Fifty Four- Story

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I hurriedly take a shower, then change into a pair of cute pajamas. I go back downstairs to see everyone helping clean up. I ask to see if I can do anything to help but they tell me no. I say okay and scroll through my phone on the couch. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around to see Adam standing behind me.
"Can I go change?" He ask holding up a pair of clothes
"Yeah, follow me." I sign and hop from the couch
I go to the kitchen to see which bathroom is free and Kirstin says mine is the only one open. All the others are being used by the guys. Adams parents had already changed.
"Keep your bedroom door open and no funny business." She calls out to me as we head upstairs. I call back an okay, trying not to laugh.
When we reach my door he ask what did she say?
"To keep the door open and no 'funny business'" I sign and can't contain a laugh anymore. I giggle and push open my door.
I let him go into my bathroom and I sit at my desk. I leave my bedroom door open like she wished. He changes rather quickly and comes back out. He has on a pair of shorts and a regular t-shirt. It hugs his biceps and I can see the outline of his chest in the soft fabric.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He says laughing
My face turns bright pink when I realize I was staring. I look away quickly and hide my face. He sits on the edge of my bed smirking. Thank god I always keep my room clean.
He looks to the front of my bed to where my pillows are. My eyes go wide and all the color drains from my face when he picks up my stuffie.
"Who's this?"
"Teddy." I whisper in horror
"Teddy?" He reads my lips, laughing at my horrified face. He inspects it in his hands and chuckles. He holds it out to me and I take it from him quickly. I climb onto my bed and sit cris cross at the top. He turns to me and does the same.
"Your family is fun." He says smiling
"Thanks." I sign, I'm glad he likes them. I was kind of worried he wouldn't. He looks over my body with a sweet smile. His brows furrow when his eyes land on a scar on my leg.
"What did you do?" He ask, I cock my head slightly as I try to figure out what he is talking about. He sees that I'm not following him so he points to it and touches it lightly. Sparks fly from where he comes in contact with my skin and travels all through my leg.

I frown when I realize it's a scar that was from that man. Not many of them scarred but that one did. It's light, but still visible up close.

"I didn't do it." I sign
"What do you mean?" He ask confusedly
I sigh and fiddle with the fur of my stuffie as I try to find words. "I'm scared that if I tell you then you won't want to be friends anymore." I sign slowly
He lifts my chin to meet his deep blue eyes.
"There is nothing you could ever say that would make me think any less of you, I promise." He says compassionately. I want to believe him but in the back of my mind I can't shake the feeling of him being disappointed in me and not liking me anymore.

"If I'm going to tell you then I might as well start from the beginning." I sign
He stops me when I finish before I can keep going.
"If you aren't ready to tell me then you don't have too." He assures me. I take a deep breath and shake my head no. I want him to know, I just don't want him to not like me anymore.

"You are going to want get comfortable, this could take a while." I warn, he gives me a small smile when he figures out that I'm going to tell him my story. He grabs a pillow and puts it in his lap so he can rest his elbows on it with his face in his hands.

"I had a family before them." I begin, he listens intently as I keep going. I tell him my story of my father and mother and how I ran away that day. So far he doesn't interrupt me, and I'm glad. I have to pauses when I get to that night. I take a deep breath to keep my emotions in check.
"On the night Kirstin and Scott found me, I was...." I trail off. I close my eyes as I remember the events of that horrid night. He takes one of my hands in his and rubs it softly. I take away my hand and continue on.
"I was raped. I was walking past an ally, on my way to find somewhere to sleep that would keep me dry because it was about to rain. A man grabbed me and took advantage of me. The scar is just from the concrete. Kirstin and Scott found me and took me to the clinic. They did the basic stuff and Kirstin did her work. We had to do a blood test.... let's just say it was not pretty." I say and stifle a laugh. He smiles at my laugh and I take this as a chance to go on.

I finish my story and clench my fingers in and out. My fingers were starting to hurt from signing so much at one time. He watches me with an emotion I can't place. I look down in shame. Now I'm afraid that he doesn't like me anymore.

I lay on my back and massage my hands. He takes my hand from my other and begins doing it for me. His hands are soft but firm. He rubs my palm gently and it makes it feel better. It's like he knows exactly where it hurts. He probably does because he most likely experiences it too. He looks at me with sad eyes but I can't make myself look at him.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask him without signing. It takes him a minute to figure out what I asked and shakes his head no.
"No, I'm not mad at you. None of it was your fault, and none of it never should have happened. No wonder you go to my mom. Heck, I would go to my mom if even a quarter of that happened to me." He says, I chuckle a tiny bit and smile at the good news.
"You are so special, I can't believe that someone would hurt you so badly. I would never do anything like that to you." He says, I believe him too. 
He switches hands and I smile.
"Thank you." I sign with my other hand.
"For what?" He ask
"For understanding and this. How do you sign all the time? My hands hurt." I say laughing
"It'll go away in a little. You get used to it pretty quickly." He laughs
"I guess it really helps to be able to talk." I say
"Yeah, but it's a lot harder to learn when you can't hear how things should sound." He jokes
I giggle at him which makes him smile as my body moves.
We talk for a while about different things. We go downstairs when I tell him Kirstin said they are ready to start the movie. We go downstairs to see everyone taking up all the space on the furniture. Kevin and Avi have the recliners while Scott and Kirstin have the big couch and Adams parents are snuggled up on the love seat. I grab a blanket and pillow and lean against the couch on the floor. Adam gets a pillow and sits beside me. I snuggle into the pillow and creat a cocoon around me with the blanket.

They pick a movie called 'The Sandlot' which seems to be about baseball. It's a really good movie and I almost make it to the end. The key word is almost. I fall asleep with just under twenty minutes left of the movie.

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