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I just want to take you out and show you off

You already know that you the perfect one

Girl when I'm with you, feel like a champion

Ever since I got with you I feel like I done won me a trophy

Trophy, I won me a trophy

A trophy, I won me a trophy

Trophy, I won me a trophy

A trophy

(Indigo P.O.V)

"Baby David got caught cheating with a stripper. We have to go get Carmen and Cali." I said sitting up in the bed. I honestly couldn't believe this happened, Carmen loves David so much.
"With a stripper, what the hell? What's wrong with the boy yo?" Chris asked getting out of the bed. Chris walks to over to the closet to grab a shirt. "I have no clue, I think it was the babysitter's mother." I said putting on some basketball shorts and a hoodie. "You talking about Tangela?" Chris asked walking into the room. "Ya, how do you know her?" I asked suspiciously. "Hold up girl,don't think I was talking to her. Nawh he was texting a girl I figured it was Carmen because he said it was his baby but I looked at the name and it was Tangela. I didn't know who she was personally."

I just sat back on the bed feeling so hurt. "Chris why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked. He rushed next to me, "baby I didn't know what was going on, it isn't our business really. I didn't want to say anything not knowing what was going on." He said holding me in his arms tightly. "Well that's understandable but that's like my sister, if I knew something was going on with David I will tell her and you know that. We both been through a lot growing up and I would have thought you out of everyone understood that Shit!" I yelled running to the bathroom and closing the door. I didn't want anyone getting over on my sister. I would do anything to prevent anyone from playing with her feelings.

"Indy baby, open the door, please." Chris said knocking on the door. "Just go get Carmen and Cali please, I need time alone Chris." I said wiping my mouth with some tissue. "Baby I love you man, I'll be right back, call me if you need anything." Chris said talking closely to the door. When I knew for sure he was gone, I ran and grabbed a towel. I vomited all over the floor. I figured it was from the drinks I had last night with the girls but now that I think about it , I only had cranberry juice and water.

I hurried and cleaned up after myself, put the towel in the washer along with the other dirty towels and got into my car. I went to the express care and waited to be called to the back. I waited patiently, and very worried.

"Indigo Thomas?" The nurse asked. "Yes, right here ma'am." I said standing up. I followed her to the back and the doctor was waiting for me. "Ahh Miss Thomas, I was expecting you. When you said it was an emergency I came to the hospital just for you. How is everything?" He asked with a smile on his face while sterilizing his hands.

"Well, I threw up this morning unexpectedly, do you think you could check me out Doc?" I asked. "Would you prefer a pregnancy test?" he asked. "Yes sir, but this has to be quick." I said. " yes ma'am I understand,I'll try to make this as quick as possible. If I may I ask where is your husband?" Doctor Motts asked.

"He's running some errands and he should be picking me up shortly." I said prepping myself for this test.

(Carmen P.O.V)

I been through so much and I couldn't believe that David would do anything like this... But I guess that he doesn't really care about marriage. We have a daughter and he had the balls you to cheat on me. I told him not to talk to her again he still talk to her. I'm glad that Chris and Indigo are here for me and I know that they're not going anywhere. I never would feel like a burden but I know it's time for me to put my big girl panties on and go out and find myself a job. I suppose you cannot always depend on a man even if he's your husband.

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