Forty Four- Adam

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The next day was spent with me singing with them. I didn't mind though, it's fun. After singing for a bit, I practice the piano, along with the cello. Kevin had begun to teach me and I knew almost everything now.

I finished my lunch and quickly changed into a pair of jean shorts and a cute top. I let my hair flow freely down my back. I grab my book and phone and make my way downstairs. I slip on my shoes before going to the library where Kirstin is.

"Can I go to the park to read?" I ask standing in the doorway
"Sure, baby. Just keep your phone on you and text me when you get there and when you are coming back." She says looking up from her paperwork. She likes to do her paperwork at the desk in here or in the kitchen counter.

I smile and give her a hug before I leave. The warm afternoon sun greets me when I walk out the door. I listen to my surroundings as I walk. The birds are chirping, people are laughing somewhere in the distance, the trees are blowing in the wind. It's a beautiful day.

I get to the park and look around. There are ducks in the small pond with baby ducks, people are playing with a dog, and a group of children are playing on the playground while their parents watch from afar. I text Kirstin I arrived at the park and she tells me to be safe and she loves me.

I spot a tree that could hold my weight and walk to it. I try to reach the lowest limb. I fail miserably because of my short body. After jumping repeatedly, and missing repeatedly, I give up with a sigh and sit at the bottom of the trunk. Before I can open my book, there is a soft thud to the left of me. I look over to see a tall, handsome boy standing over me with an outreached hand.

He has a sharp jawline, piercing blue eyes, with hair that's chestnut brown. He is well built with muscles making his shirt sleeves slightly tight around his bicep.

I reach out with a timid hand to meet his. He grabs my fingers loosely in his soft, warm palm. Mine is probably ice cold like the rest of my body. It's never warm unless I'm bundled in a bunch of blankets.

He helps me to my feet and I cower into my body. He is significantly taller than me, much like everyone else, although he looks my age. I glance around nervously until he points to the tree limb. I look up and nod, fiddling with my fingers out of nervousness.

He looks over my body, making me squirm in my spot. He takes my book from my hands and sets it on the ground next to the tree. Gingerly, he raises my arms above my head. I'm too frightened to resist, so I just let him do it. He places his hands above my waist and easily lifts my body off the ground. I understand what he is doing and I latch onto the tree branch that I can now reach. I push myself up the rest of the way and his hands disconnect from my body. He bends down and grabs my book off the ground, then hands it to me with a friendly smile. I offer a small smile in return and take my book from him. I'm blushing like crazy but I have no clue why. The branch is only a few inches above his head, he could easily get up here, unlike me.

I force out a thank you and he focuses on my lips intensely as I speak. He nods in return and walks to the tree next to mine without a word.  He climbs it easily with a small grunt and opens a book when he gets situated. I advert my eyes from him, not meaning to be creepy. I read my book in the tree for a long while, until I get a text from Kirstin asking if I was okay. I respond and slide my phone back into my pocket. I reopen my book and continue reading.

I had taken a break from it for a while, so I could focus more on my schoolwork. I have hardly ten chapters left and the book is getting better and better as I go.

I feel someone watching me and begin to look around me. I see his head shift out of the corner of my eye and no longer feel the eyes. I look to the mystery boy to see him engrossed in the book. I can't see the title from there but it looks like an action book.

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