Three- "Clearly,"

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There is a knock on the door which makes me jump. A wet Scott walks in with a bag of clothes and my book bag from the alley.

"I got your stuff from the alley, and some new clothes. Sorry it took so long, it's pouring out there." He hands me the folded clothes with a smile. It changes when he see's my face of regret.
"This was all a waste, you shouldn't have bought these." I say and they look confused. "I-I can't afford any of this, I can't pay you back." I explain motioning to the clothes and building.

I  hand the clothes back to him.  Their faces soften and I hop down from Avi's lap. I shuffle through my bag looking for my extra set of clothes, but I'm stopped. Scott has kneeled down to me and holds the clothes out to me.
I start to protest, only to be cut off by him.
"It doesn't matter. Take them."
I take the clothes from him and smile at the feeling of the new, clean, fabric in my arms. I had been wearing the same two outfits for months.
"Are you sure?"
They all nod.
"Thank you," I whisper, happiness fills my body and I start smiling. "C-Can I get out of um, whatever this is?" I ask and pull at the side of the tied gown.

They all chuckle at me and the boys walk out of the room to give me privacy. Kirstin stays to help me and I'm glad. I hold up the shirt to admire it, it's a light purple color and is long. Kirstie undoes the tie in the back of the gown for me and I slip on the undergarments he got me. I put on the shirt and the pants. It's a pair of leggings and both are extremely soft. The shirt is long enough to cover my bottom. There is also a pair of converses and no-see socks in the bag. Somehow he got all of my sizes right. I sit back on the bed so I can tie the shoes. Kirstie opens the door and the guys come back in.

"Does everything fit?" Scott questions me
I nod
"Is there anyone we can call for you?" Kirstie ask
I shake my head no.
"Do you want us to take you home?" Avi ask
I'm quiet for a few seconds while I think of an answer.
"Ana," Kirstie interrupts my thoughts waiting on an answer.
"I-I don't have a home." I whisper into my lap shamefully, "I have to go." I try to grab my bag so I can leave.

I don't look at their faces because I already know what there expressions are. Either a) shocked b) confused or c) sad. In this case each of them had these looks. Avi lifts me back into the bed and I huff.

"I thought you said we were done?"
"We are, but what do you mean you don't have a home?" Avi ask

I sniffle and wipe away a tear that has formed in my eye. Other than that I stay silent. They all form a semi circle around me and wait for me to talk. Kirstin sits beside me and wraps her arms around me in comfort.

"Ana, sweetie, what were you doing before this happened to you?" Kirstie pushes
"I-I was looking for a place to stay dry because I thought it was going to rain." I say
We are quiet for a few minutes, no one knows what to say. I decide that this is my time to leave. I unwrap her arms from around me but she won't let me get up.

"I need to go." I say
She grabs my hands so I can't. "Sweetie, I can't let you go out there," she says frantically
"Why not?" I ask with a slight attitude
"Because it's raining and you'll get sick. I won't be able to sleep tonight knowing that I let a little girl go out and live in the streets, waiting for something horrible to happen to her....again." Kirstin answers
"Me either," Avi says
Kevin and Scott chime in along with Avi "Us too,"
"See, we don't want you out there." Kirstie expresses
"Sorry, but I don't have a choice. I'll be fine, I can take care of myself." I reply
"Clearly," Avi remarks

This sends me over the edge. I jump from the bed and push against his chest so he stumbles back against the counter. My face is red with anger and my eyes are full of tears, threatening to spill.

"Do you think I like being out there? Because I damn sure don't, but guess what? I don't have a fucking choice! For two years I've been out there! Two long ass years. I've feed and clothed my self. I'm still alive aren't I? I've bandaged myself when I got hurt, and you know why? Because no one was there for me. I've done everything I can to keep my self alive. If they wouldn't have found me, I wouldn't have died, I would have gotten up off my damn ass and kept going because I have too. I don't have people who care about me like you do. I can't go home to a nice soft bed after a long day like you do. I may not be big and strong like you but I still manage. So don't you dare tell me I can't fucking take care of my own damn self!" I scream at him.

I'm now sobbing again and everyone is shocked at my outburst. Kirstin pulls me off of Avi and takes me in her arms. I cry into her chest as she tries to comfort me. Avi starts to speak again but I don't want to hear it.

"Ana, I'm so sorry, I didn't,"he starts
"Stop, just stop." I say cutting him off.

When I finally calm down again I find that somehow I've ended back up on the bed in Kirstin's arms again. She's rocking me back and forth and rubbing my back. She notices that I've stopped crying and starts talking to me.

"Sweet heart, why don't you come stay with me for tonight? Then we can get everything fixed in the morning, how about that?"
I don't know what it is that goes through my mind but I nod.

She helps me to her car and sets me in the front seat. She turns on the car so the heater will work since both of us are wet. Instead of getting in the car with me she runs back to the building where I see her and the guys talking. I know they are talking about me because, well, who wouldn't. I see Avi say he is sorry and scoff at him. After a few minutes of them talking and a lot of  'I don't know' gestures they hug. She runs back to the car and climbs in the drivers seat. 

They all run to their cars and drive off. I look at the streets we drive on and realize we weren't far from where I was found. After walking around for so long I have pretty much memorized the street names.

I notice we are all following Scott who is in front and Kevin is following us in the back. We drive until we pull into a small neighborhood with only five large houses outlining a turnabout. Each look similar but have different colored doors. Red, black, wooden, turquoise, and dark blue. She helps me out of the car and into the house with the turquoise door.

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