Male reader x Natasha | overprotective

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Yaaay I have another title Hehe
I'm so proud of myself~

Any way I hope you enjoy, I also got this from another avengers story. Sooo...Yeppers........her name is Natasha right??


Reader's POV

I woke up feeling very, VERY restricted, I looked around and noticed I was swaddled in blankets "um Natasha?" I yelled out, she responded from what I could guess was the bathroom "yes honey?" She yelled back, I finally got out of my baby prison and walked into the bathroom.

I saw Natasha In front of the mirror brushing her fire red hair, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck softly making her hum happily "why was I wrapped like a cheap Christmas present?" I asked, she smiled and giggled softly "I thought you looked cute" she turned her head around and kissed my cheek.

"I felt like a baby"

"You are a baby"

Fasforward!!! Dooweedoo!!!! Come my whovians!!!!! Join the geekiness!!!!!!!!!! *coughs awkwardly* sorry

"No, your not going on this mission!" Natasha yelled at me. I rolled my eyes "we're only going to pick up some herbs for banner, its not that big of a deal" I said calmly, trying to be the "mature" one, she didn't like that "I don't care!!! Your not going and that's, that!!" She yelled and stormed off, i sighed knowing I'll never win this argument.

Another fast forward........ Dooweedooooooooooooo

I walked into banners office to see him working on something, I walked over to him and looked down at what he was working on "whatcha doing?" I asked quietly, trying not to scare him, which succeeded "I'm working on one of Hawkeye's arrows, I'm making an arrow that will explode into multiple arrows" he said without missing a beat, I nodded "that's pretty cool" I said, suddenly I heard a very familiar voice "y/n what do you think your doing!!!" Natasha's voice rang out, banner jumped and the arrow exploded, blasting me and him against the wall.

My ears were ringing and my vision was super blurry and it felt like my back was broken. I heard a muffled voice and a blur of red and knew it was Natasha. I felt anger course through my body, my vision clear and my hearing was back to Normal. "I told you to stay out of banners lab!!" She yelled in my face.

I stood up and walked towards our room with Natasha following me "where do you think your going! Dont turn your back on me while I'm talking to you!" She Nagged me, I turned into our room and started to pack my things, she got really quite when she saw what I was doing.

"Y/n... What are you doing?" She asked, her voice booming just a few seconds ago turned into a small scared voice. "I'm moving to a different room" I said without looking at her, I was thankful that I didn't have very much belongings " I stood up with my suitcase in hand and looked at her. "And I'm leaving you" her eyes widened and she started to stammer "w-what d-d-do y-you mean?" She asked, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

I sighed and placed my bag down and looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry, I love you to death, treat me like a child, your more of a mother to me then my girlfriend, and I dont want that." I said, feeling tears prick my eyes while tears were streaming down her face "i-i-i can c-change! P-please dont leave me i-I n-need y-you!!" She stuttered out holding onto me, begging me not to leave her, I brought her into a hug.

"I'm sorry but I can't keep living like this, maybe we'll get back together later but not now" I said pulling away, I kissed her one last time and she wrapped her arms around my neck, trying to keep me there but she was too weak at the moment, I easily pulled away making her whimper and sob quietly, she was slightly shaking "please dont leave me" she said quietly, shaking more and more by the second.

I picked up my suitcase and walked out of the door making sure I went through with this I didn't look back.

no matter how loud Natasha screamed

No matter how hard she pulled

No matter how much she begged

I can't look back.


Fast forward bitches!!!!

I sighed as I looked at Natasha. I was on the cafeteria eating my breakfast and it looked like she hasn't taken a shower in days, its been almost three weeks since I broke up with her. Her hair was tangled and her eyes were red and puffy from crying so much and her once beautiful smile was a rare  to see, she just sat down with Thor and the other avenger's doing nothing, she hasn't been on any missions since them.

She never ate, I haven't seen her eat anything in a long time. I felt Like such an asshole, and the avengers aren't making me feel any better. Every time they pass me, they send me a glare or they tell me how bad nat is doing.

She suddenly stood up a stormed out of the cafeteria, is peaked my interest a I stood up and followed her. She stomped to her room and slammed the door, I slowly walked over to it and listened.

"I'm so sorry y/n" her muffled voice echoed through my mind, I could tell just by her voice that she was crying "I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough, I'm sorry I can't live lie with out you" I got a little worried when she said that, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I heard her gun click "goodbye world" she said.

I opened the door and knocked the gun out of her hand, she looked at me with a shocked look on her face, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. She clung onto me and cried into my chest "I'm so sorry nat" I said, feeling tears steam down my face.

"I'm sorry that I didn't do some thing sooner" she looked up at me "no no you couldn't have known, I should be the one sorry" she said in a small whisper, she started to ramble on, on how it was her fault, I smiled and rolled my eyes "you talk too much" I said softly and pulled her into a kiss.

She gasped slightly but melted I to it and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. After a few seconds we pulled away from each other due to lack of oxygen. "I love you so much y/n" she whispered with a smile on her face, I matched her smile "I love you too nat"

Man the ending was so blegh, I wish I could do it better ;-; I hope you enjoyed it.

Toodles!!! *smooches your cheek* I love ya.......

Natasha's POV

I woke up feeling like a constricted baby, I smiled happily when I realized what happened "y/n~" I sang out loudly, I heard his footsteps coming closer "yes?" He asked looking down at me with a gorgeous smile on his face "why am I wrapped like a baby?" He
Leaned down and kissed my cheek "you looked cute"

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