Fifty Two- Invite

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"We could give it to someone." Kirstin suggest
"Who?" I ask, my mind going through people we know which isn't many.
She grins at me and starts making a new plate of the desserts. "I'm sure Mrs. Melody would love if you returned the favor of giving cookies." She suggest
My face lights up and I do a happy dance. "Okay!" I say happily. She smirks at me and turns back to making the plate. "Maybe Adam will be there." She teases. My eyes go wide and I squeal involuntarily.
She laughs at me and finishes with the plate. It has an assortment of muffins, cookies, and brownies on it. "Lets each lunch and then we can go." She says
"Okay." I agree.

She makes baked ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch with baby carrots and ranch. I eat hungrily and quickly. After I go 'use the bathroom' because I don't want to get the Toxic Shock Syndrome thing Kirstin told me about. It sounded really bad. Also, because it would be bad if I bled through my overalls. Especially in front of Adam.

I redo my hair and make sure there is no flour on my face before we leave. I slip on my pair of red converses to complete my outfit. Before I head downstairs I put on some sparkly lipgloss that Kirstin had though was cute. I liked it so she got it for me. I meet her downstairs at the door she raises an eyebrow at my improved appearance but doesn't say anything. I skip beside her all the way to their house. Kirstin giggles at me the whole time, but I can't help it. I like hanging out with Adam and Mrs. Melody. Even though I don't always like what we talk about. I also like Nick, he's so fluffy and adorable.

I ring the doorbell and hop back down the steps to stand with Kirstin, who is holding the tray of desserts. I could barely stand still, I bounced on the balls of my feet, rocking back and forth. We could hear the faint sound of rushing footsteps coming to the door. It swings open to reveal Mrs. Melody. 
She has a big, bright smile like always.

"Hi!" She greets us happily
"Hi." We both say "We were baking this morning and accidentally made to many, so we thought you might like some since you always give me cookies." I say barely containing my excitement. Her eyes get wide with joy and she steps fully out the door frame.
"We would love some, thank you." She exclaims
I take the tray from Kirstin and hand it to her.
"Oh, come in, come in!" She says hurriedly, and motions for us to enter the house.
We follow her into the house and she talks as We walk.
"I was just finishing cleaning up lunch, are you hungry?" He ask
"No, we already ate, but thank you." Kirstin says.

"Please, sit." She offers us the counter in the kitchen.
Mrs. Melody sets the tray down on the counter and immediately starts eyeing a muffin. She puts away the remaining dish away from the dish drainer. Once she puts it away she then goes to get the muffin. She picks it up, only to sit it back down.

"Adams upstairs, I'll go get him for you." He says, then races up the stairs. I do a happy dance in my seat which makes Kirstin laugh.
"Do you think they'll like them?" I ask her, she shrugs
"I don't know, I think so. You did a really good job on them." She compliments me. I smile at her praise.
"All I did was mix it. You told me what to do." I tell her, I can't take all the credit.
"It was a team effort, how about that?" She says, I smile and nod at the compromise.

Mrs. Melody comes back downstairs and picks up her muffin again. She peels off the wrapper and takes a bite. Her eyes go wide behind her glasses and she closes them.
"Oh my, these are amazing!" She states happily, making me and Kirstin smile.
"You made these?" She ask us. "From scratch?"
Kirstin nods. "Yes, they are recipes my mother taught me." She explains
"I might have to hide these." She says laughing, we chuckle with her. "Oh, my son is deaf. Do you need me to sign what you say?" She ask
"That won't be necessary, I know sign language." She says
"That's great!" She cheers

Heavy footsteps come from behind us on the stairs. Followed by the sound of nails on the hardwood floor. I spin around in the chair to see Adam and Nick coming from upstairs. My smile brightens as soon as I see them. Nick comes up to me and demands that is show him affection by rubbing up against my dangling legs.

I reach down and take his big face in my hands and scratch behind his ears. "Hey Nick, who's a good boy? You're a good boy, yes you are." I coo to him.
They all laugh at me.

"Hey princess." Adam greets me, Kirstin smirks at me because of the nickname, making me blush.
"Hello, I'm Adam." He says to Kirstin extending his hand. She shakes it with a smile. "Hi, I'm Kirstin, Ana's mom." She signs introducing herself.
"Nice to meet you." He says
"You too." She signs. He spots the muffin in his moms hand and looks around for the others. "Oo, brownies." He says grabbing a brownie. He bites into it and his eyes go wide.
"Wooooah." He says "These are, woah. Did you make these?" He ask Mrs. Melody. She shakes her head no and points to us.
"These are amazing." He says
"Thanks." We both sign.

Mr. Jamie comes out of a door in the hallway and makes his way into the kitchen. He smiles when he sees us and introduces himself to Kirstin, she introduces herself in return. He sees his family eating the desserts we brought, and grabs a cookie. He has the same reaction as them and immediately grabs another. I giggle as I watch them devour the desserts. He ask if we made them and we say yes.

We begin to talk about random things. Kirstin compliments Mrs. Melody on her shoes and they start a conversation about them. I join in every once in a while but mostly keep to myself. I pet Nick to keep myself occupied. Adam joins me which puts Nick in dog heaven from all the attention. Adam, Mr. Jamie, and I talk about animals. I always liked elephants and giraffes. They are so pretty and elephants are smart, strong, and have feelings like us. Mr. Jamie kept us laughing by telling us stories of when Adam was little, growing up with such a big dog.

A few hours go by and no one even notices. Kirstin gets a message from Avi asking what time he needed to come over to start grilling. We had forgotten about dinner.

"Ana, we need to go. We have to get dinner ready." She tells me
"Can they come?" I ask hopefully, referring to Adam's family
"Sure if they want too." She says, I look to them with a begging smile.
"We'll be there." Mrs. Melody says for them.
"We're making burgers and hotdogs. You are welcome to bring your bathing suits to swim before we eat, if you'd like." She offers
"Okay, do you want us to bring anything?" She ask
Kirstin thinks for a moment and shakes her head no.
"I can't think of anything we need, unless you want something in particular." She explains
"Okay then. I guess we'll be over in a few hours."
"Great!" She cheers

We say bye to them and head home. Avi comes over a few minutes after we get home. I help make the burgers and then help set up outside. We have to bring out more chairs for them. I get out some of the floats and head to put on my bathing suit. I take care of my 'woman' stuff before I put it on. Once I get it on I put on a crop top with a pair of high waisted shorts. I go back downstairs to help Kirstin and Avi get all the chips out. Kirstin goes to change and soon after, Avi does.

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