Twentyfive- Back

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I'm putting on my pajamas when there is a knock on my door. "Wait!" I yell, I rush to put my shirt on. I race to my door as fast as I can with out falling because of my socks. I throw open to door to see Kevin and Avi standing there. They seem to have already taken their showers because they have on fresh clothes. The chuckle at me and I let them in.

Only then does it hit me that they are here for something. And the only times they ask me something together is when they have to be doctors. I realize Kevin is holding a first aid kit in his hands and immediately turn to face them and hold my hands behind my back.

"W-What is t-that for?" I stutter, I feel my anxiety levels rising and my breathing goes short.
"Calm down," Avi says calmly, he takes my hands from behind my back and holds them in his. "We need to take care of those boo-boo's, so they don't get worse, okay?"
"No needles." I say firmly
"No needles." He repeats

Avi picks me up and sits on the edge of my bed, while Kevin pulls up my desk chair in front of us. He opens the first aid kit and puts on gloves. He also takes out a cream of some sort.

"This goes on your bruises, it helps them go away. I'll be really gentle, alright?" Kevin says, I nod and watch him.

Carefully, he lifts my shirt to reveal my middle section. Avi holds it in place for him and I feel his breathing hitch. They both assess my wounds from the side while I help hold my shirt.

"Are you mad at me?" I whisper into my lap
Kevin tilts my head up to meet his gaze and he shakes his head no. "We aren't mad at you. You didn't do anything wrong. We just.... wish it wouldn't have happened." He says

Kevin goes back to looking at my stomach before gently applying the cream to some of my smaller bruises. I wince every once in a while but don't stop him. He moves on to my back, still not doing the big one on my side. After taking care of those he finally takes a look at my side. It wraps from the bottom of my hip to the place where my ribs slant upwards. It's about the width of someone's hand with their fingers spread and a foot in length. Literally. The middle is a dark purple, almost blue, color that slowly gets lighter while the outer ring of it is yellowish.

"Good lord, what did he hit you with?" Kevin ask in a shocking manner
"He kicked me." I whisper
"No." I clarify

Kevin begins to rub cream on the outer part of it, slowly moving inward. He pushes slightly in the middle part of it making me flinch. He apologizes quickly and releases the pressure. He puts away the cream and takes out a white bottle of something and a cloth.

"We have to clean the cuts so they don't get infected." He explains
"I-I don't want too." I say, I try to get up but Avi keeps me from getting away
"They'll heal faster if you keep them clean." Kevin says trying to convince me.
"But they are healing." I protest

"Princess, the faster we get this over with then the more time we have to cuddle." Avi says sweetly, but with firmness laced in his voice.
I huff when he turns me around. I wrap my feet around his waist and my arms around his neck. I hang my head on his chest and close my eyes. A strong, nasty smell enters my nose that makes me cringe.

"That stinks." I laugh, the do too and I hear the liquid slosh onto the cloth. Kevin moves my damp hair to my shoulders, and I feel his other hand get really close to my back.

"I need you to stay still for me, okay?" He says, I nod in Avi's chest. "This might sting just a bit." He adds at the last second. My eyes fly open in fear "Wait, what?" I yell. He presses the cloth to my back and a burning sensation travels my body. My back arches upward in pain and I push myself further onto Avi.
"Owiee," I cry
"Shh, it's okay." Avi says comfortingly
Kevin moves the cloth to a different cuts, each making me whimper more. I try to wriggle out from under the pressure of Kevin's hand, only to have him apply more pressure. "Stay still, baby." Kevin pleads
Avi wraps his arms around me to keep my body still. 
"Stop." I whisper desperately "Please."
"We're almost done with your back." Kevin reassures

Each time Kevin moves on to a different cut a new line of fire runs across my back. I scrunch Avi's shirt tightly in my hands as tears fall from my eyes. After what seems like forever, he finally stops. He rubs some cream on the cuts and wraps a bandage around my stomach.
"Breath princess." Avi orders  me. I suck in a breath full of air which is like heaven to my lungs. I didn't realize I wasn't breathing until he said something.
I try to get up, but like earlier, Avi won't let me go.
"We aren't done yet." He says
"Your thighs."

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