Forty Six- Lunch

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A few days go by, Adam and meet everyday for two weeks except for Tuesday's. He was concerned when I didn't show up and immediately started texting me to make sure I was okay. I didn't want to tell him about my sessions with Melody so I told him I have something I have to do on Tuesday's. He understood that I didn't want to talk about it so he let it drop. We've become really close with each other. I've told him ALMOST everything about me, but I'm pretty sure he has told me everything about him. I'm not ready to tell him about my past though. I don't want to scare him away. I really like him and I think he likes me.

Mrs. Melody knows I met a boy, because she had noticed I had been happier the past two sessions. I didn't tell her his name because she wanted to keep it anonymous. She was happy for me that I made a friend. I had to explain to her, when she asked if I thought it could go into a relationship, that I want a relationship, but I'm terrified to let him get to close because I'm scared he will leave and I will end up hurt. Just like with everyone else in my past. She understood and wished me luck.

Today is a beautiful Saturday. Adam and I had been together ever since the morning. Kirstin had laughed when I practically skipped out the door after breakfast. I like Adam. He's handsome and nice. He also makes me laugh. No matter how I feel, he always brightens my mood.

We had decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to get a change of scenery from the park trees. We have been walking around for around three hours. We walked through all of the trails and are now circling the pond. There are ducks in the pond with baby ducks. I giggle at them and Adam laughs at my excitement.

"Look at the little ducks!" I sign, he chuckles at me and nods
"They're so adorable!" I sign to him. I do a little happy dance which makes him grin at me. My stomach growls and I look down to it with my hands across it.
"What's wrong?" He ask concerned about my sudden change
"Nothing, in just hungry." I clarify
He looks at his phone and checks the time. "I'm hungry too. Do you want to get lunch at my place? In sure my mom would love to meet you."
"But what if they don't like me?" I ask worriedly
He just grins "They'll like you. It's impossible not too. Everyone likes princesses." He says. He text someone and smiles after they text back. "My mom said you could come over." He wraps his arm around my waist and I don't pull away. My body tingles at his touch which makes me smile. I text Kirstin to let her know I'm going to his house for lunch. She says okay and for me to be careful.

Adam leads me down the road and past a few houses. He jumps up the steps of a two story brick house that has a pretty yard. It's not as close together with the other houses and has a bigger yard.
He doesn't knock on the door but goes straight in. He pulls me along with a smile.

Inside is a living room that has cream walls, two couches, a fire place, lots of pictures, but I'm to far away to make out the faces, a recliner and coffee, and side tables. I look around my surroundings and it's just like a regular house. A cozy vibe is given off by the home. It's clean and lively.

"Mom, I'm home." He yells, he motions for me to follow him, so I do. I'm lead to a kitchen where a lady is standing with her back faced to us making something.
"Mom this is my friend," he starts. Her body shape and hair is oddly familiar. She turns around and my smile instantly drops. My eyes go wide and my face looses all color.
"Ana!" She says happily, like it's the most normal thing to see your patient in your house.
"H-hi Mrs. Melody." I squeak out with a small wave.

Adam turns to me with a confused face. "You two know each other?" He ask. I give a small, frighten nod.
"How?" He ask
My heart drops when Melody starts to answer.
"She's one of my patients... are you okay honey?" She signs to him but ask me the last part. They both look at me which makes my anxiety worse.
"I-I'm fine." I choke out. She looks at me concernedly but says nothing more. Adams smile falters but quickly comes back. He shrugs it off and leads me to the counter. I sit down silently and play with my fingers nervously.

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