Stood up

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I sat on my bed waiting for him to come. I had already texted the others saying that I was going to fix this and that he was coming over. The hours ticked by but I didn't pay attention, I just waited. "Sweetie? What are you doing up its one in the morning." My mom appeared in the doorway. I looked at her and smiled weakly. "Sorry. I was waiting for Luke to come, but apparently his piece of crap girlfriend is more important." My anger was boiling up and I was about to burst. My mom nodded and thought for a second, obviously seeing that saying the wrong thing would make me explode. "Ask Calum to just go with you somewhere, he will be up for it. Just getaway from the house for a while, that always helped me." She smiled softly at me when I didn't explode and just pulled out my phone. "Mom that's brilliant, thank you so much." She left to her room and I raced down to the living room.

I pulled up Calum's phone number and hit call. It rang a few times before I heard Calum's groggy voice. "Hello?" "Hey, it's Cierra will you go for a drive with me?" "Seriously, it's one in the morning." "I really need this I'm ticked at Luke he was supposed to come over so we could clear this problem up, but he blew me off." "Ugh, that a$$hole," Calum muttered into the phone. "So you're going to come? I can pick you up." I crossed my fingers as I asked. "Yeah, I'll come. It's not like I have anything better to do like sleep." "Great, see you in ten." I grabbed the car keys and rushed out the door.


This had better be one freaking epic night. I thought to myself as I climbed into the only car on the street. She laughed after she took one look at me. "What?" I asked her. "You look more like a zombie than Michael Jackson did in the thriller music video," she giggled. "Just drive," I told her as I flicked her arm. "Gladly," she stuck her tongue out at me.

I personally found it crazy how she could act all smiles and happy while her and her best friend were being torn apart. we went to the mall and immediately went to the food court. We both got bacon cheeseburgers and pop. She pulled her hair up out of her brown eyes with a spare hair tie that she always had. She gave me a soft smile but it wasn't real. I could see the sadness in her eyes. She started sipping her soda so I decided to make her spit it out. "There's a guy that looks like a balloon over there," I said randomly. She covered her mouth to catch the coke as it spewed out of her mouth. She picked up a napkin and wiped off her mouth. She looked back and started laughing. she quickly covered her face in her hands to hide it. "Wow Calum, just wow." "Try to tell me I'm wrong without lying." I had been telling the truth, there was a guy that was so fat he looked like a balloon. "I can't, but that's mean." She uncovered her face and took a bite of her burger that was giant even for me. "My god," I told her pointing at the giant hole where she had taken a bite. "Whatever just-," she stopped talking and her mouth just hung. She stared at something behind me and I got worried. I turned see Luke with his girlfriend sitting across the food court. I heard her chair scratch across the floor. She soon appeared in my vision, she was storming over to them with her hamburger in hand. I quickly got out of my chair and raced to catch up to her. I tried to hold her back but I was too late. "Really Luke," she screamed. He turned and his eyes went wide. "Stay out of this bi$&@," Jade spat at her. She took her burger and dumped it on Jade's head. "Luke she's cheating on you, but I already know that you won't believe me because you're an idiot! Even if I show you the proof you'll deny it and just say I'm jealous!" "That's because you are," Luke screamed while brushing some sesame seeds out of Jades hair. "You're jealous that you are alone while I'm in a relationship." I got in between them and glared at Luke. Cierra was close to rage and tears, I needed to get her away from him. "That's not it Luke, it never has been that. The reason has been very obvious but your eyes are shut pretty tight." I grabbed Cierra's hand and dragged her away.

She became a wreck in the car. She was in the passengers side and had her head on the dashboard. It was kinda an awkward situation and I didn't really know what to do. I hesitantly put a hand on her back and rubbed it and her shoulders shuddered as she let out a sob. "Can we just get out of here," she begged. She leaned back in her seat and took out her ponytail. I started the car and drove out of the parking-lot.

I drove her to my house and stepped out of the car. She slowly got out and zipped up her hoodie. "Lets have a movie marathon, we can watch The Heat. She looked at me with wide happy eyes. "Bring me to the TV," she said kinda creepily. We ran in to the house to my room.


I would have flipped out if it hadn't been for Calum being there. We sat on his bed and watched possibly the funniest movie ever. He hugged me to his side with an arm around my waist. The movie ended and we sat in silence for a second. "You okay," he asked me. I looked up at him. His concerned eyes looked down at me taking in my sad face. "Yeah I will be." "Good, no offense but the other day at band practice you sucked." I glared at him "Gee, that makes me feel soooo much better. You're right though, but I always do." "Whatever, you rule at drums." He stooped his head and kissed the top of my head. "Lets get some sleep now," he smiled at me and move off away from me. He then proceeded to lay his head on my stomach. After what he did for me tonight I allowed it to happen without hitting him.

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