Twenty Eight- Breakfast

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I hear soft snickers coming from my feet and my eyes open a bit. I see the guys standing in the doorway looking at us. Scott has that stupid look on his face because he's looking at Kirstin. Kirstin lays beside me with soft snores coming from her. I choose to ignore them and close my eyes again. I curl into a ball and hug the stuffed animal close to my chest. Somehow, I am able to fall back asleep.

Someone is shaking me gently so I roll over to get away from their reach. Apparently I didn't roll far because they started doing it again. "Ana, wakey- wakey, princess." They coo softly. I recognize the voice to be Avi's but still don't get up. "Come on, it's time to get up." He urges, I only hug the stuffed animal closer to my chest. He sighs and chuckles at the same time. "We have food." He taunts
I turn my head in that direction but keep it face down in the pillow. I don't open my eyes just yet but still answer him. "What kind of food?" I murmur softly. There are snickers from around the bed along with Avi. "Pancakes, bacon, strawberries, and peaches. I know how much you love strawberries, princess." He says.

It's true. I love strawberries more than any other fruit. I could eat them all the time. Especially with Nutella or sugar, but I like them best plain.
"Do the pancakes have chocolate chips in them?" I mumble into the pillow
"Just like always, princess." He says, I can tell he's smiling because he always is. A smile almost never leaves his face when I'm around.
Whenever we have pancakes we always put chocolate chips in them. If we make waffles then we make them plain. I always like to make designs with the syrup on them.
My eyes flutter open to find Avi standing over me; a big grin on his face. "There are those pretty eyes." He says "Ready to get up?"
"I'd rather stay down, but thank you for the offer." I say sarcastically. I push my face back into the soft fur of the stuffie and close my eyes. Avi chuckles, I hear the distinct sound of Scott's laughter coming from out in the hallway, followed by the others.
My stomach growls and I curl myself further into a ball.

"Come on sleepyhead, let's get some food in you." He says, he picks me up and I wrap my feet around his waist. I hold the stuffie in my arm and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck. He carries me to my bathroom and I slide down to the floor. I tiredly brush my teeth along with my hair and climb back into his arms. "I'm tired." I yawn in his chest. I had a hard time sleeping. I was awake for most of the night because I was scared I was going to have the dream again.

He chuckles and takes me downstairs. I'm set down at the table and a plate is put in front of me. On it is two pancakes, bacon, peach slices, and cut up strawberries. Kristin hands me a glass of orange juice and sits down with us. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and begin eating. First I eat a strawberry and pick up the syrup. I start to make a design on my pancakes which turns out to be a treble clef.

"What did you make this time?" Kristin ask
"A treble clef." I say
She smiles and looks over her shoulder at it. "Looks good. Hang on don't eat it yet." She says hurriedly. She grabs her phone and quickly takes a picture.
"Instagram." She explains to us

I begin eating and love everything. I get an extra serving of strawberries because they are so good.

"So, why are you all here?" I ask between bites of the sweet delicacies
"What, do you not want us here?" Kevin ask sarcastically.
"We have a music session today." Scott answers me
"Ooh yay, you get to meet Jeremy. He's nice, you'll like him." Kirstin cheers

I help clean up and when we are done Kirstin sits us all down at the table. She takes a deep breath before beginning, clearly this is something important. I hope I didn't do anything. Did I make her mad? Is she going to make me leave? I probably overdid my stay, she most likely wants me gone. I messed up again. I can't do anything right. Why am I such a screw up. I should have never gotten close to them. All this runs through my mind as we wait. They all seem to know what she is going to say but in completely clueless.

"Did I do something? I'm really sorry if I did." I apologize before she can say anything.
"No baby, you didn't do anything." She laughs, this calms my anxiety a tiny bit, but it still runs wild.
"We've talk about this, and we all want it. We love having you here and we love you. We just need you to say yes and I can have it done by tomorrow." She says happily, she pauses. "Ana, I want to adopt you." She breaths out.

They all look to my shock ridden face for an answer. I look down to the table and try to form words. This is not where I was expecting this to go. Good thoughts fill my mind but are quickly replaced with the bad ones. I choke up and can't form words. Tears fill my eyes and start to fall. Everyone looks confused and jumps to find out what is wrong.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Avi pries "Do you not want too?"
"I-I do but..." I start, I fall into a mess of tears and sob into my hands.
"But what?" Scott ask
I speedily try to recompose myself so I can speak. I wipe at my face until all my tears are gone.
"I can't ask you to mess up your lives just for me." I sniffle
"What do you mean?" Kirstin ask confusedly
"Your lives were perfect before you found me. I shouldn't be here screwing it up. This, none of this was supposed to happen. Before me you didn't have to worry about dinner or paying for extra stuff. You could go out and have fun a-and go to work like five normal famous people. Living here for the past two weeks has been the best time of my life, n-no one has ever cared for me like you all do, b-but I'm scared..." I trail off because of my tears again. I can't bear to look at Kirstin, I can hear her sniffling across from me which only makes it harder for me to speak.

"Baby, what are you scared of?" She begs to know
"I'm scared that if you do this then you're going regret it. One day, ten years from now you could be full of regret because you realized how much I screwed up your lives, a-and wish you never would have even met me, let alone adopt me. I can live with my father abusing me and being raped because that happened to me. Not you. But I wouldn't be able to live with knowing I screwed up someone else's life. I-I just can't." I cry

"I would never feel like that, none of us ever would." She claims
"You don't know that." I choke out
"You're right, I don't, but I do know that you make us happy. More happy than singing does. All of us wanted a kid. Maybe we thought it might be a bit different than this, but that doesn't mean we will regret it." She tries to explain "We love you, Ana. I love you." She says they jump in too
"I love you." Avi adds
"I do two." Scott says
"Me three." Kevin says
"What number am I? Four? Yeah four. Me four." Mitch says, we all laugh. "Math isn't my thing, okay. But, Ana, we all want you here and we all care about you." Mitch explains
I go over it in my mind and try to figure out my decision. Maybe they are right. This could actually work out.
"What do you say?" Avi ask for everyone "Will you be our permanent princess?"
To hear how much they care feels amazing. It gives me a fuzzy feeling in my tummy. I like it.
"Yes." I nod slowly. Big smiles spread across everyone's faces and a small one across mine.
I'm attacked with hugs and kisses which make me giggle.

Everyone goes into the living room while I'm still standing at the island, trying to wrap my head around what just happened. I grip the stuffie close to my chest and stare into a glass of water. I feel a hand slide onto my shoulder but don't turn around.

"You okay, princess?" I hear Avi ask
"I have a family." I whisper as the reality sets in. "I have a family." I say a bit louder. The words are happy but foreign to me. "I have a family." I finally reach normal levels and a smile is on my face. "I have a family." I say in disbelief. The words roll off my tongue effortlessly now. I turn to Avi and say it again. "I actually have a family." I cheer I jump with joy and hug him. He's taken back but chuckles at me
"We'll always be a family, no matter what, princess." He says and wraps me in a hug.

Kirstin, who is on the phone, smiles to us and hangs up. "There, my lawyer is working on getting the papers. He said he might be able to get it finalized by tonight." She says happily. I rush over and hug her. We squeeze each other tightly as I breath in her scent. It's comforting, along with her warmth.

I look up to her and she boops my nose. I giggle and pull away. "Go get dressed, baby. Jeremy will be here soon."
"Okay." I say like a child in a candy store. Joy flows through every inch of my body. I've never been this happy before. I don't want it to end. I bounce from one foot to the other and race upstairs.

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