house so I made sure we set." Tang said with a smirk. "Bitch you not taking our house." "Oh you want to be a bad ass now Carmen?" Tang asks. "You know what bitch you can have this piece if shit. C'mon Chris!" We left with David and immediately went to the hospital, after waiting 4 hours David was well enough to attend the wedding.

     After the beautiful wedding everyone met up at Chris and Indy's house for dinner and stayed until about 10:30. David and I went into our bedroom and decided it was time for a deep conversation. Cali was in her crib sleeping and Chris and Indy were getting ready to go to the cruise ship for their honeymoon.


    "David what happen? Why did they beat on you? I thought you were dead." I asked. "Well when I left from over here, I went back to our house because you forgot Cali little teddy bear I got her. I knew she couldn't sleep without it so I was about to bring it over here, but I looked outside and it was black cars everywhere.

  Tangela got out the car and had a gun, and 5 other Rastafarian got out with guns. So I went to get my gun but as I was walking one of them hit me from behind and just started beating on my ass. Tangela said it was because I didn't come to her house last night because I told her we was done so I could fix what we had." David said.

"David this is why you shouldn't mess around on me, I would have never put you into that mess. I am the only one who is going to hold you down, I mean we said those vows for a reason! I love you David we have a daughter and I hope more babies to come."

    "That is done Carmen, I only want you. You've always been here for me. Anything you want I will have it for you. I love you so much Carmen. My word is my bond, I'm so sorry I hurt you." David said.

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