Thirty Six- Jenny

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We gather around on the couches. Kirstin, Ana and Avi on one, Mitch and Kevin on another, and Jenny is with me on the last one. She's glowing with happiness.

"You must be Jenny." Kirstin greets her
"Yes, I love you guys." She squeaks in delight. We all chuckle at her and I try to get the conversation going.
"So how old are you?"
"I will be eighteen next month."
"Oh wow, you are young." Kevin says
"I skipped a few grades in middle school." She explains
"I wish I could have done that." Avi jokes
"It wasn't easy, trust me."

"Do you watch Superfruit?" I ask
Her face lights up again. "All the time. I love your music videos too."
"Thanks." We all say
"You actually read my tweet on your Big News video. I was Jenny H." She explains
"Oh I remember that. You asked if we were going on tour." Mitch says she nods to him

"Um we do ask that you could not tell anyone about us being dentist and doctors." Avi says, we were going to have to say it anyways.
"Sure." She agrees
"It's not that we don't want our fans to know, it's just because we don't want a lot of fans trying to come here just to see us. It's not fair to the people who actually need help and there is no telling what they might do to themselves to have an excuse to come." Kevin explains

"Oh I totally understand. I didn't even know you were here. My roommate forced me to come." She admits the last part shamefully. "My old dentist wasn't very nice. As I got older I found it was easier to skip my appointments because I was scared he would hurt me again."
"Your old dentist used to hurt you?" I say concernedly, she nods

"Yeah, he's in jail now. He was really nice but I think his wife died and he got all mean. Apparently, he got away with hurting people for years, until someone finally reported him. He lost his dental licenses and was sentenced to life in jail. He did all of his procedures without numbing people I think." She takes a break and sighs before continuing.   

"The authorities say he confessed to everything during trial. He even admitted to being an alcoholic and doing it to his daughter in their home and abusing her. There was something about her running  away from him when she was ten or eleven, but they never found her. Most people assumed she died or went to different family members. That's all I know about. I have no clue if it's true about his daughter, but he definitely hurt people." She explains sadly

Everyone looks over to Ana who has a shocked expression. "His name. What was his name?" She ask staring intently at Jenny
"I don't know, I think it started with a H. Harris, Henry, I don't know."
"Harper." Ana says coldly
Jenny perks up at the name. "Yes! That was it. Dr. Harper!" She exclaims excitedly

All of our faces fall and look at Ana. "Oh my god." Kirstin whispers. Ana's face is stone cold. Not moving or showing any emotion.
"The stuff about the daughter. It's true, but she's not dead." Ana tells her. I can tell she is remembering what her father did to her by her expression. It's the same one she had a few minutes ago in the exam room.
"How do you know?" Jenny pushes.

Ana looks up from her lap to Jenny. Almost crying, the tears threaten to spill but other than that no emotion.
"Because I'm the daughter." She says bluntly. Jenny looks shocked beyond comparison. We are all dead silent. No one dares to speak.
"My father was angry after my mother died, so he took it out on other people. I knew he did it to others, and I didn't like that. I thought if I let him do it to me instead then he would stop hurting his patients. I was stupid. God I was stupid." She trails off. Kirstin comforts her as we all listen. All of us too scared to say thing in fear that she might stop.

"He turned our basement into his torture room for me. He hit me and did all his dentist stuff drunk. As soon as he started the first time I regretted telling him to do it to me instead. He never stoped hurting other people, but instead gained a new one that he could hurt any time he wanted. I ran away the day after he hurt me the most. I lived on the streets until they found me." She says, she gives us a small smile when saying the last part.

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