Six- Piano

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"Your house is really pretty."
"Thank you, I guess you can kind of tell what my favorite color is."
"Yeah, its mine too."
"Yup, turquoise, blue and purple are my favorite colors."
"Do you want me to show you the rest?"
"Come on."

I follow her upstairs and she opens the door across from the one that I'm using. It's another bedroom except with more pictures and clothes.

"This is my room, excuse the mess."

She points to another door and says that it's another bathroom and there is also another downstairs. She opens two more doors and it's more rooms. Each room has a different color scheme but somehow they all clash together perfectly.

She leads me back downstairs and through a hallway. She pushes open a cracked door to show a large room that looks like a studio. It has a grand piano along with other instruments. One section is made into a sound booth and there are awards lining the walls. I gaze around the room in awe.

"Oh my gosh, did you win all of these?" I ask referring to the awards
"Well it isn't just me. It's the whole group." She says
"You don't know who we are?"
"Um no not really."
"Well, Scott, Kevin, Avi, Mitch, and I are an acappella group called Pentatonix. We sing and are doctors as a back up career."
"Who's Mitch?"
"He lives in the house with the wooden door. Kevin has the black door, Avi has red, and Scott has the dark blue. He's nice, you'd like him. He's visiting family right now though."

I walk over to the piano but don't touch it. It's gorgeous, it's shiny and black with gold hinges on the key cover.

"Do you know how to play?"
"I-I read a book on it, but I've never actually played. It's beautiful."
"So you like to read?"
"I love to read, it's my favorite thing to do."
"Do you like music?"
"Almost as much as I like to read."

I gaze at the piano and secretly wish to hear it. I look around the room but my attention is drawn back to the piano. I clasp my hands in front of my chest to keep myself from touching it.

"Go ahead," she says, nudging my shoulder. My face lights up and I carefully sit on the pew. I gently lift the key cover and take in the full view of the keys. I run my fingers over the tops of them lightly and pause. I look to her to make sure it's alright before continuing. She nods and I place my fingers on the correct keys like the book said too.

I look at the songbook and read the notes. I press down on the keys and a marvelous sound emerges from the piano. I smile at the sound and let my hands flow freely across the keys. I turn the page and keep playing. I get lost in the song and just play. Eventually I just close my eyes and let my hands do all the work without even reading the music. I play what feels right.

In those few moments it feels like everything in the world is good. No bad memories enter my mind, no pain goes across my body, it's just me and the music. I had forgotten Kirstie was watching me until she started talking when I finish.

"Oh my gosh Ana, that was beautiful! And for someone who has never played before, it was amazing!" She cheers
I blush at her words and smile.
"I-I'm not that good."
"What are you talking about? That was unlike anything I've ever seen or heard before. Keep playing." She says and motions to the piano.

I turn back to the piano and try to think of a song. I remember one that I heard when I was very small and think of the notes.

I play what I remember but quickly run out of notes to play. I stop for a minute and try to assemble an assortment of notes in my head that I think will sound good. I play the notes and go into my own little world. I open my eyes to see Kirstin watching me intensely with a large smile on her face.

"I've never heard that song before,"
"I um, I made it up."
"You made it up?"
I nod
"That was wonderful."
"Thank you, I just kind of went into my own little world I guess." I say slightly embarrassed.
"Can you play anything else?"
"No, but I've always wanted to learn to place the cello. I really love the way it sounds." I say motioning to the instrument in the corner.
"I can't play it but Kevin can. I'm sure he could teach you if you wanted him too."
"Do you really think so?"
"Yes, he loves playing it."
"I would love it if he did. Can I see the rest of your house? It's very pretty."
"Sure, there is only one more room left, but I think you'll really like it." She says smiling.

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