male reader X witch part 2

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Thank you NocturneSonicx for the name. anyway, i hope you enjoy part 2, Part Three will have a lot more action, part 2 will be a little cute and make you look like a bad ass in the beginning.

reader pov

i turned around with the witch still in my arms and saw the other survivors "oh thank god your ok" Rachel said, she rushed over to me but stopped when she saw the witch in my arms, she grew a horrid look on her face before drawing her pistol and aiming it at me. 

"y/n put it down" she growled out, Coach and Ellis followed her lead and drew their pistols too, i shook my head "she's different i mean, just look at her!!" i yelled, they all looked at her and looked a little hesitant except Rachel. She kept her pistol trained on my head.

"i dont care! She's Infected Put her down or i'll put a bullet in your brain" she yelled at me, her voice echoing off the walls, i placed the witch at my feet carefully and stood back up, i reached behind me and pulled out a bile bomb and placed my thumb over the button to detonate it "leave or i'll attract the horde" i said feeling a smirk creep to my face.

Rachel quickly holstered her gun and so did the others, "now y/n" coach said walking over to me slowly "lets talk about this" i saw Rachell reach behind her for her rifle so i pressed the button and threw it at them, it exploded and boomer bile splashed all over them.

A horrendous roar echoed off everything, i picked up the witch and threw her over my shoulder and dashed out of the alleyway, before i made it out of the alleyway i heard rachel yell out "you can't escape y/n!! we will hunt you down until your dead" i chuckled when her yells were drowned out by the horde.

i looked infront of me to see about twenty zombies, i pulled my desert eagle out and started to shoot them "this is going to take awhile"


I finally made it to a safe house, after encountering many, many hordes and a lot of special infected, i finally made it to a safe house. The witch woke up awhile ago and she helped me a lot with the hordes, i found out her name was 'Wendy' and that, that was all she could Remember before the apocalypse.

In the safe house i found some clothes for Wendy to wear, i found some tan combat pants and a overly large sweater, i was glad we decided to trim her nails down a tiny bit, she put the sweater on and it slid off one of her shoulders, making her look really adorable.

 i looked away with a small blush on my face and decided to look around to try find the bedroom and found one, but it only had one bed. My blush grew even darker when i realized me and Wendy would have to sleep together.

Wendy followed me and had a small smile when she saw the bed "looks like we'll be snuggling together" she said in a bubbly voice, making me smile. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bed "come on its late and i need a cuddle buddy" she said with a small pout on her face i laughed softly "alright alright just let me get ready" i said, she let my arm go and she jumped onto the bed and buried herself under the covers. i don't know what it was about her, its like she completely forgot about the apocalypse, but with her help maybe i could finally relax

I pulled my shirt off and threw it into a corner, i climbed into the bed and laid down next to Wendy, she instantly cuddled up to me and buried her face into the crook of my neck, her cold breath hitting my neck sent small shivers through my body, i wrapped my arms around her smallish waist and pulled her closer.

"i'm glad you found me" she said softly, i looked down at her for a second before smiling "me too" i said in a whisper, she moved her head and stared into my eyes, their was a certain look she gave me but i couldn't quite figure out what it was but it made my heart start beating "i-i think i love you" she said softly, she leaned forward and placed her lips onto mine.

i was frozen, i didn't know what to do,my brain just shut down, i finally gained control and kissed back, she flung her leg over my waist and straddled me when i kissed back. she wrapped her arm around my neck and i tightened my grip on her waist, she pulled away so our faces were inches apart.

i placed my forehead against her's and whispered "i love you too"

so was it good? i hope it was as good as the first one but idk, blehg. i hope you liked it, part three may be up soon it all depends.

toodles! *smooches your cheek* i love ya

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