Forty Eight- Blood

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Adam and I kept hanging out and face timing when we couldn't. Today is Saturday and my stomach had been hurting all morning, so I just lay in bed, trying to go back to sleep. Eventually, I get up and get dressed in some loose, comfortable clothes. I go downstairs to find Kirstin eating grape jelly toast and doing paperwork. I trudge over to the counter, going for the Nutella in the cabinet. She watches me with curiosity. I take one of our biggest spoons and scoop out a big serving. I suck on the sweet but dry goodness, spoonful after spoonful.

"Do you want some toast with that?" She ask gleaming at me. I shake my head no.
"What are you doing? You never eat Nutella." She glares at me
I take the spoon out of my mouth and swallow a sip of water. "I really want chocolate, but this is all we have."
"Me and you both. Let me get some of that." She says grabbing another spoon. I hold it out to her and she does the same as me. I down my glass of water to help with the dryness in my mouth.
"Just make sure you eat something else to make sure you don't go into a sugar coma." She jokes
"Like more Nutella?" I say because I only want Nutella and chocolate.
"No, more like some fruit or bacon or yogurt, something that could be counted as actual food." She says
"Ooo, a orange would be good right now." I say and hop from the chair. I rush to the fridge and grab the biggest orange. I tear off the the peel and divide the slices. I put one in my mouth and my nose wrinkles in disgust.
"Eww, Nutella and oranges don't mix." I force down the slice and rinse my mouth out with water before eating another. I eat a bowl of cereal and fight through the pains in my stomach. I go back to my room and turn on a movie to try to distract myself from it.

I watch movies all day and talk to Adam a little bit. I cuddle my stuffie close to my stomach. I eat crackers to see if it would help settle my insides. Nothing helps, so I try to fight through. Somehow, I find an awkward position in which I'm comfortable and there is no pain.

Around six, Kirstin comes in, in a dressy skirt and blouse. She's trying to put in ear rings to match a necklace she has on. She chuckles at my position and gets her ear ring in. Before I can ask, she starts explaining.
"I have a meeting over dinner tonight, so Avi and Scott are coming over to keep you company."
"When will you be back?" I ask
"I should be back, probably around, eight thirty. I promise I'll call if I'm going to be later, okay?" She says keeping me calm
"Okay." I say making her smile.

It's not the first time they have come over to watch me. Kirstin has had meetings in the past. Sometimes they all come over to hang out with me, but sometimes it's just Scott and Avi, or only one of them.

I follow her downstairs to get something to drink. Scott and Avi come through the front door talking and laughing.
"Hey, princess!" They both greet me. Scott comes over, wraps me in a hug from behind, and tickles my sides.
"Guess what we brought?" Avi taunts me
"What?" I ask
He holds up a bag of Hershey kisses and Hershey bars, and my eyes go wide. He tossed me a bar with a grin. I tear into it with speed. It is an amazing feeling when you finally get something you have been craving. I let the chocolate melt in my mouth while they talk.
"I love chocolate so much." I moan, they chuckle at me

Kirstin comes back from the library with a folder in hand. She sighs and sits it on the counter.
"Okay, I have to go. There are leftovers in the fridge, unless you want to cook something. Ooo chocolate." She says happily and grabs a handful of the kisses.
"Eat something other than chocolate for dinner, and not too much either." She says unwrapping the sweet from the tinfoil.

She comes over and hugs me goodbye. I know she's only leaving for a few hours, but it still makes me kind of sad. "I love you, baby." She says in my ear
"I love you too." I say into her chest. She kisses the top of my head and we separate.
She picks up the folder and says bye to us. Just as she reaches the door she runs back to the counter and grabs a handful of the kisses again. We laugh and then usher her out of the door.

"So, what are we doing for food?" Scott ask
"Leftovers?" Avi suggest
"Nah." Scott says
"Pizza?" I throw out there. Scott smiles and high fives me
"I like the way you think." He says to me
"Cheese?" Avi ask, I nod.

He calls in the order while Scott and I get settled on the couch. We bring the footstool to the middle of the couch so we will all be able to stretch out but still be together. Avi comes back in and sits on the couch with us. I'm snuggled in between them with a blanket pulled up to my chin. We pick a movie called Paddington because I thought it looked cute. There is an adorable bear in the picture with a raincoat and a red hat.

A little ways into the movie the pizza comes and Scott goes to pay for it. He comes back with the pizza and drinks. He hands me a water bottle and the pizza box. I sit it on my lap and open the box. It's warm on my legs and I welcome the heat. We dig in and continue watching the movie. The beginning is very sad, but it gets happier. We finish it and start a new one. We've finished the pizza now. Well, they have. I only ate two pieces. It's eight o'clock exactly which makes me smile because I know Kirstin will be home soon. The pain in my stomach is worse now, but I don't let it show on my face, so they don't find out. More importantly, so Avi doesn't find out.

I get a warm and wet feeling between my legs which makes me squirm. Scott looks at me weird, and I hand him the pizza. I get up from the couch to feel something, almost like a dripping feeling down there. This makes me rush more to get to my bathroom.

I run upstairs without a word to them and lock my bathroom door. I sit down to use the bathroom, but just as I finish, I look down to my undies. I see a large dark red spot in my underwear. My heart rate picks up but I try to keep myself calm. I wipe my bottom to find bright red blood smeared on the toilet paper. I look between my legs to the toilet bowl to see the water a I can't keep myself calm anymore. I let out a scream as tears start to run down my cheeks. I hear footsteps thudding up the stairs.

"Ana!" Scott yells
"Princess!" Avi shouts as they barge into my room.

The door handle jiggles furiously as someone tries to turn it. I jump from the loud sound of pounds on the door. "Ana, what's wrong?" Avi bellows through the door. "Are you hurt?" He ask. I can't form words through my sobs.

"Let us in Ana." Scott snaps. I jump at his harsh tone. My body shakes and my heart pods against my chest as I'm taken over by a panic attack.

"N-No." I cry
"Ana, we only want to help." Avi tries to coax me "Tell us what's wrong, princess."
I gasp for breath and try to form words "T-There's b-blood." I stutter, I begin to cry even harder when I look back at my underwear.

"Ana, princess, breath. Everything is going to be fine. Let us in, please." Avi begs
"N-No." I protest, I refuse to let any man see me again, ever. No matter what. I'm not doing it. I hear Avi take a few steps back from the door.

"Avi, what do we do?" I hear Scott ask.
"I don't know." He says
"What do you mean you don't know? You're a doctor, you should know about whatever she's going through. You have to ask your girl patients about it right?" Scott says frantically
"Yes, I do. I know what it is, I know exactly what it is, but I don't know what the hell to do!" Avi yells, getting more mad at Scott "I ask them about it, and if they say something is wrong, then I send them to Kirstin." He says more quietly but still angry

"Then let's call Kirstin!" Scott shouts
"We can't! She's in a freaking meeting." Avi tells him
"She should be home soon, she'll know what to do." Scott says angrily
"That still doesn't tell us what to do now!" Avi expresses to him.

I give up on listening to them. I stand up, still in the middle of a panic attack, and try to figure out what to do. Standing up wasn't the best idea. Blood pours down my legs and nears my clothes. I strip off my pants as fast as I can without letting blood get on them. I keep my underwear on since I don't want to be totally exposed and they are already ruined.  Kirstin would be mad at me if I got blood everywhere, so I climb into the bathtub. The cold porcelain greets my skin when I sit down. I bend my knees to try to keep the blood from going all down my legs. I sob looking at my hands. There is blood on them, but I can't wash them without getting blood on other things and making the bathtub wet. Because I don't know what else to do, I just cry.

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