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I start my way to the nearest park. I bundled up in my coat to try and stay warm. I had been walking around looking for a place to sleep for the night that would keep me dry. It looked like it was about to start raining so I tried to hurry.

As I passed a dark alley I felt a large hand grip my arm. I yelped as the tall figure pulled me into the shadows. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth.  After being beaten I was pinned to the ground. He ripped off my clothes, and took the one thing I thought I would always have control over. My virginity.

He punched my eye before pulling his hood over his face and taking off. I lay on the cold, hard, ground sobbing. Everything hurts. I hear voices but they sound distant and fuzzy.

"Oh my god, honey are you okay?" Some one says
"P-Please, please, don't h-hurt me." I whimper

A coat is laid over my shivering body and someone is told to call some people that I don't know. I look up to see a lady with beautifully curled, dark brown hair leaning over me, along with a tall blond haired man who is on the phone.

"It's okay sweetheart, we aren't going to hurt you." She exclaims softly. The man hangs up the phone and briskly jogs to us. I cower in fear from the sight of another man.
"Scott, we need to get her to the office." She says to him.

He nods and kneels down to me. I cover my eyes and hide my face from him. The lady gently moves my hands away from my face and holds them in hers.

"We only want to help you. This is my friend Scott, he isn't going to hurt you. Can you come with us?" She ask, I give her a small nod, which in return gets me a small smile.

I try to sit up with her help, but immediately feel fire going through my body, causing me to fall back down. She gasp and catches my head, so I don't hit it on the cement. She looks to Scott who scoops me into his arms. I cry out at the sudden movement and push away from him weakly. He tightens his grip on me and carries me to the car. He sets me in the backseat.

The lady, who I have yet to find out her name, climbs in beside me. She situates me so my head is in her lap. I sob into her lap as she tries to comfort me. She moves the coat so none of my body is exposed while  whispering comforting words to me and strokes my hair as Scott drives.

I'm not focused on where we are going, but on the pain that's going across my body. Soon we pull into a parking lot and Scott races into the building with me in his arms. I scream from being taken away suddenly from the lady. I try to get out of his grip but fail. I continue to scream and thrash in his arms until he sets me down onto a hospital bed.

I hate doctors and dentist. Needles terrify me and pain scares me to death. It doesn't help that I have a low tolerance for pain.

I back into the corner on the bed and wall and make myself into a ball. The lady comes to sit beside me, followed by two new people. One is a tall Caucasian man who has a beard and long hair. The other is a black man who is a medium height. Both are dressed in scrubs with stethoscopes around their necks. The girl takes my hand and starts rubbing circles on it to calm me.

"It's okay, I'm right here." She says calmly  "Can you tell us your name sweetheart?"

I'm shaking in fear and my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. "A-Ana," I manage to choke out barely above a whisper. She wipes away some of my tears but more keep coming.
"My name is Kirstin, you can call me Kirstie if you'd like. This is Avi, Kevin, and Scott." She says and points to each one of them.

She hops down from the table and opens a cabinet. She pulls out a folded gown and pushes the guys out of the room. "Let me help her change, then we can do this." She says.

Kirstie comes back over to me with a look of concern and pity on her face. Gingerly she removes the coat from overtop of me and gasp at my body. It's covered with blood and bruises from the man beating me. She hurriedly slips the gown over my arms and ties it in the back.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, this is awful."
"I-I don't like d-doctors." I whimper
"We gonna take good care of you." She says sweetly.
"I'm scared, please don't let them hurt me." I beg.
"We aren't going to hurt you, we just want to take care of you and make sure you are alright." She says.

She opens the door back up and in come the three men. She tells Scott to go get me more clothes since all I have is the gown. He leaves and now it's just us four. Both of them have gloves on now and an assortment of tools in their pockets.

"Hi little miss, can we take a look at you?" Avi ask nicely. I vigorously shake my head no. Kirstie comes back and sits on the table with me. I move into her arms and she cuddles me.

"It's okay, I'm right here." She says, try to calm me.

She nods for them to continue so they do. Avi comes closer and unwraps the stethoscope from around his neck.

"I'm just going to listen to your heart, okay?"
I nod.

He presses lightly on my chest with the stethoscope and listens to my heart as best he can with my crying.
"Take a deep breath." he instructs. I do what he ask multiple times until he stops.
"Your heart sounds fine. Look strait ahead for me." He says.

I do what he wants and he shines a torch in my eyes for a few seconds. He pulls a tool out of his pocket and I push myself farther into Kirstie's body. He notices my fear and holds it up for me to see.

"I just have to look in your ears and nose, nothing scary." He says, I come back out of her body a bit and he wipes away some of my tears. He turns my head from side to side, looking in my ears with the tool until he looks in my nose.

"Open your mouth and say ah." He says.
"Ahh." I say, he looks in my mouth and at the back of my throat.
"Good girl, can I get you to lay down for me." He ask

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