Ten- Story

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Mitch goes to his house to shower and Kirstie lets me take one first. She gets in when I get out, I read my book at the counter while she takes her shower. It's a great book, I'm about halfway done with it, but I can't seem to concentrate on it. My thoughts keep going back to the piano. I long to feel the coolness of the keys under my fingers, and to hear the enchanting melodies it releases. When she gets out she begins to prepare dinner.

"Would you like to stay the night again, tomorrow?" She ask while getting food out of the fridge.
"I-I don't think so." I say
"Why not?" She confusedly ask
"I don't want to be a bother. I really should have left today. Now that I think about it, I should get going." I say and get up from the counter. "Sorry I stayed for so long, you probably want me gone." I mumble

She hurriedly puts the food down and rushes to me.
"No, stay, please." She begs and sits me back in the chair.
At this point I'm totally confused, no one has ever asked me to stay with them. "You don't want me to leave?"
"Not at all. I don't want you out there just waiting for something else to happen to you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you go back out there."

I choose my next words carefully so I don't upset her. "These past two days have been the best days of my life, other than the getting raped part. That sucks. A lot. But, I actually feel safe for once. I got to eat great food, sleep in a bed, read a new book, swim, play the piano, I didn't even know I could do that." I say and get happier as I remember all that I've done here.

"Then stay!" She interrupts

"I can't, I would love to, but I can't." I notice there are tears in her eyes, but I keep talking before she can start. "You are very nice, one of the nicest and caring people that I have ever met and I will always be great full that you let me stay here. I don't want to stay here and be a bother on your life. When I agreed to come here I knew I wouldn't be able to stay forever because you would want me gone and now is my time to leave because this isn't my home. It's yours."

She is now crying and I'm close to it. "Please stay, please. I love having you here, and seeing you so happy makes me happy. You are like the daughter I never had. I like cooking for someone other than me, and not being alone all the time. I can't braid the guys hair or lay on the couch and read with them, but I can with you. I want you to stay so much." Her voice cracks as she talks. She takes a moment to dry her tears with a tissue.

"Really?" I whisper in shock. "I didn't think you cared that much."

"Yes baby, I do. My house is always open to you and even though I can't make you stay, I really want you too. You can live here for as long as you want. Please stay."
I'm silent for a while and think about what she says. "Okay," I say just loud enough for her to hear me.
"You'll stay?" She ask hopefully
I nod
She shoots from her chair and wraps me in a tight hug. We both cry on each other and sit there. After a few minutes we separate. She hands me a tissue to wipe off my face.
"Look at me, crying like a little kid." She says laughing a bit. I chuckle at her and finish wiping off my checks. "I need to finish cooking dinner, the guys will be here soon." She goes back around the counter and starts cooking again. I open my book and keep reading.

"How about we go shopping tomorrow?"
"Really?" I ask in shock, a big smile comes across my face.
"Yeah, I don't have many clothes that would fit you since you're much smaller than me, and you only have one more outfit that Scott got you, other than pajamas."
"What's wrong?"
"I-I thought you meant for you. I can't afford anything."
"Sweetie, I wouldn't make you pay for your clothes. I would pay. Just like how Scott didn't make you pay for the clothes he got you."
"I really like the clothes he got me."
"Scott has really good taste, so does Mitch. They are all the time helping the people who design our outfits for our concerts."
"Not trying to be mean or anything, but is Mitch gay?"
"Yes, does it bother you?"
"NO! No, I was just wondering." I say frantically

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