Male reader x velvet |aggressive bunny

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Ruby's POV
"Can't we do something!?" Jaune yelled and slammed his Fists on the table, all of a sudden we heard a yelp and looked at where it came from and saw that cardinal was pulling on velvets ears "ha I told you they were real!!" Cardinal said to his teammates, earning a laugh from all of them, "someone better hold me back or I'll kill him" Jaune said, gritting his teeth "hey who's that?" Nora said pointing at a guy with e/c eyes and h/c hair walking towards cardinal, "I dont know but he sure is hot" yang said, I nodded and slightly blushed watching him

Readers POV
I was walking towards a guy who was pulling on a Bunny faunus ears, I tapped his shoulder and he turned around "what do you want" he sneered at me, "i want you to stop pulling on her ears" I said glaring at him, he let her ears go "yeah or what" he met my glare with his own, "or it might get very very painful for you" I looked at his teammates before I met his gaze again, "for all of you" him and his teammates started laughing "all right you asked for it"

Ruby's POV
We were watching the new student confront cardinal and his teammates when all of a sudden they all started to scream and the new student hasn't moved a muscle, they all dropped to the grounded and screamed more. He sighed and grabbed the back of their shirts, and started to drag them towards the infirmary "oh!" He said and dropped them, he started to walk towards velvet.

Readers pov
"Hey are you Ok?" I asked, sitting next to the girl who's ears got pulled, she looked up at me and I saw that she was crying, "dont worry they won't cause you anymore problems, what's your name" I said wiping her tears away, "velvet" she stuttered out, slightly blushing, "but, how do you know that they'll leave me alone?" she asked, I looked around jokingly and leaned forward "I'll tell you a secret" I whispered, which seemed to make her smile, I had to admit she had a cute smile "my mom is Glyndia" I whispered more and pulled away, I saw her face and chuckled, "wait your Mom is!-" She started to yell but I covered her mouth "shhhh!" I shushed her, I looked around and saw that everyone staring at me and there was complete silence, I looked at velvet, "she's right behind me isn't she" I said sighing slightly, velvet nodded, I looked behind me and saw her "hia mom" I said giving her my sweetest smile, but it didn't affect her, she just glared at me, but it did affect everyone else, everyone started to whisper and gasp that she was my mom I sighed again and groaned "come on they had it coming" I said, looking up at her, she grabbed my ear and started to pull me toward her office, picking the team I put under my illusion up on the way "ow ow ow ow ow ow!" I said in pain I looked back at velvet and Reached my arm out towards her "help me velvet!!" I yelled, she just giggled and waved at me "I'll talk to you later" she yelled out to me.

Velvets POV
"So what's his name?" Someone said, I turned around and saw team rwby and jnpr sitting on the opposite side of my table, leaning towards me "he didn't tell me, but I bet I know where to find him" I said and looked at the door and saw that he was holding on to it "God damnit y/n let go!!" I heard Glyndia yell, "help! I'm being attacked by a crazy woman!" Y/n yelled, but instantly regretted it "you did not just call your mother crazy!" Glyndia yelled, all of a sudden y/n hit the floor and was dragged out, his nails digging Into the floor and screaming at the top of his lungs. "Well that happened" Yang said as we all looked at the door "I suddenly really like Glyndia now" Nora said, with the biggest grin on her face.

Time Skip and also still velvets pov
We were all in Ms.glyndias class, everyone was silent since they all saw what happened to y/n, he was no where to be seen but cardinal and his team were on the far side of the stadium(?) All of a sudden the doors slammed open and y/n walked in, cardinal and his team screamed and crawled away towards the wall, y/n smirked when he saw that and scanned the class room, his eyes lit up when he saw me and he walked towards me and sat next to me "hia velvet" he said to me smiling, I blushed "h-hi" I said moving my hair in front of my face so he couldn't see me blushed, but he just brushed my hair behind my ear(her human ear...wait do they even have human ears?) causing me to blush even more "you know" he said looking into my eyes "your a lot cuter when you blush" he smirked as I felt my face heat up even more "s-shut up" I said looking away, he just chuckled looked forward, watching Weiss and ruby fight.

I felt someone poke my back and I turned around to see coco looking at me, slightly smirking "your lucky to have such a handsome guy flirting with you" she said, causing me to blush, I felt my blush go away and turned back towards coco, "so" she said, lowering her glasses and looked at me with her bright brown eyes "when are you going to make a move on him" I squeaked and covered my face with my hands, which caused coco to chuckle softly, "soon" I whispered, which gained a gasp from coco "really!" She said excitedly, I nodded, she clapped her hands excitedly. Then the bell rang and everyone ran out towards the lunch room but I stayed behind to talk to Glyndia.

I slowly walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and smiled sweetly, "velvet, how may I help you" she said, sitting down in her chair "well" I started out, blushing slightly "its about y/n" she instantly sighed "what did he do this time" I started to shake my head and reassure her "oh dont worry, he didn't do anything" I looked into her eyes, which grew a confused look "I..kinda....fell in love with him" I said pushing my index fingers together, she grew a surprised look on her face but it turned into a face of pure joy "oh so that's what its all about" she said slightly smirking, " and you want to know of a way to confess huh?" She said, standing up, "well you could always do the tea thing" she said, pacing back and forth "the tea thing?" I said, looking at her confused, "yeah, you make him a cup of tea and put in some sugar that shows how much you love him" she said, I smiled widely and ran out of her room "thanks Glyndia!!" I yelled out waving behind me towards her.

Time skip
I held a tray that held a tea cup, I walked up to y/n's door and knock, after a few seconds he answered "oh hey whats up velvet?" He asked looking into my eyes, "oh well I just wanted to drop by and give you some tea" I say, blushing and looking down at the tea cup, he picked the tea cup up and took a sip.

Readers POV
I took a sip of velvets tea that she made, but when I did, I realized it was just sugar, I slightly smirked and put the tea back down on the tray "that's some really sweet tea, but what does it mean?" I ask, smirking on the inside. "Fuck this" she said, I was a little bit shocked when she said that but before I could do anything, she wrapped her fingers around my collar and slammed her lips into mine, I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss, I slid my tongue across her bottom lip but she smirked and kept her mouth shut, so I brought my hand up and rubbed her ear, which made her squeal which gave me the opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth. I brought my hands down and held her hands while I kissed her, but all of a sudden she pulled away and pinned me to the wall with my hands next to my head, we were both panting heavily "wow" I said, "I didn't know a bunny could be aggressive" this made her giggle "oh you have no idea" she said smirking and pulled me into my room, locking the door in the process.

Well......I hope you enjoyed that, I'm trying to think of clever names for these but can't, Sooooo yup byeeeeeee

Also here's a cookie *hands you a cookie*

I am not responsible for ruby stealing your cookie

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