Fifty Three-Sunset

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Adam and his family come over a little while after we get everything set up. The guys were already over. They had arrived just after Avi and Kirstin had changed. I was in the middle of a very intense dance session with me, myself, and I to some of their songs. Avi had joined me while Kirstin kept laughing at us. We stopped when the doorbell rung. Kirstin opened the door to reveal them all standing there. Mrs. Melody is holding a platter of beautiful cupcakes. Mr. Jamie is holding the plate we had brought over.

"Hi! Come on in." Kirstin greets them with her big bubbly smile. They say their 'hi's back and come in.
"I couldn't stand not bringing anything, so I made cupcakes." Mrs. Melody explains happily.
"Oh well thank you. Here, I can set them with the other desserts." Kirstin says, she takes them from Mrs. Melody and sets them by the other things we baked today.

They immediately go into conversation about how pretty our house is and I quickly get bored. I make my way over to all the guys outside who are being introduced to Adam. Kirstin and Mrs. Melody come over to us just as they begin introductions.

"Hi, I'm Kevin." Kevin signs and shakes his hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Mitch." Mitch signs and shakes his hand also.
"I'm Scott." Scott signs to him
"Avi, nice to meet you." Avi signs and shakes his hand like everyone else.

Adam is smiling so big as he meets them all. "I'm Adam." He says "So, you all know sign language?" He ask them, they all nod. It makes him smile wider.
"I love this family." He say triumphantly. We all laugh at his excitement. Kirstin turns on a string of lights hanging on the house for when it gets dark.
"Everyone ready for the pool?" Kirstin ask with excitement. We all cheer and respond with 'yeah' and 'yes' or 'let's go'.

Everyone makes their way to the edge of the pool and begins to strip to their swimsuits. My stomach flutters with butterflies at the thought of  getting undressed in front of Adam. I decide to wait until he's in the water so he doesn't see me all that well. I go get a drink and pretend to sip on it with Kirstin and Scott beside me. Avi, Kevin, Mrs. Melody, and Mr. Jamie have already gotten in.

Adam stands face toward to house as he takes off his shirt. As he pulls it off I watch from the corner of my eye as his shoulder muscles move as he does. Without a shirt all of us can clearly see how fit he is, even as a 15 year old. He has big biceps and broad shoulders. He lays his shirt on top of his mothers clothes and turns around. I blush slightly when I see his front. Scott chokes and sputters on his drink beside me. Kirstin pats his back as he struggles for a breath. No one else notices because they are having too much fun. I listen as Kirstin and him talk.

"What is your problem?" She laughs
He takes a big breath of air and looks at her like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"The kids has freaking abs, Kirstin." I hear him say, Kirstin giggles at him. They take one last sip of their drink and get undressed. Kirstin comes over to me smirking. She knows I saw Adam.

"He's cute." She teases me quietly. I blush more and take a sip of my drink. "Don't act all innocent, I saw you. Mrs. I'm gonna pretend to get a drink so I don't have to get undressed first." She teases me poking my sides. I blush more and poke her arm.
"Okay, but at least I'm subtle about it, unlike someone." I say giving her a hard time. Now it's her turn to blush. She goes to say something but stops. I smile because she knows I won.
"Hush." She jokes in defeat. I laugh at her and she goes to dive into the water. Scott watches her from the corner of the pool, clearly taking in her body. He snaps out of his daze when she hits the water.

I slowly get undressed because Adam is facing me, but I can't stall any longer. They will notice something is up if I stay out of the water. Adam glances to me as I pull off my top. He does a double take when he sees my body. I blush a lot more now and his cheeks turn red. I'm wearing my other bathing suit that doesn't cover my chest as much as the other. It's cute but slightly less modest. I'm not going to lie, it makes my boobs look good though.

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