Thirty Seven- Running

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I wake up early and put on an outfit that I can exercise in. It's Saturday, I have nothing to say today and neither does anyone else. I lace up my shoes and head downstairs. Kirstin hasn't yet woken up so I write a note. Figuring she will cook breakfast, I put it on the fridge.

"Went on a run. I'll be back for breakfast.
-love you, Ana"

I step out the house and onto the porch. It's chilly but warming up fast. I can already feel the sun beating down in me. The sky is a beautiful blue with little clouds scattered across it. Birds chirp somewhere in the distance. Wind blows in the trees, making them sway. Today is going to be a great day. I can feel it.

I stretch out my body and take one last look at the house. My home. I look around to the others houses and smile. The yards are all well kept but Kirstin's looks the best because of the flowers. All of their homes are built the same, the only differences are the colors. It makes me happy to know they are all sleeping peacefully. They are safe and happy, that's what matters. This is my home. It contains the people I care about most in this world. The only people who have ever helped me, cared for me, loved me. They make me happy, I'd like to think I do the same for them.

I step off the porch to feel the concrete below my feet. Hard, solid, and slightly warm. I start off slow, not to tire myself out. The sun warms my face as I run. My hair swings back and forth with each step I take. I breath through my nose and out through my mouth. I pace myself by creating a pattern. I step in the middle of every section in the pavement. I hear footsteps behind me but don't look back. I've passed other runners already, so it's probably just another one. Their footsteps fall opposite of mine.

They run up beside me and match my pace. I look over to see Scott running next to me. I don't say anything and neither does he. We run together for a while. Mainly because he won't leave and I'm too shy to ask him too. It's not that I don't like him with me it's just that I liked being alone.

We pass a park and make a mental note to come back some time. I could read in one of the trees or play on the swings. As we follow the path, it takes us to a set of trails through the woods. They are heavily wooded, but the footpath is clear, other than the occasional tree root.

After running through the whole place we start back towards home. He gets a call and stops. I stop with him but keep walking with him.

"Hello?" He says, the other person talks. He looks at me and nods even though the person can't see him.
"Yes I'm with her, don't worry." He says smirking.
The other person talks again, I can't understand but it's none of my business anyways.
"Bye." He hangs up the phone and matches pace with me again.

"Kirstin?" I ask
"Yep. Wanted to know if I had seen you."
I pick up the pace until we are running again
"Why are you running?" He ask
"I like to run. Makes me feel free. Why do you run?"
"I like to stay fit." He breathes out
"Why did you follow me?" I ask curiously
"I didn't. I found you. I run this almost every weekend. Why did you not turn around when you heard someone behind you?" He questions me
"Well, there are other runners, and the worst thing that could happen would be you killing me. It wouldn't be the worst thing I've been through." I explain
"You aren't afraid of dying?"he ask
"No, not really." I say
"Because, if it's my time to go then so be it. I can't change it, no one can." I say
"I'm not afraid of dying, just the pain that comes with it." I clarify
"That makes sense, I guess."
"Are you?"
"Kind of. I don't want to die."
"Well no one wants to die. Sometimes it's just a better option than to keep living." I point out
He stops me and holds me by the shoulders.
"Is that how you feel princess?"
My eyes narrow at him. "Scott do you really think I would take my own life? I could have given up and just died so many times already. But I didn't. I kept going because I want to do something good in this world." I take his hands off my shoulders and hug him quickly. "Come on, I want to keep running." I say. He smiles and we take off again.

Just as we turn on our road he smirks. "I'll race you to my house." He says
"Go!" I yell and sprint towards his house. I'm a few feet away from his porch when he scoops me into his arms. I giggle when he tickles my sides. He opens the door and carries me to the kitchen. He sits me on the chair and goes to the fridge. He hands me a water which I drink greedily.
"Thirsty princess?" He ask jokingly. I nod.
"Kirstin probably hasn't gotten breakfast ready, do you want to work out with me?"

I follow him to his room that they all have which is made into a small gym. It has a treadmill and other special types of equipment in it. A pull-up bar hangs in between a stand supporting a bar that you put weights on. I watch as he walks to a chair like thing that has a bar hanging on top. He sits down and pulls on the bar. A pin is holding together weights that are hooked onto the bar. After doing it a few times he stops.

"Wanna try?" He ask
I shrug. He gets up and allows me to sit down. I grab the bar how he did, only I have to stretch to reach it even barely. He chuckles and comes over to help me.

"Need help?"
"Hey, I can't help I have t-Rex arms. I'm short." I exclaim. He only laughs and pulls it down so I can reach it. I grab ahold of the bar and he lets go. Immediately I'm pulled off the seat and squeal. I shift my weight to try and pull it down but fail miserably. He pulls me back down to the chair so I can let go. He switches the pin to a lot fewer weights and hands the bar back to me. This time I can pull it down with some effort.

We switch machines after a while and eventually end up at the pull-up bar. I watch as he does many reps of pull-ups, his muscles bulging with the effort. Sweat is rolling down both of us. My back is soaked and so is my face. I wipe it off with a towel and try to wipe off some of my legs too. After doing one last one he drops down.

"Your turn." He says breathlessly
I stand under the bar and raise my arms. Even standing on my tip toes there is no way I can reach it. Not even by jumping. Scott chuckles at my struggle and wraps his large hands around my hips. He lifts me to the bar and I latch on tightly. I cross my feet like him and pull up. I make a goal to do the same amount as him or more.

My arms feel like jelly by the time I'm on my last one. I struggle to pull up so Scott cheers me on.
"Come on princess. You can do it, just one more."

I kick my legs to help me up and drop down as soon as I have my chin over the bar. I sway a bit at first but quickly regain my balance. My stomach hurts along with every other part of my body.

"I would high five you, but I can't feel my arms." I say. He chuckles at me and cuts off the music we had playing. My phone dings and it's a text from Kirstin.

"Come home, baby. Breakfast is almost ready."
"Okay, we are coming." I send back.

Scott and I get cleaned up, not a lot because we haven't had showers but it's enough. We go to my house where Kirstin greets us in the kitchen.

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