Win or Loose

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They wun one hunnid or loyal.
But I can say that I knew.
Quick to run off alone, cause on know what to do.
I dont want talk, leave me lone, ain trynna be rude.
Back to back rolling up, thinking bout my next move.
On erything i wont fold.
maintain to get through.
in this life that im living, either you win or you lose.

(Carmen P.O.V)
"You're card has been declined ma'am, it seems you're husband has transferred everything from you guys joined account to his personal checking account." "Thank you Mrs.Ivy" "Was there anything else that I may assist you with ma'am." "No not at all thank you."
I hung up and immediately got pissed. I know this mothafucka didn't take all of my money!

*Text message to Indy*
"Bitch he cleared my account out so I'm not going to be able to go to New York! I have no money and I have to pay my rent soon! Omg Cali needs more diapers and I have to buy food like omg what am I going to do?"

She replies quite fast: "Back to the Bando we go meet me there in 15."

I knew it was going to end like this, back to me selling drugs. I immediately called a babysitter to watch Cali.

*2 hours later*

"See sis you're a natural, I knew you could pick back up on this." "Ya but Indy I rather not be doing this." I said handing my street runners the drugs. "Aye make sure you sell this shit quick I need this shit sold by the end of the day." I said to one of them. This girl was in school and she was only 17. She had twins and the father of her kids got killed shortly after she had them. "Gotcha that's not an issue."
She left and it was just me and Indy and a bando full of drugs. We were bagging them and all of a sudden I received a message.
Anthony: Hey baby girl I was just checking up on you . I would like to see you again please call me when you get the chance.

Damn I really want to respond but I have so much going on. I can't be distracted because I need to be more focused on my money... my daughter is my main focus right now.

You know what I can't shut everyone out because my husband fucked me over! I responded nonchalantly.

Me: Hey Anthony, I got my hands tied right now. Could you meet me at the house in an hour please I have to tell you something.

Anthony: Yea sure thing. Do you have Cali with you? I have a present for her if you don't mind me buying things for her.

Me: She's with the babysitter right now. I don't mind you buying things for her I really appreciate the gesture. Looks like I will be doing everything for her for now on. I'll see you soon Anthony.

I put down my phone and handed Indy another bag. "Fuck! Umm.... sis I have to cut out soon and hurry home and change. Anthony is meeting me there and I don't want to smell like I've been whipping the works for the past 2 hours." "Sis go do your thing I got you!" Indy laughed while handing the last bag to one of the street runners. I rushed to the car which was about six blocks down. A car pulls up very suddenly and to my surprise its Anthony. He rolls down the window..."Carmen what are you doing out here on the rough side of the neighborhood? What's going on?" "I know someone that lives around here. I parked my car like 5 more blocks down the road." "Get in I will give you a lift." We drove down 5 more blocks and I see a tow truck towing my fucking car.

I made sure I didn't park in front of the building cause there was a fire lane close. I parked in the parking lot like everyone else so there was no reason he should be towing my car. When we pulled up I rushed out of the car and began to yell at the man. "Hey, excuse me sir. Hey motherfucka I know you hear me!" He turns around quickly and says "The fuck do you want Carmen I'm busy!" "How do you know my name? Why the fuck are you towing my car and I parked in a legal parking spot?" "First of all Carmen watch your fucking tone when you are addressing me. Your perfect husband ordered me to tow your Mercedes so you can shut the hell up and take it up with him." "No listen you can't tow my fucking car man I have to pick up my daughter." "Well Carmen you should've thought about that before you fucked over your husband. Matter of fact it looks to me that you got a ride waiting on you so I'm sure you don't need your car. Oh yeah and before I forget I'll make sure I report that back to your husband you whore! You're not even divorced yet and already thoting around! Shameful, you should be a better example for your daughter." He continued to tow my car and I pulled out my phone quickly.

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