Forty- Melody

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I go home after my session with Ana. I'm so tired. It's been a long day. My shoulders and neck are tense from all the stress. I love my job. I love helping people, but sometimes it can be very stressful.

I put my bag in my office and head to my bedroom. Jamie, my husband, is making dinner in the kitchen. He has on his good clothes for some reason. The ones he wears when we go on dates. His hair is swept over messily but sexy at the same time. My son is no where to be found. I slip into more comfortable clothes and let my hair down from the pins I had pulling my bangs up. I make my way down to the kitchen with my notes from Ana's session. I sit down at the table with them in front of me. Jamie comes up behind me, placing a kiss on my cheek. I smirk and kiss him back.

"Hey," I smirk
"Guess what?" He taunts
"What?" I giggle, he wraps his arms around my neck and leaves a trail of kisses down my shoulder.
"We have the house to ourself. He's at Derek's house tonight. I also made dinner, your favorite, spaghetti." He grins at me with a sexy smile. "So, how about we have a romantic dinner like we used to." He massages my shoulders and I relax into his touch.

"Babe, as much as I would love to have our old times, I can't tonight. However, I will take you up on your offer of dinner." I say to him. His smile falters a bit but he looks at  me understandingly.
"Rough day, cupcake?" He ask using his nickname for me.

He came up with the name for me after we first met in a cupcake shop I worked in. It was a a busy day that day. Everyone wanted cakes and cupcakes all at once for some reason. I was drowning in customers. After the rush I was exhausted. I remember, I noticed he was sitting in one of the chairs just watching me with such amusement. He came to the counter and was the most smooth talking guy I had ever met. I asked if he wanted a cupcake because only customers were allowed to sit in the store, managers orders. He said the only way he would order a cupcake is if he could get me one too. Of course I let him do it, they were good cakes. He came every day after that. Eventually, he said he would buy a cake instead of a cupcake if I would go on a date with him. Of course I agreed. It was the best decision I ever made. We had fallen madly in love over time and we still act like a cute teenage couple.

"Not exactly rough, but long. Very long." I justify, he dishes out some food on a plate for me and him. It smells amazing, making my stomach growl from the taunting aroma. I twirl the noodles around my fork and bring it to my lips. I let the warm food slips down my throats and let out a moan. It's amazing. One thing I learned about him early on is that he could cook. Baking on the other hand was like trying to make a fish climb a tree. It was impossible. I on the other hand could bare, but not cook. I could make a mean piece of toast though.

He takes my fork from me and puts more noodles on it. He brings it to my mouth, and I allow him to feed me. I lean over and take the food off the fork with my mouth. He continues to feed me and when we are finally finished he stands behind me, rubbing my shoulders. I melt into his touch as I go back to reading my notes.

"What are these?" He ask, picking up one of my papers. I take it back from him immediately. I can't let him read them because it would be a violation of patient confidentiality. "It's my notes on a new patient. You can't read them. You know that." I say covering them. He nods in understanding, he kisses my cheek and begins cleaning up the mess. I cradle my head in my hands as I read. After a while he goes upstairs and I hear the water in our bathroom running. He comes back downstairs and before I can ask he scoops me into his arms. I squeal as he carries me to our room, setting me down in our bathroom.

"What are you doing, I need to work." I tell him, he silences me by holding a finger to my lips.
"Hush, you've worked all day, and you can work later, but right now, you are going to relax." He orders me. He turns off the water faucet to the bathtub which is now full of clear water and white bubbles. Candles are spread across the room and he dims the lights. The sweet smell of lavender wafts around the room. Jeremy comes back over to me and kisses me softly, my head cradled in his large hands. There is a quarter of a foot height difference between us so he has to look down to me.
I trail my hands along his hard chest from working out before laying my head on it. "I love you." I mumble into his chest. "I love you too, cupcake." He whispers into my ear.
Jamie runs his fingers through my hair tenderly, ending up at the ends of my glasses. He kisses my nose and takes them off. Followed by the rest of my clothes. He leads me to the bathtub where I sink into the warm water. I lay my head against the soft towel he had made into a pillow on the edge. He turns on my playlist of The Piano Guys so it plays softly.

He knows all my quirks. How to calm me, make me relaxed, make me happy. He knows everything about me. In return, I am the same with him.

"When you get out, we can cuddle while you work." He kisses my forehead and then leaves, closing the door softly behind him.

I stay in the tub relaxing for an hour. My water was getting cold, so I had to get out. When I enter our room, I see he has laid out for me my favorite pair of fluffy pajamas on our bed. I put them on and make my way downstairs. I gather my papers on Ana, and cuddle up next to him on the couch. He's changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tight fitting t-shirt, reading a book. I can see his muscles through the shirt and ogle him for a few seconds.

I sigh as I look over Ana's information. He looks down to me from his book with a curious face.
"What's wrong?"
"My new patient, she's.... different." I answer
He pushes a piece of hair out of my face and pulls me closer by using the arm he has wrapped around my shoulder.
"Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to give any personal information about them, but cupcake you need to vent. I know that look." He says. He taps my head "You have to much up here, let it out." He coaxes me. I rest my head in the crook of his arm as I look at my notes.

"Her mother called me this morning asking if she could have an appointment with me and I just so happened to have one open. So, they came in and I noticed she was really shy. She's the sweetest little thing, and just as nice as she could be. I gave her a cookie and she gave half of it back to me to eat. She was quite hard to get information out of though. That's not even the weirdest part. She started crying because she thought I was mad at her for not telling me something that I hadn't even asked about. She turned to just complete fear. Almost like she thought I was going to hurt her. But, this little girl has been through so much. More than any of my other patients. It's horrible Jamie." I explain, I sit up and turn to face him, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I don't know if I can help her." I whisper. He sit up and hugs me.
"Everything is going to be alright. You can help her. I know it." He reassures me. I nod, gaining more confidence in myself. I remember the card Kirstin had given me and go get it, along with my laptop.

I sit back down next to Jamie and open my email. I quickly type a message to Kirstin, hoping she will agree.

"Hi, this is Ana's therapist, Melody Clark. I was wondering if I could meet with you regarding Ana. I am free anytime that works for you.

Melody Clark"

I read over my message and hit send. Within a few minutes she had replied.

"Hi, I was planning on taking Ana to the park tomorrow around ten, but we can meet there if you are okay with it.

Kirstin Maldonado"

I type my reply and read over it before I hit send.
"Okay, I will be there. Thanks. You are welcome to call me if you have any questions.

Melody Clark"

I close my laptop and put away my notes. I add some questions for Kirstin in my phone and snuggle up next to Jamie.
"Will you come with me to meet her mother? You don't need to stay with us, I can talk to her alone, but you can bring Nick to get exercise."
"Sure cupcake." He turns on a movie and makes a bowl of ice cream for us. He feeds me the sweet treat while we watch. After a while I start to fall asleep.
"Goodnight, cupcake. Love you."
"Love you, goodnight."
He carries me to bed and we snuggle until we both fall asleep.

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