male reader x pacifica Part 2

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Readers pov

"Shit shit shit shit!!" I yelled as i felt the troll gaining up on me, I started to weave back and forth between trees, the troll just ran through them, causing trees to fly in all directions. Finally I burst out of the forest and onto a road, I heard a familiar honk and turned around to see my mustang, with Wendy driving. she pulled up next to me and rolled her window down "what are you doing here, go!!" I yelled at her, but she didn't have enough time before the troll jumped out of the forest and landed on the hood, crushing the engine in the process. They all Hopped out except pacifica, I ran towards the back and pulled her out before the troll stomped on the rest of the car, crushing it. I held pacifica tightly to my chest "run!!" I yelled and started to run down the toad towards town, I looked behind me and saw that Wendy and them were catching up with me, and so was the troll. After about 10 minutes of constant running, we made it into town "everyone to the mystery shack!" Dipper yelled at us, I nodded and ran towards the mystery shack, I felt pacifica stir in my arms and looked Down to see that she woke up "hia baby, so Im gonna put you down and we're going to run towards the mystery shack" I said to her then put her down, I held her hand and pulled her along. We made it to the middle of town when pacifica tripped, I looked behind me and saw that the troll was knocking everything out of his way, his foot kicked a stop sign, sending it towards pacifica.

Pacifica's POV

I looked behind me to see the troll kick a sign and it launched right towards me, I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but it never came, I slowly opened my eyes to see y/n hovering over me, I looked down and saw the pole through his stomach I gasped and looked up at his face and saw that he was smiling "why?" I croaked out feeling tears stream down my face, "I don't know, my body just kind of reacted" he said, coughing up a pile of blood. I felt the ground shake harder and Harder and I saw the troll standing right behind y/n, it raised its foot and hovered it over me and y/n.

All of a sudden, something hit the troll and exploded, I looked behind me and saw Dipper's uncles with grenade launchers, they started to bombard the troll with grenade's. Tearing the troll apart with every shot, dipper and wendy ran over to me and grabbed y/n, pulling him towards Stanley and Stanford. I got up and ran after them as I felt pieces of the troll hit the ground around me. I wiped my tears away and ran faster. "Please be Ok y/n" I though in my head. As dipper and Wendy softly put y/n on the ground. I looked behind me to see that the troll was gone and Stanley and Stanford running towards us "we need to get him to the hospital" Stanley said, Wendy pulled her phone out and dialed 911 while I sat next to y/n "please be Ok" I said crying, I closed my eyes and cried even harder.

I felt someone wipe my tears away "hey, dont cry" I heard y/n say, I opened my eyes and looked down at him, he gave me a weak smile "please dont cry over me" he said rubbing my cheek. I placed my hand over his and sobbed softly. "I love you so much" he said, his eyes slowly closing and his hand falling down my cheek "no! No!" I said holding his hand, I let go of it only for it to fall onto his chest "no you can't die" I said weakly, placing my head on his chest and cried. Then the ambulance pulled up and Dipper pulled me away as the paramedics placed y/n into the ambulance. I turned around and hugged Dipper tightly and buried my face into his chest. The last thing I heard before I passed out was the siren getting quieter and quieter.

Fast forward

I shot up and looked at where I was, I noticed I was in a hospital room hooked up to several machines. A doctor walked in looking down at a clipboard, he looked up and saw me "oh your awake" he said slightly surprised, he grabbed his chair and pulled it over to my bed and sat down, "how are you feeling?" he asked, I laid back down "I'm feeling fine, what happened?" I asked, he looked Down at his clipboard for a second before he looked up at me "well you feinted but when we looked closer we saw that you passed out due to blood loss" he said, looking at his clipboard, I slowly moved around in the bed, until I remembers why happened to y/n "is y/n alright!!" I yelled, standing up only to receive a pain in my side and the doctor rushed over and gently pushed me back down.

"please stay down, you need to recover" he said, I slowly nodded and laid back down, "and I'm guessing your asking about y/n l/n?" He asked, flipping through some paper on his clipboard, I nodded wildly "yes that's him is he Ok!?" I yelled, gripping the bed tightly "yes we successfully revived him and removed the pole, but he needs to recover so he'll be here for about 2 months" he said getting up and walking out of the room "you should get some sleep" he said and turned then light off and closed the door smiled softly knowing y/n was Ok and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Fast forward again!!!

Its been a month and I've been visiting y/n every day, I opened his door slowly and peeked in, I saw that he was asleep "perfect" I whispered and walked in and quietly closed the door, I walked over to him and slowly straddled him, I bombarded his face With Soft kisses, y/n smiled softly and opened his eyes "you know" he said, wrapping his arms around my waist "I'm getting a wave of déjà vu right now" he smirked and looked into my eyes

I leaned down and kissed him softly, biting his lip softly causing a groan to escape his lips. I pulled away when I heard the door open up, I looked towards it and saw a nurse, she looked at us in surprise then blushed slightly "well I just came by to tell you that your all better, you can go home now" she said looking down at the ground then leaving the room quickly, I looked down at y/n and jumped off of him "you heard her!" I said excitedly "let's go" I grabbed his arm and started to pull him up "baaabe hurry" I whined and pouted, he chuckled softly and put his shoes on "alright, alright calm down" he stood up and walked next to me "ok, lets go" he said holding his hand out, I intertwined our fingers and walked out of the hospital. He pulled his keys out and twirled them with his other hand, I snatched them from him "nope I'm driving" I said letting his hand go and skipped to his car, I hopped into the drivers seat while y/n got into the passenger's seat, I pulled a blindfold out of my purse and handed it to y/n, "put this on" I said and started the car, he slowly and reluctantly put it on "um Ok?" He said, and leaned back into the seat. I smiled and drove off towards my house "oh the surprise I have for you" I thought in my head and smirked.

Aaand that's the end of part 2 and as promised, part 3 will be a lemon

They gonna to the dance with no pants

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