Thirty Three- Tommy

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I wake up at the same time as Kristin. I get dressed in my scrubs quickly after showering. I meet her downstairs for breakfast when I'm ready. She pours me a bowl of cheesy grits and sets it down in front of me. Along with grape jelly toast, orange juice, and fruit.

We eat quickly and head out the door. I take my schoolwork, book, and phone so I have stuff to do when I'm not helping Mrs. Kimberly.After a short car ride we arrive at the clinic. We stop by Avi and Kevin's office to say hi like we always do. Scott and Mitch do the same to us because they always get here later. In the beginning everyone wanted me to organize their desk, so I did. It didn't take long but Mitch's was definitely the most difficult.

I quickly set my stuff down and go to the front desk. Mrs. Kimberly is there setting her stuff down and getting ready for us to open. Her scrubs are purple with a white shirt that has flowers on them. They're cute. I walk behind the counter and sit in the other rolling chair next to her.

"Good morning Mrs. Kimberly." I say cheerfully
"Good morning Ana, how was your weekend?" She smiles back at me. She's always happy and smiling.
"It was fun. How was yours?" I ask back
"It was great. It was my grandsons sixth birthday."
"That's nice. Can I help you today?"
"Sure, sweetie." She fixes some papers on her desk while I twirl in my chair. She laughs at my silliness and logs into the computer.

We spend the morning talking and checking in patients. I go to Kirstin's office to see if she is ready for her next patient. On my way back to the front desk she gets her patient but I feel a small tug on my pants while I'm stoped to read a file for a patient I'm supposed to bring back.

"Hi." A small voice says, I look down to see a little boy whom is no older than four or five. He's cute like most children are.
"Can I play with the truck?" He begs, pointing to the toy bulldozer in the children's waiting room.
"Yeah of course." I say "Do you need me to get it down for you?" I ask because it's on top of a shelf he can't reach. He nods, I get it down for him.

"What do you say Tommy?" A lady says to him. I'm assuming it's his mother. She's young so it might be an older sister or someone else.
"Thank you." He cheers. I hand him the truck and he begins to play happily.

"Look mommy! It can go fast!" He squeals and makes sound effects for the truck as he pushes the small toy around. I giggle at him while his mom gives attention to her son.
"That's so cool!" She says to him "Keep playing while mommy talks to the nice girl, okay?"
He doesn't answer but keeps playing in his own little world of trucks.

"Excuse me," she gets my attention "Thank you."
"Oh it's no problem." I say, she looks a bit worried about something which is concerning.
"Is something wrong?" I ask, she looks to him nervously
"The last time he got shots it was with a different doctor and he was terrified. It went really bad a-and I don't know if I can hold him down again." Her voice wavers almost as if she's about to cry.
"If you want I can take him back for you."I offer, her face lights up
I nod, she gets excited and hugs me unexpectedly. I'm taken back by her gesture and she lets go quickly.
"Oh thank you. Do you work here, you're really young." She ask examining me
"No, my mom is the gynecologist here, and the doctors and dentist are practically my family. I just help out with the front desk." I explain

I feel another tug on my pants and see the the boy named Tommy. "Can you play with me?" He ask with a sweet voice.
"Sure buddy. What are we playing?" I kneel down beside the play area he has set up with the toys.
"The dump truck has to take the dirt to the workers over here." He says showing me the places.

I sit and drive around the trucks with him for a few minutes. Occasionally he tells me to take the truck to a different spot so I follow his orders. He shows me his own truck excitedly. It's a regular pocket size toy but he seems to love it. The door to go to the exam rooms opens and out comes Avi. I stop him before he can call Tommy's name.
"I'm going to take him back so he doesn't get scared." I sign. He nods in understandment and signs to go to room 5. He then goes back through the door.

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