Seventeen- Clinic

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Kirstin had woken me up early this morning. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and hopped into the shower. I did my morning routine and got out. I slipped on one of the new pairs of jeans and a cute shirt we had gotten yesterday. After putting on my converses I started to head downstairs. I caught myself before I made it out of the room and turned back around. I almost forgot my book and new phone. I'm not used to carrying it around yet.

Kirstin is standing in the kitchen laying out breakfast on the table. She smiles when she sees me. Her clothes are different than what I usually see her wear. They're light purple scrubs, the shirt fits nicely to her figure and the pants do too.

I sit at the table with her and begin eating. A yawn escapes my lips as I bring a piece of toast to my mouth. She chuckles at me "Still tired?" I nod.

Mitch had ended up coming over just like he said to see our clothes. Somehow he convinced us that he needed to see EVERYTHING we bought and made us do a mini fashion show. It was funny to watch us do our fake runway walks and we were laughing the whole time. We took pictures of us being silly which made us laugh more. He left after watching a movie with us and I'm still tired from it.

We finish eating and I run back upstairs to grab my book bag that has my textbooks in it. I figure that I could get some studying in while they work. Even though I don't go to school, I still try to educate myself using the textbooks. I've learned a lot from them. I even make up little test to take to make sure I understand it. I have a different notebook for each subject. Math is easily my favorite, even though I like to read. I like how straight forward it is. I know that I can use a formula to get the answer and it's not going to change.

I meet her by the front door. She has a bag slung over her shoulder which I assume has work things in it. We get in the car and drive to her work.

The smell of disinfectants overpowers my senses when we walk in. I'm instantly tense at the realization that I'm in a clinic. Not just any clinic either. One that has both of my biggest fears in it, not counting all the needles. Doctors, and my least favorite, Dentist. 

She walks a few steps ahead of me as I take in my surroundings. The walls and floors are spotless. There is a blue line running through the middle of the walls and multi colored specks in the floor tiles, made to give the place color. Every once in a while there is a picture frame with a happy quote on it, along with a few handrails.

I'm lead down a few hallways and quickly become confused. We pass a set of stairs and an elevator but I don't ask where they go. She opens a door to a room which looks to be her office. There is a large wooden desk with piles of neatly stacked paperwork, pencil holder, computer, and other common desk items. In the corner is two large filing cabinets that look extremely heavy. Beside it is a big dry erase board with markers lining the bottom. On the other side of the room is a tv hanging on the wall along with chairs and a couch to sit on. She plops the bag into her hair and checks the watch on her wrist.

"Okay, well, this is my office, clearly. Bathrooms are down the hall. Each of us have our own office. Mine, Avi's and Kevin's is down here. Mitch and Scott's are upstairs, but they come down to the break room or one of our offices for lunch, usually." She says, I nod to show I understand.

"Why are theirs upstairs?" I ask
"There are more rooms down here, so we decided that since we have a more similar field of work than them, we should have the larger area."

"Oh, that makes sense." I say, I begin to fiddle with my fingers because of my nervousness.
"You can go up there if you'd like. There's another break room upstairs, the waiting room or their offices. The elevator is down the hall but I usually take the stairs."
"No! I-I'm fine down here. Thank you though." I snap quickly. Her face turns to concern and she walks to in front of me. She takes my hands in hers and squeezes them lightly.

"Honey, you don't have to be scared. Nothing bad is going to happen to you here, no one is going to hurt you. I promise."
I give her a small nod and she smiles back.
"Come on, I'll show you around." She says happily

She leads me down the hall and to another office. Avi is setting his stuff down and drinking a bottle of water when we walk in. It's set up similar to Kirstin's but there is another desk on the other side of the room.

She knocks on the door and he turns to us "Morning Avi." She says cheerfully, like her bubbly self
"Morning, hey princess, I didn't know you'd be here." He smiles
"Hi." I give him a small smile and look around.

His desk is slightly messier the Kirstin's. He has a calendar hanging next to the whiteboard with a bunch of things written on it, along with times. Kevin walks in and sets his stuff down.

"Good morning, hey princess." He says
"Hi." I say quietly

They are both dressed in scrubs. Kevin's is light blue and Avi's are a dark blue. They pick up white lab coats and put them on. Avi looks at the calendar and calls out a time.

"Yup, we've got an hour."

Kirstin tugs my hand slightly and I follow her. She leads me a little ways down the hallway and to another room. It has a round table with a fridge, couch, and mini kitchen in it.

"This is the break room, you can come in here any time you want. There are snacks in the fridge if you get hungry, but we take lunch around 12:30."

She leads me to the stairs and I follow her unwillingly. Each step I take is forced. We arrive at another office where Mitch sits at a desk.

"Hey Mitch, is Scott not here yet?" She ask
He looks up to finally notice us in the doorway "Hey, sup princess, no not yet, but he probably overslept again."
"Probably, okay, well I'm gonna finish showing her around."
"Okay, bye."

She shows me the upstairs break room but I say nothing during the whole thing. I don't want to be up here with them. I want to go back downstairs to the safety of her office or the break room.

Kirstin senses my uneasiness and leads me back downstairs. I take the steps two at a time in front of her. I wait at the step door for her because I don't know what way to go to get back to her office. She pushes the door open and we go back to the cozy office. I sit on the couch and pull out my book. She does something on her computer and writes stuff on a clipboard.

"Okay princess, I have to set up for a patient, but you are welcome to stay here or the break room. If you need anything I'll be back in about half an hour or you can see if one of the guys can get it for you, okay?"

She leaves with the clipboard in hand and I'm left alone.

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