Forty Five- Text

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I do a little happy dance in front of the door. I walk to the kitchen to see Kirstin stirring food in a pot. I recognize the smell as beef stroganoff. One of my favorites. Kirstin looks up from the food, I'm gleaming with excitement.

"Guess what?" I ask
"I made a friend!" I squeal, she chuckles at me
"And would this friend be the boy who walked you home?" She says grinning
"Yup." I say
"He's cute." She taunts, I blush and take the plate that she's holding out to me. She follows me to the table and I hand her her drink from the counter. We sit down in our usual spots and begin eating.

"So, what's he like?" She ask
"He's nice, strong, protective." I rattle off what comes to my mind first
"Strong?" She ask
"Well, he helped me get in and out of a tree. I wanted to sit in it to read, but I'm short, so I couldn't reach." I explain, she nods
"What about protective?" She questions
"He insisted that he walk me home to make sure nothing happened to me, and whenever someone would pass, he would kind of move to make sure they couldn't get near me." I explain
She smiles "I like this boy." She says then fills her mouth with food.
"What do you know about him?" She ask
"Not much, we didn't talk for long." I justify, she nods for me to continue "He's deaf, and goes to Red Wood school for the deaf. Um, and he reads like me. That's all I know." I say, and shovel more food in my mouth.
"That's interesting." She says, my face brightens as I remember what he said to me.
"And he called me beautiful." I squeal
"He wasn't lying." She says smiling.

We finish dinner and I help clean up. When we get the dishes put away she turns to me and holds me by my shoulders. She sighs and looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Promise me you'll be careful, okay?" She pleads
"I promise." I whisper, she gives me a small smile and pulls me into a hug. I lay my head on her chest
"I just don't want to see you get hurt, baby." She whispers into my ear. I hug her tighter. We let go and go our separate ways. I go to my room and she goes to the living room.

I turn on music on my iPad and hook it up through Apple TV on my tv. 'I Found' by Amber Run plays as I turn on my shower. I shower and put on my pajamas. They're ombré green to blue with fuzzy bottoms. I slip on a pair of fuzzy socks that have a duck on the top and smile. They are cute and comfortable.

I climb onto my bed and lay towards the footboard with my music papers. I start working on one of my songs until I feel a vibration at my side. I feel around my side until I grasp my phone in hand. I find it's a text from Adam. My heart does a small flutter and I have to remind myself not to get to exited because I can't get close with him.

If I get to close then I'm only going to get hurt. Again. Besides, no guy wants a used girl. As soon as he hears about my past he will go running.

"Hey." It reads
"Hi." I send back. A few seconds later the three dots appear on screen to show he is typing something.
"So you didn't give me a fake number."
I giggle a bit at his text before responding.
"No, have you ever had that happen?"
"No, but I've heard of it happening before."
"That's a bummer."
"Yeah, so what are you doing?"
"Working on a song. What about you?"
"Watching baseball. Do you like music?"
"I love music."
"Can you play any instruments?"
"The piano and cello. Do you play baseball?"
"Yeah, do you want to play 20 questions?"

We spend the next two hours playing twenty questions with each other. I learn that he just turned fifteen, his favorite color is blue, is the pitcher for his team which is undefeated, and has a dog. In between text, I manage to finish my song. I decide I can play it tomorrow because Kirstin came in earlier to tell me goodnight and I don't want to wake her up.

"Do you have any nicknames?" He ask
"Yes, my mom calls me baby, and her friends call me princess."
I can see him laughing in my head. "Princess.... I like it."
"Oh no, now you are going to call me that to, aren't you?"
"Indeed, princess." He says. I can picture the smirk on his face as he looks at the phone.
"What's your biggest fear?" He ask, my breathing hitches in my throat. "I'll tell you mine first if it makes you feel any better."
"Okay." I send back silently praying his was worse than mine.
"Don't laugh, okay?"
"It can't be worse than mine."
"My biggest fear is clowns..."
My heart does a leap. My fingers fly across the screen.
"I'm afraid of them too! They're so creepy, and mimes!"
"Ooo I hate those! Is that what yours was?" He ask I sigh, I was hoping he would forget.
"No... my biggest fear is doctors, dentist, and needles.." I type back slowly and hesitate to hit send. The bubbles show up and disappear twice before he finally responds.

"But I thought you said your mom and her friends are doctors and dentist?"
"They are, but I'm only afraid of them when they have to do their jobs."
"Oh, why are you afraid, they only want to help." He sends
"It's a long story, and I don't like to talk about it." I say
"That's okay. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." I release a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding.
"Thanks for understanding." I text back instantly.
"You're welcome. I can't believe it's already 12:45. I feel like we've only been talking for 10 minutes."
"I know. I was thinking the same thing."
"You need to sleep." He sends
"But I'm not even tired." I protest
"Good night, princess."
I huff. I really wanted to keep talking.
"Goodnight." I say back
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Maybe." I send just to play with him

I plug in my phone and snuggle under the covers. I turn off my tv and cuddle the stuffie Kirstin had given me to my chest. I drift off to sleep with Adam in my mind.

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