Thirteen- Movie

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I walked back out to the kitchen where the guys were cleaning up like I asked them too. If not I would have to clean everything by myself. Ana had went to go change, luckily I had gotten her to calm down. I don't want her to be afraid of them, but it's going to take some work.

Mitch is putting away the extra food. Kevin is wiping off the table. Avi is washing dishes, and Scott is drying off the plates while eating another muffin. He really loves my muffins. I start putting away the plates to help them.

"Was she okay?" Avi ask, I have the feeling that them two are going to be really close.
"Yeah, she got scared."
"Of us?" Kevin ask, he starts handing me plates to put up.
"Kind of, to be more specific, you two." I say and point to Mitch and Scott. They look really confused so I start to explain before they can ask questions.

"She figured it out, and got scared."
"How? We didn't even say anything!" Scott says loudly
"Hush, I know. She's smart, she puts pieces together in her mind. I mean she taught herself sign language and to play the piano, beautifully too."
"We don't even know what else she's taught herself to do." Avi adds
"Exactly, I got her calmed down. She was terrified, like almost crying terrified when I said you were dentist."
"We don't mean to scare her, you know we'd never hurt her purposefully." Scott says, guilt is laced in his voice, and he runs his fingers through his hair.

It was one of his habits that he did when something was messing with him. I know almost everything about the guys from being with them for so long. All of us are best friends. We have now gotten everything clean and are standing around the island, this would have taken me at least half an hour to do alone.

"I know you wouldn't but she doesn't know that. It's clear she has a hard time trusting people and that's understandable for what she's been through. It probably feels foreign to have people helping her because she's used to being so independent. You just have to prove to her that you really care and everything will be fine." I say, I look between all of them until my gaze lands on Avi.

"You seem to be doing really well with her. What happened between you two?"
He takes a deep breath and stands up straighter "Did she hear when we were talking on the phone?"
"That explains how she knew how my chest had been sore. Well, we talked and both said we were sorry, she had felt bad about hurting me even though it wasn't that bad. You weren't kidding when you said she can't handle people being upset with her, she almost started crying from thinking I was mad."
"I told you, it is probably from her father, that prick." I mutter
"We decided to put it behind us and kind of had like a moment of silence thing. Then she hugged me, I wasn't expecting it."
"She just continues to surprise us." Kevin adds

Avi gets excited and a big smile spread on his face "Guys, her songs are amazing. I read part of them while she was playing." He starts talking with his hands as a habit that he does when something gets him excited or happy. "They're complex but simple at the same time. I've never heard anything like them. She has a gift! And the best part is she loves it. The look on her face when she plays is like it makes her the happiest person in the world."

"It comes so effortlessly to her too." I add

"Just think about what she could do with the cello. Kevin you have to teach her."Avi states

"I plan on it. She got so happy when I said I would. It was adorable." Kevin says with a chuckle

"Everything about her is adorable. She's so small and cute it could make a puppy jealous."I exclaim

Something catches my eyes and I turn to the stairs. Ana is standing there in her pajamas. It's a pair of purple, fuzzy shorts that have polka dots on them with a lighter colored purple shirt.

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